
Who was the real culprit who killed Yue Fei? In the 800 years of arduous and long road to rehabilitation, Chairman Mao told the truth in one word!

The Ninth Emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty, at least four emperors were involved in handling Yue Fei's unjust case. Needless to say, on the issue of rehabilitating Yue Fei against Zhaoxue, the other three emperors either only issued a statement on Yue Fei's title and treatment, or blamed the "Gang of Four" headed by Qin Ju on the responsibility for the unjust case. But in all these political decisions, the real culprit of Yue Fei's unjust case was never touched—Emperor Gaozong of Song.

Who was the real culprit who killed Yue Fei? In the 800 years of arduous and long road to rehabilitation, Chairman Mao told the truth in one word!

Who killed Yue Fei? We all know that it is "Qin Juniper". However, Qin Ju was only one of the members of this evil group, at best a leading figure, and this group was at least composed of a "gang of four" of three dukes and one mother—Qin Jun, Wang Shi, Zhang Jun, and Wan Qianjie (pronounced Mo Qijie).

There is also an ancient book in Hangzhou Yue Temple, but the information revealed is completely different, that is, the "Manjiang Hong" inscription of the Ming Dynasty Wenwen Zhengming, which has a sentence cloud: "Laughing district, how can a juniper be able to do it?" Whatever you want. Wen Zhengming's point of view was very clear, Zhao Zhuo was the culprit who killed Yue Fei, and Qin Ju was only acting according to his will. Although this view was not recognized by Deng Guangming, an expert in Song history, it was affirmed by Mao Zedong, a great man of a generation.

In the summer of 1957, when Mao Zedong met with friends, he pointed out: "The responsibility of the lord and peace is not all in Qin Juniper, and behind the scenes is Song Gaozong." Qin Ju could not carry out the emperor's will. ...... Wen Zhengming has a first word, which can be read. It was Zhao Zhuo himself who admitted: 'Talking about the strategy of peace, breaking from one's own will, Qin Juniper but praising the decay'. Later, historians were 'secretive for the holy king', not Wen Zhengming alone ,......" (Shu Xiang, "I Saw Chairman Mao Zedong Again in the Summer of 1957") Mao Zedong used words to discuss history, and used historical testimony to negate some historians' erroneous historical view of Zhao Zhao and surrender and unjustly killed Yue Fei.

Who was the real culprit who killed Yue Fei? In the 800 years of arduous and long road to rehabilitation, Chairman Mao told the truth in one word!

On the night of the Chinese New Year's Eve of the eleventh year of Emperor Gaozong's reign (1141 AD), Yue Fei, an anti-Jin hero who had made great achievements in battle, was brutally killed by the Southern Song Court on the charge of "false accusations". On the contrary, Qin Ju, the mastermind of the peace talks and an accomplice in the murder of Yue Fei, not only died 14 years after Yue Fei was killed, but also died of great sorrow, and Emperor Gaozong of Song immediately "posthumously crowned King Junshen, and gave him the Shinto monument, with the title of 'Decision-making Yuangong, Jingzhong Quande'." (History of the Song Dynasty)

It is precisely because Song Gaozong was the culprit in the unjust case of Yue Fei that the rehabilitation of Yue Fei's case became very long and difficult. Politicians are varied and snobbish animals of reality. In the twenty-fifth year of Shaoxing (1155), Qin Ju fell ill and died, and his adopted son Qin Xi sought a phase, which was rejected by Zhao Shuo. The loss of power in the Qin family made the long-suppressed main war faction see hope and began to demand that Yue Fei's reputation be restored. As soon as the nature of Yue Fei's case was involved, Zhao Shuo did not do anything, and he simply used the long-degraded Wan Qianbi to inherit the phase. Wan Qianjie was one of the executioners who killed Yue Fei. Putting the makers of Yue Fei's unjust case in charge of the political situation naturally eliminated all possibilities for Yue Fei to rehabilitate Zhaoxue.

Who was the real culprit who killed Yue Fei? In the 800 years of arduous and long road to rehabilitation, Chairman Mao told the truth in one word!

