
"Cheers for the Olympics" Hundred painters painted the Winter Olympics into Hebei

"Cheers for the Olympics" Hundred painters painted the Winter Olympics into Hebei

The "100 Painters Paint the Winter Olympics" activity entered Hebei. Photo courtesy of Hebei Province

Shijiazhuang, January 6 (People's Daily Online) -- The "100 Painters Paint the Winter Olympics" activity sponsored by the Organizing Committee of "Cheering for the Olympics" entered Hebei on the 5th. More than 20 local artists from Hebei Province splashed ink on the spot and collaborated to create three Chinese paintings with Olympic themes, welcoming the upcoming ice and snow event.

Qi Haifeng, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Hebei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and chairman of the Provincial Artists Association, said that in recent years, Hebei has organized art workers to go deep into the zhangjiakou Winter Olympics to sketch and create, and has achieved fruitful results. "Participating in the 'Cheers for the Olympics' 100 painters painting the Winter Olympics is an opportunity for Hebei, hebei will continue to organize and lead art workers to focus on the Winter Olympics to carry out theme creation, carry forward the Olympic spirit, create a cultural atmosphere, gather spiritual strength, and show the spiritual outlook of Yan Zhao's sons and daughters supporting the Winter Olympics and participating in the Winter Olympics."

At the scene of the event, the artists were divided into three groups to create two landscape paintings, "Silver Dragon Flying to Dream of the Winter Olympics", "Taihang Xueji" and one flower and bird painting "Vientiane Hehe". At the same time, the artistic works of the Winter Olympics from Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Sichuan and other provinces and other provinces were also exhibited at the scene.

According to reports, the "100 Painters Paint winter Olympics" activity was launched in Beijing on October 28, 2021. Many artists participated in the creation of 100 works with the Olympic spirit and the humanities of the Beijing Winter Olympics, showing the Chinese sports dream and the charm of Chinese culture.

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