
In 1965, a prisoner in Jilin Prison told the real culprit who killed the anti-Japanese hero Yang Jingyu 25 years ago

In 1965, in a prison in Jilin Province, the activity of making meritorious atonement for sins was being carried out, and the prisoners talked about this activity, both positive and negative. In one corner, however, a prisoner named Wang Zuohua seemed to see hope in his life. He thought that as long as he told the big secret of that year, maybe he might be able to get out of prison.

In 1965, a prisoner in Jilin Prison told the real culprit who killed the anti-Japanese hero Yang Jingyu 25 years ago

Wang Zuohua summoned up a lot of courage and said, "Sir, I report Zhang Xiruo in real name, he is the murderer of the martyr Yang Jingyu!" ”

When the warden heard Wang Zuohua say this, he was immediately surprised. Because the common saying that Yang Jingyu committed suicide and martyrdom after being surrounded by the enemy for more than 20 years is a saying used in many historical materials and memorials, and it is also a well-known thing. Now that Wang Zuohua suddenly said this, the prison director felt that things must not be so simple, so he asked again: "Why are you so sure?" ”

Wang Zuohua calmed down a bit and said, "Because when Yang Jingyu was killed, I personally saw Zhang Xiruo kill Yang Jingyu with a machine gun!" ”

The prison director was shocked to hear Wang Zuohua say this, because he only knew that Wang Zuohua had been a traitor during the anti-Japanese period and had done things for the Japanese, but what he did not expect was that he also participated in the killing of the martyr Yang Jingyu.

In 1965, a prisoner in Jilin Prison told the real culprit who killed the anti-Japanese hero Yang Jingyu 25 years ago

Comrade Yang Jingyu led the anti-Japanese coalition army in the northeast to strike many blows against the Japanese army, effectively preventing the Japanese army's all-round aggression against China and striking a blow at the arrogance of Japanese imperialism.

According to the statistics of the Japanese and puppet organs at that time, in 1935 alone, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army launched 39,000 large and small battles in various parts of the three eastern provinces, and by 1940, a total of nearly 70,000 large and small battles had been launched.

According to data released by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan lost nearly 270,000 soldiers in Manchuria, except for more than 80,000 people announced by the Soviet Union, and the remaining more than 180,000 people were wiped out by the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition and other anti-Japanese volunteers.

Compared with the achievements of the Anti-Japanese League, the environment faced by the Anti-Japanese League was very difficult, and in addition to the Japanese army's division and disintegration of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, the living environment of the Anti-Japanese League was even worse, so many traitors and traitors appeared. It was because of the betrayal of traitors that Yang Jingyu was rounded up and sacrificed by the Japanese puppet army.

In 1965, a prisoner in Jilin Prison told the real culprit who killed the anti-Japanese hero Yang Jingyu 25 years ago

The warden knew that what Wang Zuohua said was not trivial, so he asked Wang Zuohua to describe in detail the process of Yang Jingyu's murder and sacrifice.

Cheng Bin, the former commander of the First Division of the First Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, took 115 of his men with him when he defected to the enemy, and Wang Zuohua was a traitor who was with Cheng Bin at this time. In addition to Wang Zuohua, there are also machine gunner Zhang Xiruo, deputy machine gunner Bai Wanren, and Wang Zuohua is their ammunition hand.

On February 23, 1940, among the Japanese puppet troops surrounding Yang Jingyu were Wang Zuohua, Zhang Xiruo, and Bai Wanren. After the Japanese commander At that time, Nishitani Kitsunori, persuaded Yang Jingyu to surrender and failed to give the order to shoot, Zhang Xiruo pulled the trigger of the machine gun, and then a string of bullets hit Yang Jingyu's body, and Yang Jingyu died heroically.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wang Zuohua, Zhang Xiruo, and Bai Wanren knew that their sins were deep, so they all hid their names. Zhang Xiruo also said to Wang Zuohua: "At any time, don't say anything about my shooting and killing of Yang Jingyu, in case someone exposes it, you will carry it, and I will rely on me to raise everyone, unlike you as a bare stick!" ”

Wang Zuohua agreed without even thinking about it, and during the revolt, he and Bai Wanren were arrested and imprisoned for being traitors, and for many years after that, Wang Zuohua kept his promise and did not tell the truth about Zhang Xiruo's killing of Yang Jingyu. However, after many years in prison, Wang Zuohua wanted to get out of prison, so he took the opportunity of making meritorious atonement in this prison to tell this great secret.

Since someone reported that the public security organs had arrested Zhang Xiruo, but during the interrogation, Zhang Xiruo did not admit that Yang Jingyu was killed by him, coupled with the age and insufficient evidence, moreover, everyone has always known that Yang Jingyu committed suicide and martyrdom, and it was too difficult to overturn the case, so it was not resolved at that time.

In 1965, a prisoner in Jilin Prison told the real culprit who killed the anti-Japanese hero Yang Jingyu 25 years ago

It was not until the 1970s, when the translators and published a number of Japanese and pseudo-Japanese archives during the War of Resistance Against Japan, that it was determined that Comrade Yang Jingyu was indeed shot and killed by the enemy, rather than forced to commit suicide and martyrdom because he ran out of ammunition and food.

