
The activity of "Cheering for the Olympic Games and Painting the Winter Olympics by 100 Painters" was successfully concluded in Hebei

On the afternoon of January 5th, the cultural activity "100 Painters Paint the Winter Olympics" sponsored by the Organizing Committee for the Olympic Cheers was successfully concluded in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province.

Yang Chengzhi, member of the Ninth China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Shi Jianwei, secretary of the party group and vice chairman of the Hebei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Qi Haifeng, director of the China Artists Association, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Hebei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and chairman of the Provincial Artists Association, Xiang Hongqi, secretary general of the Hebei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Zhang Guojun, Han Feng, Yan Jinglong, and Wang Wenling, vice chairmen of the Hebei Provincial Artists Association, Gao Jiajun, Luo Qiang, Song Zhi, Li Xiaojun, Xiangyang, Jiao Yuguang, Zhou Xiaoming, Tian Baochuan, Cui Qiang, Ni Chunlin, Xu Zhisen, Cui Mengnan, As well as Wu Aihua, the general person in charge of the Olympic cheering project, Zhang Minxia, deputy secretary general of the Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games, Wang Qiang, chairman of Yuanqi Art, Wang Suyuan, the leader of the "Cheers for the Olympics • Painting the Winter Olympics" activity and the general manager of Yuanqi Art, wang Suyuan, and other guests participated in the activities, and a number of artists created Chinese paintings on the spot, showing the joy of the Chinese people in welcoming the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Chinese New Year through the picture.

The activity of "Cheering for the Olympic Games and Painting the Winter Olympics by 100 Painters" was successfully concluded in Hebei

Group photo of guests participating in this event

It is reported that the "100 Painters Paint the Winter Olympics" activity was launched in Beijing on October 28, 2021, at the launching ceremony, Xu Li, vice chairman of the China Artists Association, said that in the next three months of welcoming the arrival of the Winter Olympics, the provincial art associations across the country will lead more artists to participate in this activity, through the form of Chinese paintings, to create hundreds of works with the Olympic spirit and the humanities of the Beijing Winter Olympics as the content, showing the Chinese sports dream and Chinese cultural charm.

Hebei, as an important host of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, has received the focus of the whole country and the world, and the last stop of the "100 Painters Painting the Winter Olympics" was held in Hebei, aiming to better publicize and display the Beijing Winter Olympics to the whole people through regional influence, so that more people can pay attention to and participate in it.

The activity of "Cheering for the Olympic Games and Painting the Winter Olympics by 100 Painters" was successfully concluded in Hebei

Shi Jianwei, secretary of the party group and vice chairman of the Hebei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, announced the start of this creative activity

Qi Haifeng, director of the China Artists Association, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Hebei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and chairman of the Provincial Artists Association, said at the opening ceremony that it is necessary to deeply study and strive to open up a new situation in the prosperity and development of Hebei literature and art in the new era, create more outstanding works that meet the people's cultural needs and enhance the people's spiritual strength, and carry out literary and artistic creation around major events such as the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics, and tell the Chinese story well and the hebei story well.

The activity of "Cheering for the Olympic Games and Painting the Winter Olympics by 100 Painters" was successfully concluded in Hebei

Qi Haifeng, chairman of the Hebei Provincial Artists Association, delivered a speech on the spot

Wang Suyuan, the leader of the "Cheers for the Olympics • 100 Painters Paint the Winter Olympics" activity and the general manager of Yuanqi Art, said in his speech at the scene that since the launch of the "100 Painters Paint the Winter Olympics" activity, he has successively walked into Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to interpret the harmonious scene of exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and Western civilizations and the vigorous development of China's cultural and sports undertakings through a series of brushstrokes and ink Danqing. As the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics enter the 30-day countdown, the Paris 2024 Olympic Games have also sounded the clarion call, and the "Cheers for the Olympics" project will continue to uphold the concept of spreading the Olympic spirit and promoting traditional Chinese culture, embracing Paris 2024.

The activity of "Cheering for the Olympic Games and Painting the Winter Olympics by 100 Painters" was successfully concluded in Hebei

Wang Suyuan, the leader of the "Cheers for the Olympics, 100 Painters Paint the Winter Olympics" activity, delivered a speech on the spot

At the event site, the artists collaborated in groups to create two landscape paintings and a flower and bird painting. Han Feng, vice chairman of the Hebei Provincial Artists Association, introduced: "The work created by several of us is called "Vientiane Gonghe", I painted the plum blossom part, I hope to praise the Olympic athletes through the spirit of plum blossoms, which is proud of the wind and snow, and hope that they can achieve good results in the Winter Olympics. The Winter Olympics is a platform for peoples to forge friendship and strengthen friendship, and our painting "Vientiane Gonghe" also expresses this meaning. ”

The activity of "Cheering for the Olympic Games and Painting the Winter Olympics by 100 Painters" was successfully concluded in Hebei

Artists create on-site

Yan Jinglong, vice chairman of the Hebei Provincial Artists Association, said: "As an artist in Hebei Province, we have also gone to the venue of the Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Games many times to sketch and collect style, in the process of creation, I deeply feel that the artist painting the Winter Olympics is a heavy responsibility, in today's "Silver Dragon Flying And Chasing Dreams of the Winter Olympics" painting, I depicted the scene of the snow sports competition venue of the Winter Olympics, hoping to praise the Winter Olympics, acura motherland, acura people through this work, but also to make their own contributions to the Winter Olympics. ”

The activity of "Cheering for the Olympic Games and Painting the Winter Olympics by 100 Painters" was successfully concluded in Hebei

The works of each station of "100 Painters Painting the Winter Olympics" were exhibited in Hebei Station

Wu Aihua, head of the "Cheer for the Olympics" project, said: "The 'Cheer for the Olympics' project is a large-scale sports and cultural project established with the official approval of the International Olympic Committee, with the support of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee and the guidance of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. '100 Painters Paint the Winter Olympics' hopes to let the world feel our passion for ice and snow through the perspective of Chinese art, and share the ice and snow feast in Beijing in 2022." On the occasion of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the 'Cheer for the Olympics' project will continue to carry out richer activities adhering to the concept of 'spreading the Olympic spirit and promoting traditional Chinese culture'. ”

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