
Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

At the end of the 19th century, a giant bandit named Du Lisan appeared in the northeast, in order to harm the four townships, and the people were afraid of him like a plague god. At that time, Xu Shichang of the Qing Dynasty was in charge of the northeast, and every day he had a headache to get rid of him, and many ways were useless.

Later, even the Tsarist Russia at that time was afraid that he was afraid enough, and several consecutive battles with Du Lisan were all lost soldiers, and when some Tsarist Soldiers fought with each other, they even cursed each other and said that they went out to meet Du Lisan, which shows how much they are afraid of Du Lisan.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

Avenge his father and kill his uncle

Du Lisan was originally from Tianjin, and his ancestors broke into the Guandong and settled in Liaozhong County. Judging from the situation of breaking into the Kanto Region, it is estimated that the life of the ancestors was not good.

After arriving in the northeast, most people live by farming, and they eat safely and steadily.

However, his father was also a master who did not do the right thing, did not plant well, was good and lazy, and had nothing to do, and later, he felt that when the bandits had food to eat, they had a very dashing life, and simply went up the mountain to become a bandit.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

Du Lisan grew up in such a family, and he must have been a bandit habit.

Sure enough, when he was 12 years old, he also followed his father as a bandit, and under the influence of his father, he was fierce and fierce, always doing something harmful to nature and reason, and the local people hated him.

It's not a good time to be a bandit. Because, at that time, the Qing government was fiercely attacking, and the bandits were not good at living. There are some dens of thieves, in order to survive, simply disband the people first, disperse them back to each house, and then gather when the wind is not tight.

Du Lisan's father also returned home. However, the government's pursuit of them did not stop. They posted notices, rewarded those who reported thieves, and were highly confidential.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

Moreover, they have long oppressed the common people and hated them, so they rushed to report secretly, and many thieves were arrested.

What Du Lisan's father did not expect was that the person who denounced him was actually his own brother.

He was also a lazy guy who was fascinated by the huge bounty and quietly told the government where his brother was hiding. As a result, the father was taken away by the government and executed a few days later.

One night when Du Lisan was 16 years old, his uncle took the idea of Du Lisan's mother and wanted to take her over and then sell her.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

The humiliated mother told Du Lisan about the past and the events of that night, and Du Lisan was furious, and that night he took a knife and gathered several people and directly killed all of his uncle's family.

Suddenly, he ran into such a big disaster, and his family could not stay any longer, so he ran directly to the mountain and officially began his career as a bandit.

Du Lisan was even more vicious than his father, fighting without life, and killing people without blinking an eye.

He was also indiscriminate, and he could do whatever the bandit leader told him. Later, many bandits on the mountain were afraid of him, and he slowly became the leader of the bandits.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

Constantly expanding its power

It should be said that although Du Lisan has done a lot of evil, he is not a reckless man, his heart is still quite heavy, and he has left his own back hand for everything.

He knew very well that bandits could only be temporary, and there was only one way in the future: Zhao'an. Otherwise, the scattered gang is certain, and the fate of the bandits in the past dynasties is mostly like this.

However, how many days of happy life they can live as bandits still depends on their strength. Strong strength, then be more, the strength is not good, it will not be long.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

Therefore, after becoming the leader of the bandits, Du Lisan expanded his sphere of influence while recruiting thugs and constantly strengthening his strength.

It is said that he had at most 200 guns on the hill, and more than 400 horses scattered everywhere, and in today's terms, it was enough to form a cavalry battalion.

Du Lisan's three selections are even more ingenious, his concept is not to be a bandit, and when you are a bandit, you can't be afraid of death.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

Therefore, anyone who wants to go into the mountain to do it under his command will be interviewed by him, and his interview method is even more ruthless, so that the person who goes up the mountain will have an egg on his head, and then he will aim and shoot, and if a shot hits an egg or does not hit the egg, and does not hit the head, the person will stay, and the person who is killed will die.

Many people who went up the mountain lost their lives because of Du Li's three bullets. However, it is rumored that Du Lisan's marksmanship is particularly accurate, 10 hits 9, which is in the bandits, the marksmanship is considered cattle.

Du Lisan has expanded his own territory even more. He fixed his activities in the area of Huangshatuo Town in Tai'an County and Zhujiafang Town in Liaozhong County, where officers and soldiers rarely came, and the only scattered soldiers stationed here were also paid to settle down and be at peace.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

In order to really control this place and make this place his long-term place, he first collected protection fees from house to house, beat them to death if he did not pay them, and killed them when he resisted, and soon he controlled here.

Then began to collect rent, the family has land, less than 5 acres of land to pay a piece of ocean, between 5 acres and 10 acres, pay 2 oceans.

Later, he forcibly occupied 800 acres of fertile land for his own use.

There are many legends of Du Lisan in this area, some are spread well, some are bad, and many worse than good. So, as a big bandit, how could he still have the common people pass on his benefits?

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

Legend has it that he built water conservancy here, not only expanding the river channel, but also reinforcing the embankment, so some people record that he was credited.

However, after repairing the river channel, what is his starting point? Is it really for the welfare of the people? Don't be fooled by his sheepskin appearance.

This is the case. His fertile fields were in low-lying areas, and as soon as the Liao River rose, it flooded over and flooded the ground.

He forced every family to work hard to build the river, and he did not forget to sing praises for himself and build the river for the people, but in fact he was purely for himself.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

Monopoly on liaohe transportation

Doolisan's ranks of bandits grew larger and larger. Fighting, killing, robbing and robbing these things could no longer satisfy his appetite.

