
5 good habits for you to become more and more disciplined in 2022

5 good habits for you to become more and more disciplined in 2022

Wherever you spend your time, your life is where it is.

Spring and summer, autumn harvest and winter hiding, unconsciously, 2022 quietly comes.

Looking back on the past year, whether it is harvesting growth or experiencing setbacks, it has all passed.

In the new year, what has changed is time, and what has not changed is the original intention of wanting to make yourself better and better.

On the road to getting better, what we should do more than achieve lofty goals is to focus on the immediate moments.

Chen Danqing said: "You have to start with small things and save yourself inch by inch." ”

In 2022, grasping the moment and starting from small things is the best way to improve yourself.

Today, I would like to share with you the 5 good habits recommended by the People's Daily, stick to them, and let self-discipline become an instinct.

5 good habits for you to become more and more disciplined in 2022


Stay up a little less and go to bed a little earlier.

How long have you not slept soundly?

In the 2021 Exercise and Sleep White Paper, there is this set of data:

More than 300 million people in China have sleep disorders, about 38% of adults have insomnia, and the proportion of sleep disorders is 10% higher than the world average.

Can't sleep, don't want to sleep, is a common disease of contemporary people.

A netizen on Weibo has told his experience.

For a while he had to work overtime because of his work, and he had to be busy until 2 a.m. every day to go to bed.

When I lay down on the bed, started playing games and chasing dramas like crazy, and finally put down my phone and prepared to go to bed, it was already 4 o'clock.

During that time, he didn't want to move at all during the day, and he could fall asleep standing.

Staying up late every day, his body's immunity has also dropped significantly, and small problems such as fever and mouth ulcers have not been seen for a long time.

Once, he was lying in bed playing a game, and suddenly his eyes were dizzy and swollen, and he almost passed out. Frightened, he did not light up the next day, so he ran to the hospital to register.

The doctor's advice to him was: put down the phone and go to bed early.

Since then, he has begun to go to bed early every day, and slowly, all the small problems in his body have healed themselves, and the whole person has been rejuvenated and in a better state.

Aesthetics master Zhu Guangqian said:

The smarter the person, the more he knows how to rest, and rest not only prepares for work, but sometimes work must be matured in rest.

During the day we toil for life, only at night can we have a chance to breathe.

The stress of life, the troubles of work, and the unhappiness of feelings will become the reasons for tossing and turning.

But you will find that staying up late not only does not solve any problem, but also consumes your spirit and drags down your body.

In 2022, there is nothing to go to bed early, give the body a little time to take a nap, and leave a calm posture for life.

Only by taking care of yourself first can you pursue the future you want to pursue with full enthusiasm.

5 good habits for you to become more and more disciplined in 2022


A little less pastime, a little more reading.

At the beginning of the new year, the circle of friends is posting various annual lists.

Many people are enthusiastically discussing the level of game settlement, paying attention to which video bloggers...

Here, I would like to ask you, how many books have you read in the past year?

I agree with the saying, "Wherever you spend your time, your life is there." ”

Spend time on pastimes, you can only reap temporary enjoyment; spend time on reading, and every book you read will reward you in the future.

I have seen the story of Yang Guibao, a security guard at the Xiamen Museum.

Only Gao Chinese, who can not only skillfully introduce Chinese history to tourists, but also recite the Tao Te Ching backwards.

He knows the story of the princes and princes of all the dynasties, and every artifact in the museum.

He always said confidently, "Whatever story you want, I can say." ”

The knowledge of literature and history that came to his disposal was so admired by the audience that even the historians who came to visit him praised him.

It turned out that Yang Guibao's education level was not high, and he had been farming at home since graduating from high school.

In order to enrich his knowledge, his favorite thing after work is to read.

Every day, I get up at 5 o'clock and start reading books such as "University", "I Ching", and "Analects".

At 7:30, he went to work on time, and as soon as he had free time, Yang Guibao would take out his book and look at it with relish.

At the end of the day, he spent at least 5 hours on reading.

It is precisely because he has left his free time to study that he can answer various questions with ease and achieve the ultimate in his post.

There is a saying that is very good: "Reading is the process of making yourself vast." ”

On the road of life, whether it is to drive away confusion or fight mediocrity, reading is the simplest and most practical way.

In 2022, play less games, brush less videos, and don't waste time in your pastime.

Give yourself a little more time to read, hold a good book in your hand, and leave your worries and noises behind.

In the fragrant literature and ink, absorb the wisdom of predecessors, moisten the boredom of life, and light up your own life.

5 good habits for you to become more and more disciplined in 2022


A little less overdraft, a little more exercise.

In 2021, there is a hot topic on Zhihu: "What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?" ”

There is a very heartfelt answer at the bottom:

"Healthy, original organs, whichever one is broken, is enough to ruin one' family."

Exercise, on the other hand, is the best secret to staying healthy.

The host Bai Yansong had a period of time, always felt that the body was not very comfortable, and the whole person was also very anxious.

After going to the hospital for examination, it was found that the blood pressure had reached a critical point.

The doctor advised him to take medication and keep eating it for life.

Bai Yansong rejected the doctor's advice, saying:

"Give me two months to make some adjustments myself, and if it doesn't work, I'll take my medicine again."

The adjustment that Bai Yansong said is movement.

Walk fast for an hour every night, jog three laps, and keep going uninterrupted.

Two months later, he went to the hospital for examination, and his blood pressure dropped back to the normal zone, and his fatty liver turned from moderate to mild.

After insisting on it for a while, I checked it again and found that all the indicators were back to normal.

