
Tesla humanoid robots, logistics warehouse robots, which positions of humans will be replaced?

In 2022, artificial intelligence can be expected to move to a new level,

Intelligent robots will have smooth skin like humans,

Or be able to do the most difficult truck unloading work in the warehouse,

Not only can it accomplish repetitive work, but it can also have a unique personality.

Do you worry about jobs being replaced by robots in front of the screen?

Tesla humanoid robots, logistics warehouse robots, which positions of humans will be replaced?

Tesla humanoid robots were developed at the end of the year

Tesla CEO Musk said in a recent interview with robotics scientist Fredman that Tesla robots will not only be humanoid robots that can complete repetitive tasks, it may have its own personality and become a human partner, of course, it did not explicitly disclose the Tesla robot listing arrangement, but said that it is expected that "a good prototype product will be developed before the end of the year."

As a technology company, robots are also within the scope of Tesla's research, in the Tesla AI day, Musk announced Tesla "humanoid robot", about 1.75 meters tall, weighing 56 kilograms, made of "lightweight materials", looks smoother than human skin.

Tesla humanoid robots, logistics warehouse robots, which positions of humans will be replaced?

Musk introduced that the robot shares the AI system of Tesla Motors, and Musk believes that it makes sense to put the supercomputer that helps train cars to navigate the streets of cities without human help.

The robot's face has a screen that displays specific information, and it also has hands at the level of human activity, and both feet can sense and feedback, achieve balance and agile movements, and can run up to 8 km / h at speeds. As a humanoid robot that can complete repetitive tasks, it helps to solve the labor shortage problem.

Asked in an interview if he was considering making Tesla robots human partners, Musk said, "There are endless possibilities, and it will make perfect sense to develop humanoid robots that can help humans." ”

Boston Dynamics launches the Strectch warehouse robot

With COVID-19 putting pressure on global supply chains, the logistics industry is looking to automation to help keep workers healthy and safe and improve their efficiency. But many warehouses are not suitable for traditional automation, they need a new generation of robots that are smarter and more flexible, able to handle changing work content.

Now, Boston Dynamics' new robot, the Strectch, can move heavy boxes where they need to be as quickly as experienced warehouse workers.

Tesla humanoid robots, logistics warehouse robots, which positions of humans will be replaced?

With its single gigantic arm, gripper with sensor and suction cup arrays, and an all-round moving base, Stretch can transfer boxes weighing up to 50 pounds (23 kilograms) from the back of the truck to a conveyor belt at 800 cases per hour for 16 hours before they need to be charged.

Boston Dynamics says truck unloading is one of the hardest jobs in a warehouse, and multiple Streach robots can improve the efficiency of human workers by an order of magnitude. The full-time job of a human employee becomes a supervising robot instead of carrying a heavy box all day.

The robot, which operates inside a truck or trailer, also helps to safely isolate the Sketch from people working nearby, and in the long run, the robot will be flexible enough to use its box-carrying expertise wherever it's needed.

Don't want to be replaced, start acting now!

Back in 2013, large-scale applications of AI were just science fiction, with Oxford university scholars Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne studying and publishing research on 702 occupations in the same year – 47% of which will be replaced by AI in the next 10 to 20 years.

So, what jobs will not be or difficult to replace?

Don't engage in work skills that can be easily replaced by machines and that can be acquired through repetitive practice. According to the AI Lab report, the artificial intelligence gap reached 1.1 million in 2019, of which the field covers algorithms, deep learning, natural language processing and other aspects, and this gap will increase to 5.94 million in 2022.

When it comes to jobs, algorithms and machine deep learning are destined to become hot jobs. Because whether it is the drive of the product or the addition of functional attributes, these two are indispensable.

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Tesla humanoid robots, logistics warehouse robots, which positions of humans will be replaced?
Tesla humanoid robots, logistics warehouse robots, which positions of humans will be replaced?

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