
The Eighth Route originally wanted to ambush the puppet army, but the Japanese army did not come to grab the credit, and was shot by all the angry traitors

In 1940, the second year of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression turning into a protracted war, the Japanese army invading China was unable to cope with the pressure of the two battlefields at the same time, both frontal and behind the enemy lines, and had to withdraw its main force from the frontal battlefield, changing the Kuomintang government to mainly lureing and surrendering, while concentrating its forces to carry out a large-scale sweep of the anti-Japanese base areas behind our enemy lines, in an attempt to eliminate the anti-Japanese armed forces behind the enemy lines in a short period of time and turn the occupied areas into its military stations and logistics bases.

The Eighth Route originally wanted to ambush the puppet army, but the Japanese army did not come to grab the credit, and was shot by all the angry traitors

In June of that year, the Japanese army in the north of Shandong once again swept away our base area. In order to strike at the enemy, the 9th Company of the 3rd Battalion, 8th Regiment, 6 detachments of the Jilu Border Military Region, led by the battalion commander, forced troops from the base area directly into Shanghe City, which was located on the edge of the enemy-us-tug-of-war, at dawn one day, and arrived at a village camp 14 kilometers southwest of Shanghe City.

The Eighth Route originally wanted to ambush the puppet army, but the Japanese army did not come to grab the credit, and was shot by all the angry traitors

▲ The sweeping Japanese army cooked and ate the chickens in the homes of ordinary people at will

This village is a fortress village in my guerrilla base area, and about 150 people of the 5 brigades of our Lubei detachment are stationed in the village, and most of the more than 100 cadres and fighters of the brigade are locals, there are many new recruits, and the equipment is also very general, so the combat effectiveness is not strong. The cadres of the detachment reported the enemy situation to the commanders of our field troops, and the enemy of large units has now temporarily withdrawn to the strongholds, but the puppet troops in the Guankousi stronghold in the marginal areas of our base areas often raid and burn the base areas under the command of their squad leader Bai Laoba, and the masses hate this puppet army to the bone, and the threat to our local troops and grass-roots political power is also very great.

The Eighth Route originally wanted to ambush the puppet army, but the Japanese army did not come to grab the credit, and was shot by all the angry traitors

This so-called Bai Laoba was the younger brother of Bai Yuting, the puppet army squadron leader of the Guankou Temple stronghold, these 2 brothers were originally local bandits, and after the Japanese army came, they immediately defected to the devils and became traitors. Bai Laoba was young and vigorous, acting recklessly, because he had his brother covered, no one looked down on him, and with bai Yuting's additional increase in firepower for his squad, this boy was even more oblivious, and often threatened to wipe out the local anti-Japanese armed forces.

The Eighth Route originally wanted to ambush the puppet army, but the Japanese army did not come to grab the credit, and was shot by all the angry traitors

After understanding the situation, our army was determined to cooperate with the local troops to destroy this arrogant puppet army in order to deter other puppet army units. Our army is determined to arrange ambush circles in the village near the camp, which is not large, only more than 40 households, but there are relatively strong walls around the village, and there is a drainage ditch on the outside, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Our army ambushed in the ditch with some troops, mainly attacking the Japanese army, while the rest of the troops were ambushed on both sides of the road, and 5 brigades acted as "bait".

After the deployment was made, our army immediately arranged for the internal line to give Bai Laoba a "ventilated message," saying that there were many Tuba Roads in the village, and there were not even machine guns, and it was estimated that they were going to camp here. Bai Laoba was overjoyed, and while gathering his troops, he reported to the "Imperial Army," but he was so earnest that he did not wait for the Japanese army to move, so he commanded the puppet army to pounce on our ambush circle.

The Eighth Route originally wanted to ambush the puppet army, but the Japanese army did not come to grab the credit, and was shot by all the angry traitors

When the local troops who were tasked with enticing the enemy arrived, they opened fire, and when Bai Laoba saw that our army's firepower was not strong, he ordered the troops to fiercely fire at our army with the fire of light machine guns and grenadiers.

At this time, the "imperial army" in the stronghold arrived, and Bai Laoba did not dare to compete with Taijun for merit, so he had to be aggrieved and searched for our scattered fallen personnel in the back according to the orders of the devils, while the Japanese army, pseudo-police, and pseudo-police troops drilled all the way along the avenue into the ambush circle of our army.

After the 9th Company and other enemies all entered the ambush circle, they immediately fired fiercely, hitting the Japanese puppet army with a sudden death and wound, and the puppet police and puppet army that followed the Japanese army immediately collapsed and scattered and fled, and the Japanese army was crushed by the firepower of our army on the main road, and could not retreat, and there was no hidden place on the flat road, and finally this squad of Japanese troops was completely destroyed, and only 1 squad leader was seriously injured and did not die, and was able to escape.

The Eighth Route originally wanted to ambush the puppet army, but the Japanese army did not come to grab the credit, and was shot by all the angry traitors

The japanese squad leader who fled back to the Jiyang stronghold complained to his superiors, saying that Bai Laoba was "a communist", and the devils were furious, and immediately gathered 1 squadron to surround Bai Laoba's squad, ordered them to disarm all of them, and then shot all the puppet troops below Bai Laoba. After that, the puppet army at the Guankou temple stronghold lost all morale and could no longer perform tasks, forcing the devils to transfer a new batch of puppet troops from other places.

Editor/Zhou Hongxin

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