
Why was the atomic bombing not the main reason for Japan's choice of surrender?

The atomic bomb was at best an hastening agent of the Japanese surrender, after all, the Japanese surrendered sooner or later.

This is a dry thing to say, Xiaobian gave the big guys a brief explanation of the situation faced by the Japanese at that time, and you will understand.

Why was the atomic bombing not the main reason for Japan's choice of surrender?

At the end of World War II, Japan had roughly two battlefields, the first of which was the Chinese battlefield, where 70% of the Japanese troops were trapped and could not be pulled out.

Such a huge force resting on the battlefield of China, scattered on China's territory, the force is quite fragile, and self-preservation is a problem.

Speaking of this, it is estimated that some people want to say how the combat effectiveness of the Japanese is, but I just want to tell you that many Japanese in the occupied areas even have a problem with a full stomach.

Among other things, the Japanese soldiers in North China traded their own arms with the local anti-Japanese forces.

Seriously, the Japanese at this point are most concerned not about how the battle is fought, but how they can get home alive.

Of course, there are inevitably some head iron here, fantasizing about something? But that doesn't make up a large percentage, and if you look through the memoirs of some Japanese veterans and the like, you'll see that most of them had a strong desire to go home alive at the time.

You have to let the editor say a specific thing, that is, the Soviet Red Army sent troops to the northeast, and in just one week, the Japanese Kwantung Army was scattered, and when these prisoners were taken back to Siberia, many Japanese people thought from the heart that the Soviet Union was kind and prepared to send them back to Japan, rather than going to Siberia to build any railway.

Looking back at the Pacific Theater, Japan has been repaired by the Americans, except for barking at a hundred million jade fragments, and can no longer do much.

Moreover, Okinawa was taken by the Americans, the gateway to the Japanese mainland had been pierced, and all that was left was the last step - landing.

Since the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese have built a powerful fleet that has been sunk at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and fed to sharks.

As the main branch of modern warfare, the Air Force, had already been killed in the Pacific War, and the rest were temporarily charged, flying for less than twenty hours, at best, to supply their kamikaze task force with a little bit of guys who flew planes and hit warships.

Why was the atomic bombing not the main reason for Japan's choice of surrender?

Even if it is to compete with American pilots and throw these guys into the sky, this is not enough for American pilots to be excited, and breaking the sky is to add more ace pilots and double pilots to American pilots, and fight tooth sacrifice.

And that's not all? The American Li Mei fire attack is not a vegetarian, and if nothing else, the bombing of Tokyo and the incendiary bombs have burned Tokyo beyond recognition.

The temperature of the burning melted the metal, the water in the pool of the park boiled, and those who dared to jump into it were boiled up.

And this series of bombings has caused more than eight million people in Japan to flee the city and hide desperately in the countryside.

You see, two-thirds of Japanese industry is squeezed out of small factories and workshops of less than thirty people.

And these factories are hidden in residential areas, and you can see how the factories in Japan have basically been abandoned.

That is to say, the Japanese's war potential value has been crushed to the bottom, and even if he wants to launch any counterattack, he must let their soldiers rush up with large blades and pen heads.

In fact, the Japanese were no longer equipped enough to arm the soldiers they had temporarily assembled.

In fact, as early as June 1945, Japan's Tsukigi Yuki wrote a "Draft Plan for Controlling the Crisis Situation", which is very reflective of this.

In this draft, there is no cover-up, and it is blunt to tell all the Japanese that they no longer have the ability to continue the war.

And because of the continuous war, the japanese lower classes have been squeezed to the extreme. Here you don't talk about the obedience and self-consciousness of the Japanese, which is no longer easy to make when faced with life and death.

Why was the atomic bombing not the main reason for Japan's choice of surrender?

Therefore, according to the statement in the draft, in the squeeze, Japan cannot wait for the Attack of the Americans, and the Japanese at the bottom will rebel.

And this conclusion has basically been accepted by all the Japanese high-level officials, who feel what kind of mood the Japanese emperor at that time will feel after seeing it.

Of course, don't forget that there was also the Soviet Union staring at the Japanese, looking for the right time to give the Japanese a fatal bite.

This is the situation that the Japanese are facing.

Speaking of this, it is estimated that there are friends who want to say: "Why are japanese people so thick-skinned?" They have all reached this realm, and they are still roaring with 100 million jade fragments, what is he trying to do? What the hell is this little nine-nine pondering? ”

Then, let's try to analyze the Tao, and then we will answer the question of the subject.

Why was the atomic bombing not the main reason for Japan's choice of surrender?

It is said that berlin, the capital of the Germans in Europe, has been smashed by the Soviet Red Army, and this is not to mention, it has been divided into four pieces by the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain, and France, and occupied by the four countries.

Then the Germans and the Japanese are allies, the Germans are like this, and it is reasonable to say that the Japanese should also be able to see their own end.

So did the Japanese really not see what would happen to them? In fact, after the end of the Battle of Midway, you don't have to talk about the upper echelons of the Japanese, even the lower classes of the people have seen through the outcome of the war, the defeat is accurate, and this pulse is not a little bit off the taste.

