
When the general found a bird while eating, he immediately stopped chopsticks and ordered the soldiers to retreat immediately, otherwise it would be difficult

"The generals are half dead and alive in the front, and the beauty is singing and dancing under the tent." This poem in the famous Tang Dynasty border poet Gao Shi's "Yan Song Xing" depicts a sad scene of a soldier fighting to the death on the front line while the general covets pleasure in the tent.

In a battlefield with no eyes, the command of the general is particularly important for the army. Will be incompetent, then the soldier will die. In the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Chinese army was able to win more with less, not only because we stood on the side of justice and united as one, but also thanks to the wise and brave generals who were keenly aware of the battle situation. It is said that on a certain battlefield, the general stumbled upon a bird while eating, and when he felt a scene, he immediately stopped chopsticks, immediately decided, and ordered the soldiers to retreat immediately, otherwise there would be great difficulties.

When the general found a bird while eating, he immediately stopped chopsticks and ordered the soldiers to retreat immediately, otherwise it would be difficult

The sword blade came out of the grinding

The general's name was Xu Hengzhi. Hsu Hyung-sik, also known as Lee Hee-san, is a Korean, and his father was not originally a Chinese. Heo Hyung-sik was born in 1909 in Seonsan-gun, North Gyeongsang-do, North Korea, when his father was participating in the "Volunteer Movement" in Korea to resist Japanese colonial rule, but unfortunately failed. The young Heo Heng-sik was forced to leave his hometown with his father to come to China, went into exile in northeastern China, and later settled in Kaiyuan, Liaoning Province, where he became a thorough Chinese. Heo Hengzhi's youth was not rich, born in the early twentieth century, he coincided with a thousand years of war, the country's fortunes were drifting, and his home was difficult to survive. Death, the people suffer. ”

The corruption of the Qing government could not make the people living in this ancient land unhappy. Poverty prevented him from entering the academy, but the brilliant Heo Hyung planted his head overhanging beam and cone thorns, and not only taught himself to learn Korean. He also read a lot of Chinese books, which laid a solid cultural foundation for the years to come, and also cultivated his keen ability to perceive the battlefield situation, and then the accurate judgment of the bird incident may stem from his hard training and study of his own ability at this time. In old China, the harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes overwhelmed the people, and in order to subsidize the family, the fifteen-year-old Heng Zhi had to participate in agricultural labor.

It was also at this time that many Korean patriots exiled to the northeast carried out anti-Japanese activities in the Kaiyuan area. In his hometown, Xu Hengzhi often had contact with patriots, read some progressive books, and his thinking progressed rapidly. In 1929, Xu Hengzhi's family moved to Harbin, where he had more contact with the Chinese Communist Party organization and joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1930 as he wished, becoming a solid new blood of the CCP in that era.

When the general found a bird while eating, he immediately stopped chopsticks and ordered the soldiers to retreat immediately, otherwise it would be difficult

Shed blood for the cause of resisting Japan

The Lugou Bridge Incident in 1937 became the trigger for Japan's all-out invasion of China, and at this point, Japan no longer hid its wolf ambitions, and made wild claims that it would annex China in three months. At this time, Xu Hengzhi had become the commander of the newly organized Third Division of the Third Army, but he still retained the habit of tempering at the grass-roots level, going in and out with the soldiers, and did not put up an official frame at all. As a division commander, Xu Hengzhi's ability can be said to be very outstanding, "in the midst of planning, decisive victory is thousands of miles away" lies in the Japanese army's maneuvering, so that the enemy army has been trapped in traps and troubles countless times, and has won valuable time for the army fighting together.

At the same time, he was not the kind of general in Gao Shi's "Yan Ge Xing" who would only shrink in the headquarters for pleasure, whenever there was a war, he would definitely rush to the forefront with the soldiers, and the rain of bullets and bullets was not afraid at all, no matter how hard it was, no matter how difficult it was, he never wanted to give up any soldier in the team. In a battle, Xu Heung-sik led his troops to carry out a surprise attack on the Japanese army, successfully destroyed the Japanese railway tracks and intelligence points, and made great contributions to the anti-war work at that time. Because of his performance on the battlefield several times, he also had the nickname "Xu Bold". Xu Hengzhi already had a family, but he knew very well that if the country was broken, the family would die, and if he could not defend the motherland, then there would be no stable small family. Giving away the small is the big, and Xu Hengzhi is ready to dedicate everything to the War of Resistance Against Japan.

When the general found a bird while eating, he immediately stopped chopsticks and ordered the soldiers to retreat immediately, otherwise it would be difficult

Unusually keen observation

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression lasted for eight years, and during these eight years, the land of China was starved and the people were not happy. Countless able men and women have exhausted all their strength to try to save the oriental lion that is sinking. In countless large and small battles, Xu Hengzhi and his soldiers went deep into the motherland and traveled through many complex terrains. A special experience impressed the soldiers of the whole army. It was a regular task of the army, and in order to avoid the carpet search of the Japanese army, our army would always choose to move in the deep mountains and old forests or river valleys that were inaccessible and uninhabited, and would never give the Japanese army any opportunity to take advantage of it.

