
Penny_ Pisces _ Horoscope 2022


It's been 12 years since Jupiter appeared in your sign, and there's a lot to look forward to since Jupiter's attributes are happy and expanding. Looking back on 2010, you'll have a sense of that era, even though 12 years have passed and you're personally in a different space. You have opportunities for spiritual, intellectual, or material growth. Some Pisces people will see their status rise, and fame and glory follow, while others may have to watch their ballooning waistline, whether due to pregnancy or overindulgence.

Mars will run from August 20 to the end of the year at the bottom of your chart, and Mars means action. Everything related to family and family life will be in focus, which means that some of you will break down barriers or take root in new places, while others will abolish patterns that have existed for decades. Occasionally, home seems to be no longer a refuge, but a real battlefield.

Neptune this year mainly affects Pisces on the birthday of March 11-15. While Neptune can help make dreams come true, it can also breed deception and disappointment.

The stars that belong to you have risen.

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