
Musk demanded a 25% increase in Tesla's shares, otherwise it would divest AI and robotics

Musk demanded a 25% increase in Tesla's shares, otherwise it would divest AI and robotics

IT House

2024-05-21 09:31Posted on the official account of Shandong IT Home

IT Home reported on May 21 that Elon Musk's simple "Yes" reply has aroused widespread attention from the outside world.

IT Home attached a screenshot of the tweet from the source @Teslaconomics, saying that Elon Musk wants to control 25% of Tesla's voting rights, demanding that domestic companies be re-incorporated in Texas, and asking for approval of the previous compensation package, otherwise the company will be spun off with AI and robotics.

Musk demanded a 25% increase in Tesla's shares, otherwise it would divest AI and robotics

If Tesla's board of directors agrees, Musk will continue to push the company forward with the goal of becoming the largest company in the world.

Musk believes that AI and robotics are key to Tesla. Since Tesla is a publicly traded company, these parts belong to the shareholders.

Assuming the current vote doesn't go as planned, Tesla could spin off the AI & Robotics company into another company, but still be owned by all employees.

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  • Musk demanded a 25% increase in Tesla's shares, otherwise it would divest AI and robotics

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