
Penny_Sagittarius_Horoscope 2022


Learning to live in uncertainty may not be your choice, but it's the way to make 2022 smooth in the face of occasional disappointment and frustration. Plans will often be interrupted, so don't put all your eggs in one basket. Always have a backup plan.

Jupiter spends five months at the bottom of your astrolabe, the roots of life nourished. You can prepare to have children, renovate the house, or use your house as an office. The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on April 12 is a magical event, and events at or near that time can have a huge and positive impact on your future. Neptune – the planet that represents divinity and deceit – continues to play an important role in life and love, and this year mainly affects the shooters who have their birthdays on December 13-17.

Living in uncertainty is one theme this year, and another theme is destiny. You'll realize that you're in the right place at the right time.

Important Astrological Note: Jupiter is located in the fourth and fifth houses

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