In the process of Yang Jingyu's murder, there were several traitors and traitors who were very shameless accomplices, one was Cheng Bin, who destroyed more than 70 "secret camps" of the Anti-Japanese League with great destructive power; one was Zhao Tingxi, a platoon leader of the puppet army who betrayed Yang Jingyu's last hiding place; and the other was Zhang Xiufeng, a personal guard who had been closest to Yang Jingyu and was raised by Yang Jingyu.

Zhang Xiufeng was taken to the anti-coalition team by Yang Jingyu at the age of 15, and Yang Jingyu treated him like a father and brother, once saying to him: "You are an orphan, you have no father and mother, I have no children, you are like my son." Zhang Xiufeng has been following Yang Jingyu's side, turning to the north and south, born into death, but when Yang Jingyu was left with only dozens of guards platoon soldiers in the most difficult moment, Zhang Xiufeng could not hold on, chose to defect to the enemy, and also took away the secret materials of the Anti-League and 9,000 pieces of ocean.

In the 1980s, Comrade Liu Xian of the History Office of the Propaganda Department of the Jingyu County Party Committee in Jilin Province approached Zhang Xiufeng after several twists and turns and asked him to provide some information about Yang Jingyu. Because Zhang Xiufeng was one of the longest and closest people who followed Yang Jingyu, he still provided a lot of little-known historical details.

In 1965, a prisoner in Jilin Prison told the real culprit who killed the anti-Japanese hero Yang Jingyu 25 years ago

Zhang Xiufeng's feelings for Yang Jingyu are very complicated, and there are family affection and gratitude, but the most is still burdened with a lifetime of guilt. Therefore, Zhang Xiufeng learned that Liu Xian asked him to provide Yang Jingyu's living information, and Zhang Xiufeng was also very cooperative. When Liu Xian asked who had shot and killed Yang Jingyu, Zhang Xiufeng said emphatically: "Yang Jingyu was killed by Zhang Xiruo, and this is absolutely not wrong." ”

According to Zhang Xiufeng, he did not go up the mountain with the Japanese puppet army to besiege Yang Jingyu at that time, and did not see the whole process of Yang Jingyu's sacrifice with his own eyes, but he personally heard Zhang Xiruo tell the process of shooting Yang Jingyu.

On the night of Yang Jingyu's sacrifice, a group of traitors and traitors were drinking "celebration wine" in the hotel, and Zhang Xiruo boasted at the wine table: "Just at the moment when Commander Yang raised his leg to run, I shot a point and brushed the ground and gave him a point here." Saying that, he pointed his finger to his chest, which was the location of Yang Jingyu's death.

Zhang Xiufeng sat at the next table, although he betrayed the Anti-League, but his feelings with Yang Jingyu were extraordinary, and Yang Jingyu's sacrifice was actually very painful in his heart. When he heard Zhang Xiruo's shameless show off, Zhang Xiufeng placed the wine glass on the table and scolded: "Bastard! Come to a sticky end! "Many people present at that time had mixed feelings, and the final banquet did not disperse happily.

In 1965, a prisoner in Jilin Prison told the real culprit who killed the anti-Japanese hero Yang Jingyu 25 years ago

After Liu Xian learned from Zhang Xiufeng that Zhang Xiruo shot Yang Jingyu, he searched through the Jingyu County Shizhi Office and found Zhang Xiruo. However, Zhang Xiruo was very resistant to the investigation of Shi Zhiban, not only did he not admit that he killed Yang Jingyu, but he did not even admit that he had participated in the Anti-Japanese League, which was very cunning. When the people in Shi Zhiban took out a group photo of Zhang Xiruo in the Japanese puppet army, he pointed out many people in the group photo, but only did not know the person in the photo who looked like himself.

Therefore, it is regrettable that among these people who betrayed, defected, and killed Yang Jingyu, except for Zhao Tingxi, who was captured by the masses in 1946 and shot in front of Yang Jingyu's grave, and Cheng Bin, who was shot after being reported by others in 1951, everyone else was shot because of the lack of effective evidence for historical reasons, and the statute of limitations for the prosecution of the case passed, and these people escaped sanctions and punishment, especially Zhang Xiruo, Bai Wanren, and Wang Zuohua, who were not only the murderers who directly killed Yang Jingyu, but also the direct executors who cut off Yang Jingyu's head.

It is not known whether any of them who have been condemned by conscience for the rest of their lives, or whether people like them have no conscience at all. Bai Wanren's life was sloppy, and when he was interviewed by the Jingyu County Shizhi Office in his twilight years, he even left a confessional summary: "Our gang is not an adult, and it is difficult to become a ghost. It's all retribution. Just in response to what Lao Cheng (referring to Cheng Bin) said to us when he was about to be liberated: 'Let's just mix it up in the future, clip up our tails and squint quietly, where to die and bury them.' ’”

This shows that these traitors and traitors also understand their final fate, and it also shows that people must be worthy of their conscience and cannot do bad things, otherwise "sooner or later they will have to pay it back."

Finally, we take the poem written by Mr. Guo Moruo for Comrade Yang Jingyu as a memorial to the hero Yang Jingyu who fought against Japan:

The skull can be severed or dissected,

It is hard to dispel the spirits,

Artemisia annua 2,000 years old,

In present-day Red Banner is full of mountains and rivers.

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