
Penny_ Aquarius _ Horoscope 2022


Jupiter may have left your sign, but it has shifted to your self-worth and financial realms to bring growth. Many aspects of your life will improve, in large part through increased optimism and determination.

Saturn is in your sign throughout 2022, so you will continue to climb towards happiness and success. Nothing happens in a hurry, but when it happens, it will be so worth it. Standing on the top of the mountain, you will see what a magnificent view.

Uranus is also still there, meaning that the pattern of restriction and liberation continues, especially for those Aquarians whose birthdays are from January 30 to February 13 – in early to mid-February, early to mid-May, mid-August and early November when Uranus's influence is strongest.

A full moon in Aquarius is key: projects and events that begin in early February should reveal their true potential on August 12, whether the outcome and development are unimaginable or completely opposite, and you will end a chapter that is small or large.

This year's lunar eclipse, which falls on the axis of life, will have the greatest impact on your family life and your career. 2022 is a turning point.

Important horoscopic note: Jupiter is in the second and third houses

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