So Japan has long been plotting for failure, so if you look through that history, you will find that Japan began to contact the Americans as early as January 1945.

His contact did not mean that he was going to concede defeat, and as a loser he did not make any demands, but on the basis of admitting defeat, he made the Americans agree to his various demands.

As long as the Americans agreed to these conditions, the Japanese laid down their weapons in minutes.

This was what the Japanese thought at that time, and after Roosevelt got the conditions of the Japanese, he looked at the thick stack of paper, and the brain shell was about to explode, and people were shameless but there was a bottom line, how could they be so faceless and skinless?

So the contact at that time was not good, and the two sides took up arms again and continued to fight.

After all, americans are afraid that their casualties are too great, and if the psychological bottom line of the American people cannot be sustained, as a government, Bao Qi will step down.

In this kind of contact, then, the Americans actually made concessions, and if nothing else, in the potsdam Proclamation, the announcement at that time only mentioned the unconditional surrender of the armed forces, and as for the emperor who the Japanese desperately wanted to save, there was no mention at all.

Of course, there are also small partners who analyze that the reason why the Americans did this is to look at the face of the British, after all, the British also have a king in their own family.

Although Japan and Britain are not compatible, and they are also opponents in World War II, it is not easy to say if they are caught by the Japanese.

Why was the atomic bombing not the main reason for Japan's choice of surrender?

However, Xiaobian feels that this seems to be a little reasonable, but it is really not compatible, after all, the British are the victorious countries, and they are just, and it is useless for you to rip anything.

There is an essential difference between this British king and your Japanese emperor, you must know that it was the Japanese emperor who launched World War II, and the British king has been a member of the resolute resistance to fascism since the beginning of World War II.

Therefore, on this point, Xiaobian does not agree, and more is that it is a concession made by the Americans and the Japanese on the surface under the contact between the United States and the Japanese.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the determination of the Japanese to resist was even stronger.

How the Japanese responded to this situation

Why was the atomic bombing not the main reason for Japan's choice of surrender?

So we saw a Response from the Japanese to the Potsdam Proclamation, which was very Japanese, and their response was: "黙殺する!" ”

黙殺する? What do you mean? The Americans looked at the Japanese sample with a question mark in their heads, and looked at the dictionary in doubt, and finally found that there were two meanings here, one was to ignore, and the other was to refuse.

If we most people listen to it, these are almost two synonyms, which can be treated equally, but if you put it in the official, you have to chew on the taste.

Ignore, in fact, there is a meaning here, refuse to talk with others, you can communicate in depth. (In fact, Suzuki, who said this later to his son, said that he meant everything in silence, but there was no suitable word in Japanese to express this meaning, so he used 黙殺する))

And refuse, this is nothing to say, you still belong to the level of hard mouth, there is no intention of surrendering.

At that time, after the Americans saw these two meanings, they touched the brain shell, no matter what, or according to the refusal to deal with it, don't put a hot face on the cold ass and embarrass yourself.

So there was the atomic bomb in the back.

As an afterthought spectator, I don't have much sensitivity to these two meanings, and I wonder why the Japanese are so arrogant? Dare to say 黙殺する!

Why was the atomic bombing not the main reason for Japan's choice of surrender?

Because the Japanese felt that they had one of the biggest dependencies - the Soviets.

You know, when the Red Army did not launch an attack on the Japanese Kwantung Army, the two families maintained a strange state of peace.

After all, there is also a Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Treaty.

Speaking of this, it is estimated that some friends have to say: "You can pull it down!" On April 5, 1945, the Soviets had already issued a circular to Japan that they did not intend to extend the treaty after it expired! ”

Oh, yes! The point is that there is no intention of extending, that is, the treaty will be very effective until it is extended.

At this time, the Japanese people's brains had been blinded by their idea of betting on the fortunes of the country, and they could only see the good side, and they did not think that the Soviet Union could tear up this treaty at any time.

Therefore, under this premise, the Japanese feel that as long as they give enough benefits to the Soviet Union, they can pull the Soviet Union to their own piece and give themselves a position, and with such a helper, then for Japan's most important opponent, the Americans, the Japanese people have a bottom in their hearts.

So the Japanese came up with the Treaty of Portsmouth signed during the Russo-Japanese War.

What about this peace treaty? At the time of the Russo-Japanese War, the Soviet Union was still Tsarist Russia, and after being defeated by the Japanese, he handed over all his rights on Chinese soil to the Japanese.

With that said, you know what it means here, exchanging the benefits of 1905 for the role of the Soviets as a conciliator.

Of course, the Japanese were mistaken for not having the Signature of the Soviets.

Well, the Soviets agreed to the unconditional surrender of the Japanese, but did not sign it, which undoubtedly gave the Japanese a shot of tonic and made the Japanese feel excited.

"Hints from the Soviets? Hints from the Soviets? ”

Why was the atomic bombing not the main reason for Japan's choice of surrender?

You don't know that when the Soviet Union held a victory parade in moscow in the Great Patriotic War, Japanese representatives participated in the parade and ran to witness the celebration of the complete crushing of their hardcore ally Germany in World War II.

