
Countdown to driver unemployment In 2024, Extreme Kr launches the world's first L4 self-driving car

At this year's CES, Intel's subsidiary Mobileye announced that it will continue to cooperate with Geely Kr Automobile, and the two sides will release the world's first L4 level autonomous vehicle in 2024.

Countdown to driver unemployment In 2024, Extreme Kr launches the world's first L4 self-driving car

It is reported that the car will use six Mobileye EyeQ5High chips with True Redundancy software architecture to handle Mobileye's driving strategy and open collaboration model of mapping technology.

Countdown to driver unemployment In 2024, Extreme Kr launches the world's first L4 self-driving car

The car is built on the Geely SEA platform, and the two sides will effectively integrate software technology.


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