Haruki Murakami once said:

The flesh is everyone's temple, and no matter what is enshrined in it, it should be kept strong, beautiful, and clean.

Exercise is not the easiest way to maintain the body, but it is the most effective and beneficial one.

Only by having a good body can you do what you want to do and live the life you want.

In 2022, no matter how tired you are at work and how busy your days are, you must also take time to exercise, sweat in, and become a better version of yourself.

How to develop good exercise habits, here are a few tips for you to share.

1. Find a sport you like best.

If exercise isn't a happy thing for you, you won't be able to stick with it.

So, try to find the sport you're most interested in, whether it's running, swimming, tennis, cycling, and so on.

Follow your inner choices and do your favorite sport.

2. Ask a friend to exercise together.

The most feared thing about sports is that they can't be sustained, and many people often just have three minutes of heat.

If someone is with you, you can push each other and make an appointment for a fixed exercise time.

When one party wants to be lazy, it will be because of the other party's continuous urging, and it will persist over time.

3. Don't think too much, get moving.

The most basic rule of exercise is to change into shoes and clothes and go out immediately.

Don't think about how long and when it will end today.

All you have to do is open the door and go out, start exercising, and the next thing you're going to do is.


Spend less, save more.

As 2021 comes to an abrupt end with hustle and bustle, have you ever asked yourself in your heart:

"How much money do you have left this year?"

Have you found that you thought you had earned a lot, but in fact you didn't save much, where did all the hard-earned money go?

I think of the Douban "cutting god" Wang Shen love that was popular all over the Internet last year.

On one show, the 32-year-old said she had a monthly salary savings rate of more than 90 percent:

Never party with colleagues, always find all kinds of excuses to shirk when encountering dinner;

Treat luxury goods as a flood beast, and clothes are picked up for friends to wear;

Daily necessities basically do not cost money, and transportation expenses all rely on various platforms to collect coupons...

In this way, with little by little savings, she saved 2 suites in Nanjing at the age of 32.

Many people wonder why she wants to "cut" like this.

Wang Shen loved to describe himself, when he was very young, his mother always threw money on the ground for her to pick up, and then told her:

"Money is particularly hard to earn, and every penny shouldn't be wasted."

5 good habits for you to become more and more disciplined in 2022

After graduation, Wang Shen'ai worked in advertising and found that many people overdrafted their money just to buy something they didn't need at all.

For her, excessive consumption can only bring anxiety, but saving money can bring her a sense of satisfaction and security.

The house is her sense of security, and with a house there is a way out.

The money that she saved little by little also enabled her to live this life in the way she wanted.

The movie "True Love And False Love" has a line:

What I love is not money, what I love is the kind of independent and free life that money brings.

To have a deposit of one's own is to reserve oneself a dignity and the freedom to say "no" at any time.

In 2022, the epidemic is still spreading, and all walks of life are changing.

The uncertainty and risks of life have increased greatly, and there are many places where money is needed.

You can only stay decent at all times and give yourself the security you want by working hard and saving as much money as you can.

In the new year, there is nothing less to be pretentious, have time to save more money, and let your confidence become more and more sufficient.

5 good habits for you to become more and more disciplined in 2022


A little less hustle and bustle, a little more solitude.

Have you ever reflected on how long you have been alone in the past year?

How much time you spend and waste on useless socializing.

Many times, we spend energy making innocuous friends, but forget to spend some time on ourselves, doing what we like, and improving ourselves.

Oprah once said, "All those alone times determine who we become." ”

Being alone is also the best value-added period for a person.

In 2012, the architect Wang Shu won the "Pritzker Prize", the world's highest honor in the world of architecture.

Talking about the secret of success, Wang Shu said:

I have to thank those years of solitude. When I was a child, I fell in love with painting because I was lonely, and I had a vague concept of architecture.

After graduation, because I was alone, I was able to calm down and think, and many of the design inspirations came from that period.

After graduating from university, he entered the company under the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts.

Feeling unfree, he survived for several years and chose to resign.

For the next ten years, seeing that his colleagues had become extremely rich, he spent all day soaking in the construction site as if he had gone into hiding.

Usually engaged in manual labor with craftsmen, he spent his leisure time wandering around the West Lake, drinking tea and reading books.

He said: "I want to go alone and silently to see how far I can go." ”

Thanks to this quiet time, he immersed himself in the study of architecture, and finally formed his own set of aesthetic ideas.

Eventually, become a generation of builders.

There is a bell on the campus of National Taiwan University, which was set up by President Fu Si Nian, and it only rings 21 times a day.

Fu Si Nian said: "People actually only have 21 hours a day, and the remaining 3 hours are used for contemplation. ”

In 2022, stay away from the low-quality socializing, make time to meditate, listen to your heart, and focus on growth and progress.

You can learn a new skill to recharge your batteries, or you can develop a special hobby that adds fun to life.

In the new year, may you learn to enjoy being alone, live a full life of boring days, and live your life out of your own true colors.

5 good habits for you to become more and more disciplined in 2022

I like this sentence:

Happiness is accumulated little by little, and life is managed day by day.

True self-discipline is actually not to force yourself to do something earth-shattering, but to do every little thing in front of you.

365 days a year, no matter how trivial a thing, insist on every day, the final harvest will be very impressive.

In 2022, Vientiane is renewed, setting new goals and plans for itself at a new starting point.

In the days to come, please run with time, set off on your journey, and write your new chapter.

In 2022, may you and I live up to the years, and meet a better self in the accumulation and precipitation of day after day.

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