
The "sorrow" of middle-aged people, unemployed only to understand that working for a lifetime is still in vain

author:Old Zhong said health

Some people say that they were unemployed in middle age, and suddenly they woke up, and in addition to busy work, they rushed to and from hard work every day, day after day, and again and again.

Life has become boring and boring, and there is no meaning at all.

I wanted to enjoy life to the fullest, but I realized that I had grown old. I can't run!

When I was young, I always wanted to run here and there, but my dreams were extinguished by the heavy pressure of life.

I used to have a colorful dream, but now I feel too sorry for myself as a cow and a horse.

The "sorrow" of middle-aged people, unemployed only to understand that working for a lifetime is still in vain

First, understand the meaning of going to work, going to work is not the whole of life, you must know how to do it in moderation, and don't put too much energy into going to work.

Life is for enjoyment, not entirely for going to work, but going to work is all about living.

When you want to enjoy the great rivers and mountains, going to work is the best choice for you to achieve your goals.

Second, whether you can succeed or not depends on yourself.

The high or low income of the work does not mean success, and it is absolutely impossible, and everyone also has a high salary, which is not in line with common sense.

Everyone's abilities are different, and there are lengths and weaknesses for ten fingers to stretch out, so there is no need to add too much pressure and burden to yourself because of a high salary.

Treat yourself with a normal attitude, give yourself freedom, and let yourself live in a colorful life.

The "sorrow" of middle-aged people, unemployed only to understand that working for a lifetime is still in vain

There are some things that don't have to be too stubborn, you can't run, you shouldn't be forced to come, don't force yourself too much.

Third, go to work well, treat your work well, going to work is a livelihood, but also a pleasure, while increasing salary income.

It can also make you grow quickly and enjoy it, some jobs may not be very popular with you, but time will make you habitual, and you will like it when you get used to it.

Life has to go on, going to work is the only choice for part-time work, since in a short period of time, there is no way to change your life and change your situation.

Then change to another way of living, and enjoy the joy and happiness first!

Happiness is the source of good health, and it will also bring wealth, you must know that physical health is an invisible wealth.

Write at the end, cherish the moment and enjoy the life in front of you.

The "sorrow" of middle-aged people, unemployed only to understand that working for a lifetime is still in vain

For the rest of your life, you must know that no one will regret how they worked before, but some people will regret that they did not enjoy life before!

Thank you for reading.

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