
During the War of Resistance, the general found a "bird" during the meal, immediately discarded the dishes and chopsticks, and ordered: Retreat immediately!

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

No matter how long it has been, the bloody picture of the war is still vividly remembered, and every citizen knows very well that it is precisely by relying on one war after another that we have laid the status of the strong today, but what I want to make clear to you here is that we have never taken the initiative to provoke any war, and have never taken the initiative to invade other countries, all of which stem from self-defense.

During the War of Resistance, the general found a "bird" during the meal, immediately discarded the dishes and chopsticks, and ordered: Retreat immediately!

The War of Resistance Against Japan has become a painful memory for too many people, how many people have been displaced in this war, and how many fighters have lost their lives. Today I want to share with you a story from the War of Resistance Against Japan, this story tells that a general of our army suddenly found a bird during dinner, when the general saw the bird, he immediately lost his job, then the general quickly made a judgment, ordered the troops to retreat immediately, if not in time to retreat, then according to military law, I believe that many people are very curious about what the general did, why after seeing a bird, the general ordered the troops to retreat? Today we will take a good look at the truth of this matter.

Xu Hengzhi has firm ambitions and fights for the country

First of all, reveal the name of this general, this general's name is Xu Hengzhi. China is now a mixture of humiliation and blood and tears, and we can never forget the dark days when, under the background of the Japanese invasion of China, how many heroes, sons, daughters, and heroes and heroines paid their lives and blood to defend the peace of the country and drive the enemy out of China.

During the War of Resistance, the general found a "bird" during the meal, immediately discarded the dishes and chopsticks, and ordered: Retreat immediately!

The Japanese lost their conscience and hurt innocent people, many of our compatriots were brutally murdered. Of course, in the end, this war ended with the victory of Chinese. The victory in this war was the result of the joint efforts of countless heroes, and General Heo Hyung-sik was one of many heroes. After the prelude to the war of aggression against China was unveiled, northeast China was first occupied by the Japanese, and in the face of Japanese aggression and oppression, Xu Hengzhi was very angry in his heart, and the patriotism in his heart was constantly rushing. After the September 18 Incident, the Anti-Japanese Coalition Army was established in the northeast, and Xu Hengzhi, who was deeply inspired by patriotism, immediately joined the Anti-Japanese Coalition Army.

During the War of Resistance, the general found a "bird" during the meal, immediately discarded the dishes and chopsticks, and ordered: Retreat immediately!

In the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, Xu Hengzhi's performance was very heroic, no matter how harsh the environment and how harsh the conditions were, he was able to persist in fighting, and relying on the accumulation of one battle after another, he became a general who bravely killed the enemy on the battlefield from a fledgling soldier.

The All-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, and Xu Hengzhi heroically killed the enemy

Because of Xu Hengzhi's anti-Japanese enthusiasm and efforts, when the Anti-Japanese War broke out in an all-round way, he had become the commander of the newly organized Third Division of the Third Army, and as a division commander, he not only had to go to the battlefield to fight on his own, but also had the ability to command the troops. Obviously, all this Heo Hyung-sik has done very well, he led the soldiers of the army to fight the enemy, and Heo Hyung-sik has created all kinds of troubles for the Japanese army again and again. Also relying on his joint efforts with the troops, Xu Hengzhi led the troops to eliminate many Japanese troops, and it is worth mentioning that at that time, Xu Hengzhi also destroyed the Japanese railway tracks and intelligence points.

During the War of Resistance, the general found a "bird" during the meal, immediately discarded the dishes and chopsticks, and ordered: Retreat immediately!

In that turbulent era, there were too many heroes, and the feelings of serving the country in the hearts of these heroes made them more heroic and fearless in action, although Xu Hengzhi was already a division commander at that time, but he did not forget the original intention of resisting the Japanese Kou, in the War of Resistance He led the troops to make many military achievements, and it did not take long to be promoted to major general.

During the War of Resistance, the general found a "bird" during the meal, immediately discarded the dishes and chopsticks, and ordered: Retreat immediately!

Once, when he was eating out with a bowl, he suddenly found a bird falling on the tree, this bird was different from ordinary birds, the feathers were very plump, and it looked very smooth, which immediately aroused Xu Hengzhi's vigilance. Because it was a time of war, everyone simply could not grow food well, and even people could not eat enough, let alone birds. So under normal circumstances, birds can't grow so strong, Xu Hengzhi is a person who has experienced big winds and waves, small details like this can't escape his eyes, seeing such a situation, he carefully analyzes the reasons behind this matter, and has to say that his ability is really admired by everyone.

Found the bird, accurate analysis, led the troops to evacuate

After his own careful analysis, Xu Hengzhi concluded that this must be a bird raised by the Japanese army, and after firmly believing his thoughts, he went back and ordered the troops to retreat immediately, and if they did not retreat immediately, they would be dealt with by military law, and not long after they left, the enemy had already caught up. It can be seen from this that Xu Hengzhi's judgment is not wrong at all. The Japanese army has been following them continuously, although at that time our army already knew the enemy's movements, but because of the lack of food in the troops, coupled with the lack of physical strength of these soldiers, the marching speed could not keep up with the large troops, resulting in many soldiers were lost.

During the War of Resistance, the general found a "bird" during the meal, immediately discarded the dishes and chopsticks, and ordered: Retreat immediately!

The fallen soldiers were quickly chased by the Japanese, and Heo Hyung-sik, because he could not bear to let the soldiers fall behind, fought a decisive battle with the Japanese army. Because at that time, the equipment of our army could not compete with the Japanese at all, and in this case, fighting was equivalent to death, but even in such a severe situation, Xu Hengzhi was still unwilling to give up the life of any soldier, so he and the Japanese army launched a desperate struggle. During the battle, Heo Hyung-sik was unfortunately hit by the Japanese army and died, at that time he was only 33 years old, a very young general.

During the War of Resistance, the general found a "bird" during the meal, immediately discarded the dishes and chopsticks, and ordered: Retreat immediately!

It is a pity that this general cannot witness the prosperity of the country with us today, but everything they have done for the country will not be forgotten by us because of the end of their lives, they exchanged their lives for the peace they have now, and everything we have now is hard-won. War has brought us too much pain, but also let us feel the warmth, it is because of the dedication of these soldiers, we can feel this beautiful era. It is because of them that the country shines, and it is this light that guides us forward.

During the War of Resistance, the general found a "bird" during the meal, immediately discarded the dishes and chopsticks, and ordered: Retreat immediately!

The beauty of China today is obtained by the continuous efforts of these heroic martyrs, so we must always remember their contributions to our country, always remember these heroes, although they may not be so famous in history, but they are worthy of our remembrance, every national hero is worthy of our respect, for the national heroes do you have anything to say?

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