
With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

Sleeping on the weekend to wake up naturally, is the happiest thing for us office moms, lazy morning, see the dolls that are still sleeping, and start to prepare a delicious brunch, happiness is actually so simple. Before I wash the vegetable ingredients, I first put the cutting board, knife, and chopsticks that have not been disinfected for a week into the Mofei knife chopstick cutting board disinfection machine for disinfection, and the dampness will make bacteria multiply rapidly, so it is very important to disinfect the commonly used tableware in advance. Making light food, I like to sort and process ingredients, healthy and hygienic. Panini, a traditional Italian sandwich, feels crispy in the mouth, the baked microfoamered crust blends perfectly with the fluffy bread, and the rich and delicious cheese and eggs are endlessly evocative. The smell of cheese that fills the lips and teeth is an unforgettable Italian delicacy! The family is very fond of eating Panini, which is most suitable for weekend brunch, and there is another point that I particularly recommend, that is, the nutritional value of cheese, which is very helpful for children's calcium supplementation and growth. Cheese, also known as "milk gold", in addition to containing high-quality protein, is also rich in various vitamins, minerals and so on. It has the effect of calcium supplementation, enhancing immunity, promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis, preventing cardiovascular disease, and protecting teeth. What are you waiting for, do it with me.

By Home Cook


Slice the bread 4 slices

2 eggs

1 tomato

Cheese slices 2 tablets

1 cucumber

Olive oil 3 g

Salt 3 g

Ground black pepper 1 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

1. Before making the food, I first put the knife and cutting board into the Mofei knife chopstick cutting board disinfection machine to disinfect, take it out and let it cool, and prepare the ingredients.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

2. Prepare sliced bread baked in advance.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

3: Remove the green fruit and vegetable knife board from the Mofei knife cutting board disinfection machine, slice the tomatoes and cucumbers and set aside.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

4: Pour a little olive oil into the breakfast machine and heat over low heat.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

5: Beat the eggs and sprinkle with a little salt and black pepper.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

6: Add a layer of cucumber slices.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

7: Add a slice of sliced bread.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

8, the breakfast machine lid cover turned over, open the lid.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

9: Put a cheese slice on it.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

10: Add another layer of tomato slices.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

11: Cover the top with a slice of sliced bread and cover the lid.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

12: Fry for two minutes and Panini is ready.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

13, the outside is tender and tender, and it is plated.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

14. The tempting cheese egg castle Panini is on the table.

With cheese egg castle Panini lazy people can not take out can also eat a good meal

15. Serve with a cup of black coffee and enjoy your good time.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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