
After Yue Fei's death, three generations were not Song generals, and the Qing Dynasty produced three tiger generals in a row, and after laying down a million territory, he was sentenced to death!

In 1141, after more than ten years of Song-Jin war, the Jin state was no longer able to go south to destroy the Song, and the Song army at this time, led by famous generals such as Wu Jie, Yue Fei, Han Shizhong and Zhang Jun, repeatedly defeated the Jin people, and Wang Shi was just around the corner. But Zhao Shuo had no intention of going north at all, first, he was worried about ushering in the Second Emperor of Qin and Hui, and his seat was not easy to sit on, and second, because Zhao Shuo had no son, he felt that he was busy for half a day and gave his family property to others, and under this pathological psychology, he actively advocated peace.

After Yue Fei's death, three generations were not Song generals, and the Qing Dynasty produced three tiger generals in a row, and after laying down a million territory, he was sentenced to death!

In this way, under the condition that the Jin people "must kill Yue Fei, and then he can succeed", Qin Ju tried every means to collect the charges and wanted to put Yue Fei to death, and Yue Fei's confession paper only had eight words-"Tian ri Zhao Zhao, Tian Ri Zhao Zhao".

After Yue Fei's death, three generations were not Song generals, and the Qing Dynasty produced three tiger generals in a row, and after laying down a million territory, he was sentenced to death!

Yue Fei had a total of five sons, the eldest son Yue Yun and Yue Fei were killed together, and the second son, Yue Lei, had not yet waited for rehabilitation, and was depressed in exile. The remaining sons, Yue Lin, Yue Zhen, and Yue Ting, also fled and were reunited after their father and brother were rehabilitated, but Yue Fei's two generations of descendants held civilian positions, not military generals.

After hundreds of years, at the time of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Yue family produced three generations of famous generals, namely Yue Fei's 19th Sun Yue Zhenbang, the 20th Sun Yue Shenglong and the 21st Sun Yue Zhongqi. Yue Shenglong once accompanied Kangxi to personally conquer Geldan and served as the viceroy of Sichuan. Among the three generations of this grandchild, it is counted that this 21st grandson Yue Zhongqi has the highest prestige and the official has done the most.

After Yue Fei's death, three generations were not Song generals, and the Qing Dynasty produced three tiger generals in a row, and after laying down a million territory, he was sentenced to death!

Yue Zhongqi was active in the Three Dynasties of Kangyongqian, and fought countless battles throughout his life, pacifying an area of at least more than one million square kilometers in the northwest and southwest, and the Qianlong Emperor praised "the three dynasties division and military subjects, and Zhong Qi as a giant". The original meaning of the giant is thumbs up, which means that Yue Zhongqi ranks first among the three dynasties martial generals.

After Yue Fei's death, three generations were not Song generals, and the Qing Dynasty produced three tiger generals in a row, and after laying down a million territory, he was sentenced to death!

During the Kangxi Dynasty, Yue Zhongqi was promoted to the rank of deputy general of the Sichuan Yongning Association to follow the fourteen brothers fuyuan generals to fight, and Yue Zhongqi used both fu and used along the way, Enwei and Shi, and made great military achievements.

After Yue Fei's death, three generations were not Song generals, and the Qing Dynasty produced three tiger generals in a row, and after laying down a million territory, he was sentenced to death!

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, all his brothers were suppressed, and Nian Qianyao became the general of Fuyuan and went out to Qinghai, and Yue Zhongqi, who was already the viceroy of Sichuan at this time, accompanied the army as a deputy general of Zhenxi. This time, Yue Zhongqi's Yue family army broke the rebel army, and also captured the family members of the rebel leader alive, basically eliminating the decades-long rebellion in the northwest, and the Yongzheng Emperor was very happy, and let Yue Zhongqi concurrently serve as the inspector of Gansu and supervise the military and political leaders of Gansu and Qinghai.

In the middle and early period of the Qing Dynasty, when the dynasty was still very jealous of reusing Hanchen military generals, And Yue Zhongqi alone took over the military and political power in the northwest, and naturally suffered criticism. Coupled with the example of Yue Zhongqi's ancestor Yue Fei, Yue Zhongqi trembled and trembled, like walking on thin ice.

After Yue Fei's death, three generations were not Song generals, and the Qing Dynasty produced three tiger generals in a row, and after laying down a million territory, he was sentenced to death!

The news reached Yongzheng's ears, and Yongzheng said to him: "For several years, Zhong Qi's people have not only slandered the book, but even said that Zhong Qi was a descendant of Yue Fei, and wanted to avenge Song and Jin. Zhong Qimao was honored, and he was entrusted with important land and heavily armed... This rumor-monger not only slandered the minister, but also slandered the military and people of Sichuan and Shaanxi for rebellion. Yongzheng ostensibly scolded the rumor-mongering minister, but in fact he was secretly jealous of Yue Zhongqi.

After Yue Fei's death, three generations were not Song generals, and the Qing Dynasty produced three tiger generals in a row, and after laying down a million territory, he was sentenced to death!

At that time, many people hoped that someone could stand up against the Qing and restore the Ming, Yue Zhongqi, as a descendant of Yue Fei, had someone to persuade him to oppose the Qing and restore the Ming Dynasty and re-resist "Jin", Yue Zhongqi pretended to agree, induced confessions, and finally reported to Yongzheng together. The Yongzheng Emperor was furious when he heard this, and Yue Zhongqi not only failed to show his loyalty, but was instead imprisoned and sentenced to "beheading". In the end, Yongzheng remembered his merits and changed it to "Beheading the Prison Marquis".

It was not until the early years of Qianlong that Yue Zhongqi was re-activated and successfully rebelled again. In the nineteenth year of Qianlong, Yue Zhongqi fell ill and died in the army at the age of sixty-eight, and the Qianlong Emperor gave him the title of "Xiangqin".

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