This year, he was optimistic about a livelihood, that is, Liaohe Transportation. At that time, western Liaoning was black land, the grain harvest was very good, the remaining grain in the local area had to be transported to the outside world, and the main way of transportation was to rely on the Liao river water transportation.

Du Lisan soon discovered this business opportunity. Therefore, he bought the government office and set up a checkpoint at the liaohe river crossing. Nominally, it is to check whether the grain shipped by each ship is overweight and whether there is a safety risk.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

In fact, they do not check the passing ships, no matter what they pull, each ship 5 pieces of ocean

After a trip to pay money, there are many small ships to transport this trip to earn a dozen yuan, and the round-trip toll is 10 yuan, the boat owner is miserable, and some ship owners simply do not buy and sell.

Relying on such a skillful and arrogant seizure, he quickly accumulated a large amount of wealth, recruited troops, bought horses, purchased weapons, and became more and more powerful, and his checkpoints were set up more and more, and the scope of control over the Liao River became wider and wider.

At that time, Tsarist Russia drove Japan out of the Liaodong Peninsula and launched large-scale construction, and when building the railway from Harbin to Lushun, many materials had to be transported through the Liao River.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

The Russians thought that they were foreigners, and that their strength here should not be underestimated, and they felt that Du Lisan would not stop their ship

。 However, no matter who you are, as long as you cross the river, you will have to pay money, and the Russians are not convinced, so they send troops to clean him up.

The Russians thought that Du Lisan was a bandit leader, and the bandits who led them were a ragtag bunch, vulnerable. But they were completely wrong, because Of His strength and large numbers, Du Lisan knew the terrain of this area very well, and after a few fights with Tsarist Russia, he directly beat Tsarist Russia to his knees. On the worst day, more than thirty people died.

Later, every time he fought with Du Lisan, he returned home with a feather, simply paid the protection fee, and never provoked him again.

So, is Du Lisan really so powerful? No, he had Japanese people behind him to support him.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

The Japanese were driven out of the Liaodong Peninsula and hated Tsarist Russia, so they supported Du Lisan behind their backs, and gave money and guns, and Du Lisan's power became more and more powerful.

As a result, Tsarist Russia and Doolisan fought several battles and were beaten to run away, and it can be said that the Japanese here "contributed a lot" to it.

Zhang Zuolin shot

Du Lisan's power was getting bigger and bigger, and the people's resentment was getting bigger and bigger, and Xu Shichang's government was anxious. If it is not suppressed, the official government in the northeast can be regarded as a decoration by the common people.

However, Du Lisan is now getting stronger and stronger, with the support of the Japanese, and the number of teams in various places is no less than thousands, and there is no certainty of victory in the hard fight.

Xu Shichang, the governor of the northeast, wanted to come and go, or he still wanted to capture the thief first. Remove Du Lisan first, and his team will disperse. However, after so many years of suppressing him, he had not succeeded, and this matter was not so easy.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

At this time, he thought of Zhang Zuolin. Zhang Zuolin was also an important bandit leader at that time, but it was not as big as Du Lisan's. Xu Shichang first took a shot at him and recruited Zhang Zuolin.

Zhang Zuolin had just been recruited and became a patrol leader of the guerrilla horse brigade in front of the road, equivalent to the deputy battalion commander of the current unit.

It wasn't long before he was promoted to Pipe Belt, the current battalion commander. Zhang Zuolin's dream is not just a battalion-level cadre, he also wants to be a bigger official.

Xu Shichang found out Zhang Zuolin's thoughts, so he found him and promised him that if Du Lisan could be eliminated, he would be reused in the future and given him an official.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

Zhang Zuolin saw that the opportunity had come, and it was still easy for him to contact Du Lisan. In the past, he was also the leader of the bandits, and the two of them had known each other for a long time, but everyone did their own thing, and the intersection was not too deep.

Zhang Zuolin began to plan to trick Du Lisan to come over, of course, in order to reduce Du Lisan's suspicions, he directly said that the government would recruit him.

However, Du Lisan was very vigilant, knowing that Zhang Zuolin had already been recruited, and was afraid that this was an official organ, so he did not dare to come.

There was no way, Zhang Zuolin had to do the work of Du Li's third uncle Du Panlin, and he had a good relationship with Du Panlin and took a lot of money to Du Panlin.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

To him, he was also good for Du Lisan, but also to find a way back for him, and the government promised him a high-ranking official, and said it very sincerely. Du Panlin really thought that the government was going to recruit Du Lisan, so he promised Zhang Zuolin to persuade Du Lisan.

Du Lisan saw uncle to persuade him, and some of his heart was moved, and decided to go to see Zhang Zuolin. However, he took precautions. However, no matter how good his precautions were, he could not withstand the joint efforts of Zhang Zuolin and the government.

As a result, Du Lisan was lured by Zhang Zuolin to Fengtian and killed, and his team was quickly wiped out by Zhang Zuolin's team.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning: Bad things were done, but in the end, Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled

Zhang Zuolin also relied on this incident to directly promote him to the commander of the Front Road of the Sky Patrol Visiting Battalion, equivalent to the current brigade commander, in charge of the Mabu 5th Battalion, and thus began his career as the King of the Northeast.

Looking back at Du Lisan, all the bad things were done, but Zhang Zuolin was fulfilled. Until now, there are folk legends that he did heroic deeds, and occasionally a few times, in fact, it was just for his own interests.

How good can a murderous bandit leader who does not blink an eye be?

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