
During World War II, the German army used wood to repair the fake airfield, and the British army saw through it and calculated it, and the German army was stunned on the spot

Soldiers, tricksters also. This is the battlefield experience summed up by the ancients a thousand years ago. In the rapidly changing battlefield, it is the most important thing to seize the initiative of the fighter, make good use of reasonable strategies, and make timely decisions.

During World War II, the German army used wood to repair the fake airfield, and the British army saw through it and calculated it, and the German army was stunned on the spot

For thousands of years, there have been many examples of these soldiers not being tired of deception, and in 633 BC, the State of Chu attacked the State of Song, and the State of Song asked the State of Jin for help. In the end, the war burned between the Chu and Jin states, and the famous Battle of Chengpu broke out.

When The king of the Jin dynasty, Zhong'er, was still the crown prince, he fled to the Chu state because of persecution, and was taken in by the king of Chu for good life. At that time, the king of Chu asked Zhong'er, if he became the monarch in the future, how would he repay the Chu state? Heavy ear replied that when the two armies fought, the Jin army would retreat and avoid it.

During World War II, the German army used wood to repair the fake airfield, and the British army saw through it and calculated it, and the German army was stunned on the spot

So, in the Battle of Chengpu, when the soldiers of the Chu and Jin dynasties met each other, did the heavy ear fulfill its promise? In fact, it did materialize, and he ordered the Jin army to retreat 90 miles. However, later, the uncle with heavy ears reminded him that you are dead on the battlefield, and the way of a gentleman cannot win the war. Therefore, Zhong'er changed his previous strategy, pretended to retreat and waited for an opportunity to ambush, and finally won the Battle of Chengpu with less, becoming the hegemon of the Spring and Autumn Period.

On the battlefield of World War II, it is not uncommon for soldiers to be tired of cheating, the most famous of which is the game when the Germans and the British were at war. At that time, in order to confuse the British army, the German army built a fake airfield, all the aircraft in the airport were made of wood, even the buildings in the airport were made of wood, and the real fighters were hidden by the German army in a rather hidden position.

During World War II, the German army used wood to repair the fake airfield, and the British army saw through it and calculated it, and the German army was stunned on the spot

Since there would be no high-definition aerial satellites and photographic techniques, from a distance, these wooden aircraft would be no different from real aircraft. The British scouts were not careful and could easily fall for the Germans.

But the British Scouts are not vegetarians, after all, it will be the British Air Force after Germany, the second in the world. After carefully surveying the German airfield, they found a flaw. So he decided to do the math, and do it in the other way, and give it back to the other.

During World War II, the German army used wood to repair the fake airfield, and the British army saw through it and calculated it, and the German army was stunned on the spot

On this day, in order to play the role, the British specially sent a fighter plane to bomb the German fake airfield. This pleased the Germans and meant that their plan had succeeded. After circling a few times above, the fighter dropped a number of bombs. But a few minutes later, the Germans were collectively dumbfounded.

It turned out that watching this bomb drop, but it did not explode for a long time. The Germans also thought that the British had invented some new type of artillery shell, so they sent people to investigate the facts. Unexpectedly, after arriving at the fake airport, the Germans saw the shells on the ground, and they were all made of wood!

During World War II, the German army used wood to repair the fake airfield, and the British army saw through it and calculated it, and the German army was stunned on the spot

Only then did they understand that the British had already seen through their little tricks. In response, fake shells were made to hit their fake airport. Seeing that the British were so shrewd, the Germans had to remove the fake airfield in a gray way, and never used this trick again.

However, the later British army did use this trick. In the North African battlefield, there was a war magician named Jasper Muskelin in the British army, who used the magic of light to perfectly reproduce the British port of Alexandria in North Africa, and this fake Alexandria successfully deceived the Luftwaffe who came to attack at night, causing them to lose hundreds of shells in vain.

During World War II, the German army used wood to repair the fake airfield, and the British army saw through it and calculated it, and the German army was stunned on the spot

It is said that when he learned that the bombing was fake Alexandria, Hitler was furious and scolded the Luftwaffe on the mission as a rice bucket. So, how did jasper Muskelin implement the tactics of not getting tired of soldiers, so that the Germans who came to attack believed in the fake port? And listen to the author's next breakdown.

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