
Why is it said that Zhuge Liang's exclusion of Wei Yan is just a misunderstanding?

Wei Yan was a famous general of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period, and saying that Wei Yan was excluded by Zhuge Liang was actually a misunderstanding, and the misunderstanding was triggered by the classic classical masterpiece "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Why is it said that Zhuge Liang's exclusion of Wei Yan is just a misunderstanding?

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Yan was portrayed as a capable but ambitious careerist, and Zhuge Liang had long believed that Wei Yan had a backbone behind his head and would rebel over time. Therefore, even when Zhuge Liang was dying, he set up the last plan against Wei Yan and used Ma Dai to pit Wei Yan to death. In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang did not spare Wei Yan when he was dying, which shows the depth of Zhuge Liang's prejudice against Wei Yan, so isn't it a natural and natural thing for Wei Yan to be excluded? However, although the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is classic, it is not history, and in the real history, Zhuge Liang not only did not exclude Wei Yan, but also used Wei Yan extremely heavily.

After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang, as the chancellor of Shu Han, held the military and political power of Shu Han. Although Wei Yan was a major general of Shu Han, his position and power or influence in Shu Han were far from being comparable to Zhuge Liang, and Wei Yan was no threat to Zhuge Liang at all, and Zhuge Liang could not exclude Wei Yan. In fact, during the period when Zhuge Liang was in charge of shu Han, Wei Yan was not excluded, but was greatly used.

Why is it said that Zhuge Liang's exclusion of Wei Yan is just a misunderstanding?

During Wei Yan's reign in power, it can be said that he has made many military achievements, and Zhuge Liang also did not hesitate to reward Wei Yan, adding officials to the knighthood, and could not see a little exclusion. During Zhuge Liang's reign, Wei Yan was successively awarded the titles of Sima Xiang (丞相司馬), Liangzhou (梁州刺史), and later for Wei Yan's military merits, he was awarded the false festival, the Marquis of Zheng of Southern China, and the Grand General of Zhengxi. This was all a promotion that Wei Yan obtained during Zhuge Liang's time in power. It can be seen from this that Zhuge Liang, far from having great Yan Wei Yan, used Wei Yan extremely heavily, otherwise Wei Yan would not have had the opportunity to make so many contributions.

Another piece of evidence that Zhuge Liang did not exclude Wei Yan was that at that time, Wei Yan and Liu Yan were at odds, and Zhuge Liang's treatment as a chancellor was to make Liu Yan write a letter of apology to Wei Yan, which shows that Zhuge Liang was protecting Wei Yan. As for the famous Meridian Valley conspiracy in history, Zhuge Liang as the commander, Wei Yan is his general, Wei Yan should be dedicated, Zhuge Liang does not adopt it also belongs to his own considerations, it is normal, and it cannot be said that because Zhuge Liang did not adopt Wei Yan's plan, it can be said that Zhuge Liang was squeezing Wei Yan. At the beginning, Zhuge Liang also opposed Liu Bei's cutting of Wu, but Liu Bei did not listen, which can show that Liu Bei squeezed Zhuge Liang, and the failure of Wu to be isolated by the White Emperor, Liu Bei's most trusted zhuge liang.

Why is it said that Zhuge Liang's exclusion of Wei Yan is just a misunderstanding?

The cause of Wei Yan's death in history was also because of a struggle for power with Yang Yi, not a plan set by Zhuge Liang. Therefore, in real history, Zhuge Liang did not have any substantial evidence of excluding Wei Yan, saying that Zhuge Liang's exclusion of Wei Yan was mostly due to misunderstandings brought about by the description of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

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