
William and Kate: The details hidden in this New Year's photo are enough to illustrate their relationship

William and Kate: The details hidden in this New Year's photo are enough to illustrate their relationship

On their final day last year, Kate and William shared a photo on social media from the premiere of their bond film 007: No Time to Die. Accordingly, a royal expert told The Mirror that the photo was full of symbolism.

Saying goodbye to 2021 has put a sigh of relief on the British royal family. The highlight of the past year has been the death of Prince Philip at the age of 99, the "shelling of the royal family" by Meghan and Harry, who "left the UK", and of course, the prosecution of Prince Andrew for his involvement in the Epstein scandal. Will 2022 bring good luck to the British royal family? Obviously, every member of the British royal family wants this! At this point, the Queen seems to have set the tone and shared her wishes for the new year on her official Instagram. It is important to note that, as in her previous Christmas address, the Queen said nothing about Harry and Meghan.

William and Kate: The details hidden in this New Year's photo are enough to illustrate their relationship

Analysing the reasons, first of all, the two are no longer senior members of the British royal family, and it is a complete waste of words to mention them; the most important thing is that, in view of their past bad deeds, the last thing the queen wants to hear now is the news related to the two, let alone mention their names that make her feel "obscure".

Again, with a formal statement like this, the Queen will of course only cheer up those who actively defend the monarchy, and as for Harry and Meghan, they have been disqualified.

William and Kate: The details hidden in this New Year's photo are enough to illustrate their relationship

In contrast, Kate and Prince William received high praise from the Queen. It must be said that sooner or later William will ascend to the throne. Therefore, his and Kate's role is very important. On December 31, 2021, Kate and Prince William took to their Instagram accounts to wish monarchy-champion royal fans a Happy New Year. The two shared a photo they had previously taken at the premiere of bond's film 007: No Time to Die. The future King of England wears suits and bow ties, while the future Queen wears a gold dress. The author has noticed that such an image has been described many times by British newspapers as: "A charming couple, happy and firmly in love with each other, they are as deeply in love with each other as they were on the first day." ”

"These are very personal smiles"

William and Kate: The details hidden in this New Year's photo are enough to illustrate their relationship

Judging from the relevant reports, this picture has obviously been deciphered by experts invited by the British media. In an interview with The Mirror, body language expert Judy James said Kate and William symbolized "the future of the monarchy" and that they looked "in love, strong and happy". In her opinion, the photo is just a snapshot that "reminds us of some intimate photos of the couple, as they used to sit in the back seat of a limousine after a party" and ".

In this photo, the two tilt their heads toward each other, and Kate places her hand affectionately on her husband's hand. Most importantly, they were all smiling at each other. Most importantly, they all laughed a lot. Judy James explains: "It's a very personal smile for those of us in the audience, there's a shared sense of excitement in their eyes, there's real joy and joy in their smiles. While the couple caused a stir at the premiere of 007: No Time to Die, the photo taken backstage showed "their true feelings." It doesn't get much more true than that!

| Liang Ishikawa

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