However, the march in the deep forest is not destined to go smoothly, and the speed of the march will be different from the flat road, and after dark, they will camp near the river, prepare for a good night's rest, and continue the road the next day. There were no accidents in the evening, but the next morning, Xu Hengzhi found that something was wrong around him. While eating breakfast, he stumbled upon a brightly colored bird parked on the branch in front of him, and this unusually beautiful creature immediately aroused his vigilance.

When the general found a bird while eating, he immediately stopped chopsticks and ordered the soldiers to retreat immediately, otherwise it would be difficult

It is reasonable to say that in the inaccessible deep mountains and old forests, in order to avoid being noticed by predators, most creatures have slowly evolved a good camouflage appearance, or blended with the color of the tree, or consistent with the color of the wet land, and will never expose their position so brightly. And at this time, the war is raging, the people are hungry, even the animals, are short of food, but the bird's hair is shiny and slippery, not like it has suffered from hunger, it looks like it has been carefully raised, and most importantly, it does not look like a bird species that will appear locally. After thinking about it, Xu Hengzhi's heart was alarmed, and he was almost immediately sure that this must be a bird sent by the Japanese army to explore our military intelligence.

Such a hidden reconnaissance method can almost be said to be seamless, but Xu Hengzhi is not very human, and after many years of groping and grinding on the battlefield, he immediately put down his dishes and chopsticks, ordered all the officers and men of the army to immediately stop eating, clean up the logistics within two minutes, and dispose of the violators according to military orders. However, at this moment, the generals were already very tired, and the rapid march of the day coupled with the lack of food consumed their physical strength, so the retreat was unexpectedly slow, Xu Hengzhi looked in his eyes, and he desperately urged.

If they could leave immediately at this moment, perhaps there was a glimmer of life, for he suddenly realized that the cooking smoke that rose from the morning when a few soldiers were cooking might have further exposed their position, so that the bird could come so quickly. However, the heavens did not help Xu Hengzhi, and the menacing Japanese army quickly caught up with them before they left, and kept following them, although at that time our army already knew the enemy's movements, but because of the lack of food in the troops, coupled with the lack of physical strength of these soldiers, the speed of the march could not keep up with the large troops, resulting in many soldiers falling behind.

When the general found a bird while eating, he immediately stopped chopsticks and ordered the soldiers to retreat immediately, otherwise it would be difficult

Xu Hengzhi will never give up on any soldier, in order to save them, he had to stay and fight the Japanese army to the death, after several hours of hard struggle, our army finally ran out of ammunition, Xu Hengzhi's army was invincible, he himself was unfortunately hit, heroic sacrifice, only thirty-three years old. "Poor indeterminate river bones, like people in the dreams of spring girls." Xu Hengzhi was the most spirited age of a general. In the spring of 1929, he married his like-minded partner Kim Jong-sook, a young couple, and loved each other very much.

But Heo Hyung-sik did not covet the gentle township, Kim Jong-sook is not his hero Tsukasa, Kim Jong-sook supported her husband's cause of resistance, she never complained, for the sake of the family, for the sake of the country, no complaints and no regrets, she knows very well that the cause carried out by Heo Hyung-sik is related to the critical survival of the motherland, the incompetence of the upper, the rise of the pole, the era when the people are the masters of the family will surely come. However, Xu Hengzhi still died on the battlefield, and since then, the poor and poor have fallen to the Yellow Spring, and the two have not seen each other again. The young Heo Hyung-sik thus became one of the countless souls who died in this war.

In The fall of the three eastern provinces, the Nanjing Massacre, and now it seems that the deaths in this war are only cold numbers, but in China seventy years ago, they were also the children loved by their parents, the lovers of their partners to the death, and the parents of young children who were deeply attached to them...

The blood and flesh of countless soldiers have forged the victory of the Chinese nation, and the wordless persistence of countless ordinary people has supported the road of unrepentant chinese boys to serve the country. Xu Hengzhi's vigilance against the birds and his decisiveness when giving orders also reflect the harsh combat conditions of our soldiers. The corruption and incompetence of the Qing government made it impossible for us to get rid of the situation of poverty and weakness when we entered the Republic of China, the artillery and gunpowder were insufficient, the military strength was far from being comparable to that of Japan, which successfully carried out the Meiji Restoration, and our army even experienced the embarrassing situation of using millet plus rifles for combat.

When the general found a bird while eating, he immediately stopped chopsticks and ordered the soldiers to retreat immediately, otherwise it would be difficult

The hardware was so poor that the Communist generals had to do everything in their power to keep them alert to the movements of the battlefield. At this moment, we who are enjoying a peaceful life, looking back at history, whether we will remember the sacrifices made by our ancestors, "remembering bittersweet" should never become an empty phrase. We should not cling to hatred and lose our true intention to take the road of peaceful development, but we must also never forget hatred and forget the road paved with the blood of our ancestors. Fearless fighters such as Xu Hengzhi were countless in the War of Resistance Against Japan, some of whom were honorably commended after the founding of the People's Republic of China and respected by the people of the whole country, and some of whom were submerged in the long river of history and obscurity. Smoke billows and sings heroes, green mountains on all sides listen, listen to the ears of the side, listen to my Chinese sons and daughters will never yield and roar under the might!

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