
After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the old farmer in Henan adopted a Japanese ghost for 47 years, and he repaid it after returning to China

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression had a tremendous impact on China. Japan invaded China for 14 years. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, countless heroes paid with their lives to drive Japan out of China. Therefore, the surviving people at that time only hated the Japanese devils. But even so, there are always some exceptions. After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the old farmers in Henan adopted a Japanese ghost for 47 years. After returning home, the Japanese thanked the old farmers in this way. Let's see.

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the old farmer in Henan adopted a Japanese ghost for 47 years, and he repaid it after returning to China

The old man's name was Sun Bangjun. One day, when he was out shopping for groceries, he saw a Japanese soldier lying in a corner of the road. He looked at his own young age. He shivered alone in the corner. All the people who came and went turned a blind eye to him, or quickly avoided him. Sun Bangjun looked at him pitifully and gave him something. Then the Japanese soldiers followed Sun Bangjun. This followed him home. Sun Bangjun conveniently left him in his home. At that time, the Japanese soldier was very ill, and Sun Bangjun's family had no money, so he sold his cattle and cured the Japanese soldiers. Since then, Japanese soldiers have made their homes here.

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the old farmer in Henan adopted a Japanese ghost for 47 years, and he repaid it after returning to China

Later, through exchanges, the Japanese soldier said he was originally a college student and was forced to be sent to the battlefield as a soldier. He didn't like war and was afraid of war, so he became a deserter. For this reason, the Japanese deliberately abandoned him when they returned home. He also said he didn't kill a Chinese. Hearing this, the neighbors slowly accepted the Japanese soldier, but they did not expect to live here for 47 years.

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the old farmer in Henan adopted a Japanese ghost for 47 years, and he repaid it after returning to China

Sun Bangjun had been helping Japanese soldiers find a way to return to the country until his death, and he told his grandson to continue to help find it. In the decades after World War II, China and Japan re-established diplomatic relations, and the Japanese soldier found his way home. After returning to Japan, he thanked Sun Bangjun's family for their help and kindness and gave them a large amount of money. Since then, they have even sponsored the Sun family to study in Japan. War is mixed with blood and tears, and I hope there will be no more war in the future

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