
Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning, claimed to be the Emperor of Ma and once let his horse chase zhang Zuolin

In the late Qing Dynasty, Du Lisan was a well-known bandit leader in western Liaoning, and Zhang Zuolin could not compare with him if he was to say that he was fierce. Unlike other bandits, Du Lisan did not drink, gamble, smoke, and his favorite was good horses and guns, and he called himself the Emperor of Horses. Because Du Lisan was fierce and fierce, not only the common people were frightened, but the bandits who had dealt with him were also very afraid of him, and even Zhang Zuolin, who later became the king of the northeast, was also chased by Du Lishan.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning, claimed to be the Emperor of Ma and once let his horse chase zhang Zuolin

If Zhang Zuolin is a gambling stick family, Du Lisan is an authentic bandit family. Du Lisan, also known as Du LiShan, his father and uncle were well-known local bearded and bandit leaders. Du Lisan's mother can speak the Tao, and is recognized by all bandits as a dry mother. Du Sheng is vicious in nature, even his closest relatives do not let go. His father, Du Baozeng, hid after a robbery, and his uncle Du Baoxing confessed to Du Baozeng under the severe torture of officers and soldiers, and as a result, Du Baozeng was arrested and beheaded, at that time Du did not understand things and did not know any details. On November 16, 1901, Du held a happy event for the second wife, Du Fengfuzheng (the eldest wife left), which was very lively. In the evening, Du Mu said when she was happy: "Cough, if your father is alive and blessed, your father's death is a word from your third uncle." Du Lisan's face immediately changed when he heard this, and a few days later he directly took someone on horseback to Du Baoxing's house, tied up Du Baoxing and his son and pulled him outside the village and killed him.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning, claimed to be the Emperor of Ma and once let his horse chase zhang Zuolin

Du Lisan was a good horse addict, and even regarded horses as more important than human life. Once, Du Lisan took a group of people to his aunt's house to smoke a big cigarette, and his hands came down to report that his BMW "Qingyanzi" was sick, and immediately sent someone to find a veterinarian, and when the veterinarian arrived, Du Lisan pointed to the horse and asked him if he could be cured, if he could be cured, he would be appointed as a veterinary officer, and if he could not be cured, he would be killed. The veterinarian was very scared to hear it, but he could only say that he could cure it, and he couldn't imagine that the amount of medication was too large, and the horse died within an hour. Du Lisan immediately pulled out a gun to kill the veterinarian. At this time, his aunt held down his hand, the pistol did not fire, the veterinarian took the opportunity to pull his leg and run, but just out of the door, he asked the doorkeeper to shoot and kill.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning, claimed to be the Emperor of Ma and once let his horse chase zhang Zuolin

Although Du Lisan did something wrong, the common people still approved of him in dealing with the Russian army. Since the Russian army was stationed in the major cities in northeast China in the year of Gengzi, military discipline has been corrupt, often harassing the people and insulting women, and the local people hate it to the bone. Of course, Du Lisan knew these things, especially after being attacked by the Russian soldiers invited by Luan Zuoting, Andu Lisan was even more disgusted with the Russian army, so he tried every means to oppose the Russian army. Because their own forces cannot be compared with those of the regular army, and it is not possible to fight a position war with the Russian army, they will change their methods, specifically look for places where the Number of Russian troops is small or their defenses are weak, and when they fight, they will run away, and fight guerrilla warfare with the Russian army, so that they will not be at peace day and night. As for this erratic and impermanent band of bandits, the Russian army was beaten up without any means, so that everywhere they went, they would first ask: "Is There any Doolisan?" "I'm afraid of being shot cold." Because Du Lisan dared to fight against the Russian army, the common people felt a breath of relief, had a certain good feeling for her, and gave him the title of "Bao Bao Foreigner Du Lisan".

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning, claimed to be the Emperor of Ma and once let his horse chase zhang Zuolin

After the Russo-Japanese War, Du Lisan's power further expanded, and he proclaimed himself emperor immediately, and he arbitrarily made a wish for officials in his own territory. With the increase of strength, Du Lisan's ambitions are also expanding, not only sending people to Liaoyang and other places to rob hard and plunder money, but even openly going to the military camp to grab arms. In the face of this group of bandits, Xu Shichang, the governor of the northeast, decided to attack the poison with poison and sent Zhang Zuolin, who had just been taken care of, to suppress Du Lisan. At that time, there were two groups of bandits in Liaoning, one was Du Lisan and the other was Zhang Zuolin. Although both have their own territory, they are not people who keep to themselves, so the two sides have repeatedly friction. Once, Zhang Zuolin, with his own large number of people and great power, handed over the guns of the small group of bandits extorted by Du Lisan across the border, and Du Lisan immediately poured out of the nest, he knew that the enemy was outnumbered, but he was not afraid. In Liaoyang the two sides fought an encounter, it is often said that the narrow road met the brave to win, and it did not take long for Zhang Zuolin to be unable to support the wolf and fled, Du Lisan chased from Liaoyang to the seventeen households in Zhen'an County, and later under the mediation of Tang Yulin's uncle, the two reconciled and became brothers. But we all know that this is a stopgap measure for both sides.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning, claimed to be the Emperor of Ma and once let his horse chase zhang Zuolin

If Du Lisan is fierce and cruel and is a vicious tiger, Zhang Zuolin is a cunning wolf. After receiving the order to suppress Du Lisan, Zhang Zuolin immediately plotted with Tang Yulin, Zhang Zuoxiang and others, and decided to use the trick of luring the snake out of the hole to trap and kill Du Lisan. Zhang Zuolin first sent someone to congratulate Du Lisan in the name of the Jieyi brothers, saying that the official government wanted to recruit him to hold an official position that was bigger than Zhang's, and Du Lisan knew that it was a plan, so he said to the reply to the letter: "Zhang Weiguan, I am a bandit, we are people who take two roads, and there is no friendship to speak of." We are people with bones who see him promoted well. Zhang Zuolin saw that Du Lisan was not deceived, and then moved Du Lisan's uncle Du Panlin out, and tried to get the old man to write a letter to Du Lisan. Du Lisan did not hesitate after seeing his uncle's handwritten letter, and after carefully arranging it, he planned to go to the banquet, but he did not think that it was a Hongmen feast that could not come back.

Du Lisan, a giant bandit in western Liaoning, claimed to be the Emperor of Ma and once let his horse chase zhang Zuolin

As the saying goes: The thief of the hook is cursed, and the thief of the country is the prince. Du Lisan and Zhang Zuolin were both bandits, but the former was killed by the latter, who made his fortune as a bandit and became a warlord who shocked the whole country. The former robbed a lot of money, the latter robbed several provinces of territory, and once controlled the Beijing regime, this kind of bandit is incomparable to the former.

References "The Finale of Chinese Warlords and Bandits"

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