
Before Zhao Yun died, he shouted four words to the heavens, and Zhuge Liang cried loudly after hearing this, and all the soldiers present shed tears

After reading the Three Kingdoms, Shadow's favorite person is Zhao Yun, who is not only superior in martial arts, but also worth learning as a person. Although he was a general of the Five Tigers, he was not arrogant and impatient, and he was loyal to Liu Bei. In the shadow's view, Zhao Yun was the most perfect general in the Three Kingdoms, and there was no one. Before Zhao Yun died, he said four words, which not only made Zhuge Liang heartbroken after listening to it, but also made others feel heartache.

Before Zhao Yun died, he shouted four words to the heavens, and Zhuge Liang cried loudly after hearing this, and all the soldiers present shed tears

Zhao Yun originally worked under Gongsun Zhan, and it was not until later that he was introduced to Liu Bei by Emperor Liu. He always had a dream in his heart that he could build a great cause, and originally thought that following Liu Bei would realize his dream. But I didn't expect to fall into the pit, and this fall was a lifetime, and I never climbed out again.

As a generation of famous generals, Zhao Yun should have charged into the battlefield and led the troops to fight. Under Liu Bei, he had never been given such an opportunity, but had always existed as a bodyguard. When Liu Bei was beaten up by Cao Cao, he left his wife and children and ran away on his own. If Zhao Yun hadn't killed Cao Jun and gone out of Ah Dou, Ah Dou would have become a prisoner even if he didn't die.

Before Zhao Yun died, he shouted four words to the heavens, and Zhuge Liang cried loudly after hearing this, and all the soldiers present shed tears

After that, when Liu Bei was ready to fight Liu Zhang. Zhao Yun also did not get the opportunity to belong to him, but only managed the logistics as a rear personnel. In contrast, Wei Yan, who had just surrendered, was able to lead troops to fight. Although Zhao Yun later got the position of a Huwei general, it was useless to have much military power just by having a position.

In this way, Zhao Yun did not abandon or give up, and still followed Liu Bei to protect Liu Bei's family. Some people say that Zhao Yun was actually reused, otherwise how could Liu Bei give zhao Yun his biggest weakness, that is, his family. This sentence Shadow does not deny, but everyone may wish to think about whether this is what Zhao Yun wants? Is he thinking of guarding his family? No, he had in mind the battlefield.

Before Zhao Yun died, he shouted four words to the heavens, and Zhuge Liang cried loudly after hearing this, and all the soldiers present shed tears

All this until Liu Bei died. Zhao Yuncai waited for his opportunity. Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition allowed Zhao Yun to take five thousand soldiers and horses as suspects, and let him cover the main force of the Northern Expedition. However, the result of the Northern Expedition is known to everyone, that is, the loss of Ma Mo eventually led to the failure of the Northern Expedition. After this, Zhao Yun fell ill and shouted with the last bit of strength before dying, "Northern Expedition, Northern Expedition."

His dream is to make a contribution, but he has not been given a chance, and he has not been able to get a chance, but he has fought a losing battle, although the responsibility is not his. But he has no second chance, which is a painful thing for a generation of famous players, for him, maybe the battlefield is his best destination, maybe death is the end he deserves the most.

Before Zhao Yun died, he shouted four words to the heavens, and Zhuge Liang cried loudly after hearing this, and all the soldiers present shed tears

When Zhuge Liang heard Zhao Yun shout out these four words, he couldn't control the grief in his heart. One is because a generation of talents was buried like this, and they didn't get the opportunity to show their fists and feet. In addition to the regret in his heart, the more important Zhuge Liang's last confidant also died, and this group of people with the same ideals as Zhuge Liang have left him. The lack of an important assistant of the Northern Expedition and the lack of a confidant who could confide in his heart made Zhuge Liang feel lonely, so he cried. The reason why others cry may also be because they are upset about Zhao Yun, or maybe it is only because of Zhao Yun's departure.

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