What is intolerable is that Emperor Gaozong of Song went so far as to compare Yue Fei with Cai Jing, Tong Guan, and other "Xuanhe Six Thieves" and Northern Song traitors. In fact, Zhao Zhuo did regard Yue Fei as a traitor, and Yue Fei was wrongfully imprisoned for "plotting rebellion."

In May of the thirty-second year of Shaoxing (1162), Zhao Shuo abdicated, and Zhao Xuan (read: 慎) ascended the throne for Emperor Xiaozong of Song. Unlike Zhao, Zhao Yun, as the core of the second generation of leadership of the Southern Song Dynasty, was a promising monarch with great ambitions and resistance to the restoration of the Jin Dynasty. At the request of Yue Fei's son Yue Lin, he returned all the "imperial pens" and "hand edicts" written to Yue Fei by Emperor Gaozong of Song (Qin Ju had taken them from Yue Yue's family in order to frame Yue Fei). What is puzzling is that although the imperial court restored and gave Yue Fei's family various treatment, it did not conduct any screening and review of Yue Fei's unjust imprisonment. It can be seen from this that Song Xiaozong's rehabilitation of Yue Fei's unjust case was not only not thorough enough, but also left a tail.

As the core of the first generation of leadership of the Song Dynasty Nandu, Zhao Shuo always regarded humiliating and seeking peace with Jin as the national policy, so how could he rehabilitate Yue Fei, who rebelled against his own will, insisted on resisting Jin, and gave death to Yue Fei? As for the unjust case of Yue Fei, who was personally convicted and executed by Emperor Xiaozong of Song, Zhao Xuan, as the surviving Emperor Taishang, Yu En still existed, Yu Wei was still there, and most of the imperial court officials were promoted by him, in this case, Zhao Xuan did not dare to tear it down and start over no matter what.

Who was the real culprit who killed Yue Fei? In the 800 years of arduous and long road to rehabilitation, Chairman Mao told the truth in one word!

Emperor Lizong of Song was an emperor who tried to make a difference in the late Southern Song Dynasty. In the first year of Emperor Lizong's reign (1225), the Song court issued a "Confession of Grace" on Yue Fei's case, which stated Yue Fei's grievances: "Husband He Quanchen, advocating peace and negotiation, without investigating ling yan's great achievements, first committing the conspiracy of Yan Yue", for the first time pointed out that the policy of peace negotiations in that year was an important factor leading to Yue Fei's unjust case. This confession, compared with Zhuge Liang, Guo Ziyi and Yue Fei, said, "Xi Kongming's Zhixing Han Room, Ziyi's Guangfu Tang Capital, although the calculation is different or special, in the heart and different." ...... (Yue Fei) Heroic Spirit Ruzai, Mao Wo Qicheng, can be based on the former Former Taishi, posthumously crowned the King of E, and specially with the gift of Zhongwu. (Jin Tuo Continued Edition, vol. 16) It can be said that this is the highest official evaluation of Yue Fei in the Southern Song Dynasty, and it is also the final conclusion of the Song Generation to Yue Fei. Later generations often honored Yue Fei as "Yue Wumu" in fact, which is not true, and calling "Yue Zhongwu" Fang is Yundang.

In the 152-year history of the Southern Song Dynasty, emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty began with Zhao Zhao, blindly humiliating and seeking peace, and did not hesitate to destroy the Great Wall, resulting in the entire Southern Song Dynasty, a corner of the southeast of An'an, "directly making Hangzhou a prefecture". The compatriots in the occupied areas were devastated and the waters were in full swing. The Zhao royal family was unwilling to learn the lesson of the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty, and lacked the courage to restore the territory of the homeland, and after hundreds of years of humiliation of cutting up land and naming the subjects as uncles, they finally completely perished under the attack of another foreign regime, the Mongols.

Who was the real culprit who killed Yue Fei? In the 800 years of arduous and long road to rehabilitation, Chairman Mao told the truth in one word!

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