
Capital predators are breaking the ice to promote the operation of driverless commercial vehicles throughout China, and drivers will lose their jobs

author:Optimism and facts

Technological progress is often seen as the driving force of human civilization, but it can also be a nightmare for ordinary workers. Not long ago, a controversial new technology was rolled out across the country that could revolutionize the careers of millions of people and upend the employment landscape of entire industries.

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Capital predators are breaking the ice to promote the operation of driverless commercial vehicles throughout China, and drivers will lose their jobs

We're talking about the commercial operation of driverless cars. In just a few years, this technology has taken the lead in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities, exploring and promoting unmanned vehicles. Now, as it clears the last technical hurdle, the capital predators finally can't hold back their ambitions and want to promote it on a large scale across the country.

Capital predators are breaking the ice to promote the operation of driverless commercial vehicles throughout China, and drivers will lose their jobs

Once driverless cars replace traditional taxis and ride-hailing drivers, tens of millions of workers will be threatened with job losses. The consequences are unimaginable! This is likely to worsen the situation for society as a whole, with employment pressures rising in tandem with poverty levels, triggering a chain reaction.

Capital predators are breaking the ice to promote the operation of driverless commercial vehicles throughout China, and drivers will lose their jobs

Naturally, this prospect of development is worrying. Although driverless vehicles do bring many benefits, such as reducing the rate of traffic accidents, improving travel efficiency, and so on. However, if there is no response, the "crushing" impact may become the bane of people's livelihoods.

Capital predators are breaking the ice to promote the operation of driverless commercial vehicles throughout China, and drivers will lose their jobs

On the surface, the commercial operation of driverless cars seems to be only an inevitable result of technological innovation. But once we trace back to the source, we will find that there is a raging giant hand behind it - capital manipulation. For a long time, the fundamental driving force of scientific and technological development has not been to benefit the people, but to create huge profits for monopoly capital.

Capital predators are breaking the ice to promote the operation of driverless commercial vehicles throughout China, and drivers will lose their jobs

They spent a lot of money on the research and development of unmanned driving technology, inventing this seemingly "tall" product, but in essence, it is just to firmly control the commanding heights of future travel. At that time, they will be the "ultimate winners" of the industry, while the tens of millions of people who once made a living from rental or ride-hailing will become "losers".

Capital predators are breaking the ice to promote the operation of driverless commercial vehicles throughout China, and drivers will lose their jobs

However, under the greed of capital, these unemployed are only part of the victims. They could be the next targets to be captured. With the introduction of intelligent machines in logistics, catering and other industries, the future may be an era of "AI dominance", and human beings will have to face an unprecedented employment crisis.

Capital predators are breaking the ice to promote the operation of driverless commercial vehicles throughout China, and drivers will lose their jobs

Is this the future we want? In addition to convenience and efficiency, the prosperity of science and technology has brought about countless innocent people who are forced by life and have no way out. Is this the so-called "development and progress"?

We have the right to question whether technological progress should be based on the deprivation of livelihoods. Why should governments and corporations ignore public grievances for the sake of selfish gain? No one is an outsider, because today it may be someone else's sacrifice, and tomorrow it may be your turn.

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Capital predators are breaking the ice to promote the operation of driverless commercial vehicles throughout China, and drivers will lose their jobs

As the saying goes, if you lose your horse, you don't know if it's a blessing. Perhaps the arrival of driverless cars can just sound a wake-up call for us, reminding us to rethink the original intention of technological development, and reflect on whether the current development model is reasonable and sustainable.

Survival is the most fundamental right in the world, and the development of science and technology should be based on the highest criterion for the benefit of the people, rather than becoming a tool for capitalists to make profits. Only by putting people first can the development of science and technology be truly used by mankind, otherwise it will fall into vain and deviate from the original intention. So that's exactly what each of us has a responsibility to participate in and oversee.

Write at the end

Let us join hands and urge the enactment of laws and regulations to ensure that the development of science and technology can truly benefit the whole people, so that it will no longer become a bargaining chip for capitalists to override the people's hearts. Let's defend the dignity of science and technology together and usher in a new future that is truly people-oriented!

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