Obviously, the Japanese were crazy for wanting to surrender conditionally, and they also wanted to make overtures to the Soviets in this way, trying to strengthen mutual trust between the Soviet Union and Japan.

Of course, this is not a big deal, the Japanese must also show enough sincerity to succeed, so the Japanese side intends to take the South Sakhalin Islands and the Kuril Islands as a quid pro quo for the Soviet Union to intervene.

Of course, japan also had a small condition, that is, to exchange two old aircraft carriers for hundreds of Soviet aircraft.

The Japanese felt that these efforts of their own were enough for the Soviets to come forward and lower the conditions for the Americans to impose an armistice on Japan, such as retaining the emperor, retaining the Japanese army, and even allowing Japan to deal with war criminals on its own.

After all, at this time, Japan has thrown out the slogan of 100 million jade chips, and this bottom card is extremely delicate and beautiful.

The previous bitter battles of the Japanese on various small islands can actually be completely said to be an exhibition game for the Americans, that is, to make the Americans feel that if the United States attacks Japan, it will face huge casualties.

This kind of casualty figure will make the American government a head bag.

Then if there is a Soviet reconciliation in the middle, it is not impossible for the Japanese to feel that they have a conditional surrender.

In fact, the Japanese did not want to think, how could the Soviet Union stand with the Japanese? Are you a fascist in Japan? What happened to the Soviet Union in World War II by fascism, do you not have a little imagination in Japan?

The reason why the Soviet Union has such a performance that makes Japan misunderstand is actually that at the root, it is not so much to sell, hold the Japanese card, and see what benefits the Americans will give.

Therefore, in history, we have seen that in order to let the Soviets send troops, the Americans exchanged Chinese interests for the Soviet Red Army to attack the Kwantung Army in the northeast, and even attacked the Japanese at sea.

How do you think the four northern islands were in the hands of the Soviets, that is, when they attacked the Japanese mainland, the Soviets crept out of the Japanese.

Why was the atomic bombing not the main reason for Japan's choice of surrender?

So historically, The Japanese ambassador to the Soviet Union, Mr. Sato, has not made any progress in Moscow.

When the Japanese ambassador received the news of the Soviets' declaration of war, the Soviet offensive against the Kwantung Army was not much longer a few minutes away.

Why? The first atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese mainland, and the reason why Japan was still planning to hold on to it, the Soviet Union had not yet shown the rhythm of hitting them.

You have to know that the atomic bomb, the Japanese Navy and the Army have worked on it separately, even if you don't know one hundred percent of the harm to him, it is still possible to know more than half of it.

In the eyes of the Japanese high-level at that time, the atomic bomb was no more than that, and the original Li Mei fire attack could be more damaged than the atomic bomb that exploded in Hiroshima.

This thing is just like that, and if you insist on it, maybe once the Soviets come forward, such a reconciliation, nothing will be a problem.

So after the august 6th nuclear explosion, the Japanese also organized a mission of investigation, and the chief of their naval command said: "The atomic bomb is only one thing for the Americans, and there is nothing terrible about this thing!" ”

The last straw that crushed the camel fell on August 9, and the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and attacked the Kwantung Army.

It's over! That's what the Japanese thought at the time.

The idea of a Soviet mediator was frustrated, dreams were dashed, and imaginary allies became sworn enemies.

Therefore, at that time, the Japanese civilian bureaucracy wanted to immediately cease war and retain the emperor, and as for the military attaché, the army was still hardened, while the navy had completely turned to the armistice.

Where the Japanese themselves are still engaged in unified opinion, it seems that there is no response to the outside world.

So to the Americans, the first atomic bomb seemed to have no effect, and the Japanese were still holding on, which made the Americans very angry, so nagasaki's second mushroom cloud rose.

In fact, from these things, you can see that the Japanese knew from the beginning that this was a joke about the victory of the war.

The Soviets sent troops to let the Japanese know that their conditional surrender had become a failure.

Two atomic bombs in succession, let the Japanese know that one atomic bomb destroys a city, as long as there are enough atomic bombs, even if there is another one, put aside this piece of Tokyo, these high-level Japanese people are not high-level, all have to see their family Amaterasu god Misimisi gone.

Why was the atomic bombing not the main reason for Japan's choice of surrender?

The atomic bomb attack was only a catalyst for Japan's surrender, and if you want to drop it a few months earlier, you may still be holding on to it, waiting for the Soviets to say that if it is dropped a few months later, it is estimated that the Japanese have already surrendered.

Therefore, Japan's surrender came under the premise that it was difficult at home and abroad and there was no way out.

You must know that Japan had plans to evacuate their emperor from the Japanese mainland and go to the Northeast Kwantung Army to put up a final resistance.

But the moment the Soviets declared war on the Kwantung Army, all of Japan's roads were blocked and they could not surrender.

In fact, after Japan's surrender, it was ostensibly unconditional surrender, but in fact, under the operation of the Americans and under the specific arrangements of MacArthur, a conditional surrender had been achieved, the emperor was retained, and many war criminals were alive, so that later the Japanese prime minister had A class war criminals, and later there was some self-defense force.

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