
He was the son of Chiang Kai-shek, and he took advantage of the poor information of Japan's surrender and made a lot of money by speculating!

Chiang Kai-shek, presumably everyone has heard of him, is a political figure and military figure known to Chinese people in modern times, who once held various important positions such as president of the Kuomintang and chairman of the National Government, and was a prominent figure in history. So does his son Jiang Weiguo understand?

He was the son of Chiang Kai-shek, and he took advantage of the poor information of Japan's surrender and made a lot of money by speculating!

According to Jiang Weiguo's autobiography, we learn that this figure once took advantage of the poor information of Japan's surrender and made a lot of money by speculating. So what is going on here, let's take a closer look.

Chiang Kai-shek had two sons, one was Chiang Ching-kuo, who was the eldest son, and the other was Chiang Wei-kuo, the second son. However, according to the records in Chiang Kai-shek's personally written diary and the description in Chiang Weiguo's autobiography "A Thousand Mountains Alone - Jiang Weiguo's Life Journey", we can know that in fact, Chiang Weiguo was not Chiang Kai-shek's biological son, his biological father was Chiang Kai-shek's good friend Dai Jitao, and his mother was a Japanese woman.

He was the son of Chiang Kai-shek, and he took advantage of the poor information of Japan's surrender and made a lot of money by speculating!

In fact, Jiang Weiguo was born with his mother, but later because of the compulsion of life, he went to Dai Jitao, but because Dai Jitao's wife was a powerful character, he was afraid of his wife at home, afraid that she would be punished because she was with other women, so he did not dare to recognize Jiang Weiguo, so he entrusted him to Chiang Kai-shek to raise him. Chiang Kai-shek did not refuse, and regarded it as his own and loved it very much.

Jiang Weiguo was born in 1916, is a soldier, has been to germany Munich Officer School for further study, but also to the United States Army Air Corps Tactical School studied, known as the "father of American armor", has a lot of research on the military, served as the head of the Kuomintang armored corps and other positions. He participated in the Blitzkrieg war launched against Poland in World War II, also participated in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and was a patriot who worked hard for the reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. His research on the military is still relatively deep, and he is called "military strategist" by the military, and he has authored works such as "Introduction to National Strategy", "Basic Principles of Military Affairs", "Introduction to National Defense System" and so on.

He was the son of Chiang Kai-shek, and he took advantage of the poor information of Japan's surrender and made a lot of money by speculating!

In August 1945, after many years of resistance against Japan, Japan was defeated and surrendered. Because communication information was not developed at that time, there were very few people with radios, and the news of Hanzhong in Shaanxi Province, where Jiang Weiguo was located, was relatively closed, so the news of Japan's defeat and surrender in the war had not yet spread rapidly. Jiang Weiguo was a battalion commander at that time, and as the son of Chairman Chiang Kai-shek, his status was relatively high, so he had a radio he carried with him; when he first received the news of Japan's unconditional surrender, he was very calm, did not cheer and celebrate, nor did he spread the news on a large scale, but gathered everyone to pool money, hoarded a large amount of military salaries, and sent people to the street shops to buy cigarettes, alcohol, meat, firecrackers and other items needed for celebration. At that time, the sellers thought that the Kuomintang had fought a big victory to celebrate, so even if the shops were sold out, they did not care too much.

When the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the announcement of the surrender of the Japanese army came, all the people in the city cheered and rejoiced and went to the shops to buy something to celebrate. Due to the small number of things, but the number of people in the city, the price of the goods soon rose, and it was soon sold out. But the news of Japan's defeat and surrender was so exciting that the people said that they had to find a way to celebrate, after all, they had finally driven out the Japanese after all kinds of difficulties and dangers.

He was the son of Chiang Kai-shek, and he took advantage of the poor information of Japan's surrender and made a lot of money by speculating!

When the goods outside were sold out, Jiang Weiguo took out the items hoarded and purchased by the military camp and sold them, and the people were so happy that they did not care so much, even if they paid a high price, they had to go to Jiang Weiguo's camp to buy things to celebrate. Therefore, Jiang Weiguo seized this opportunity and took advantage of the news of Japan's surrender to make a fortune, which shows that he is not only a military talent, but also a very business-minded person.

This incident of his was widely circulated and recorded in his autobiography, showing that he acknowledged it and was proud of it. Although some people may think that this is a bit of a meaning of making a fortune, not everyone can have such wisdom, and not everyone can seize such an opportunity to make a lot of money, and after making money, Jiang Weiguo paid twice the military salary to the soldiers in the camp.

He was the son of Chiang Kai-shek, and he took advantage of the poor information of Japan's surrender and made a lot of money by speculating!

Jiang Weiguo was born and raised in the war years, so his mind was used to learn armor knowledge, aviation knowledge, and study military strategy from the military. If he had been born in peacetime, with his brilliant business acumen, he would have become a good businessman. It can be said that smart people are going to shine in any era, and may we become luminous people.

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