
Why is Wang Yangming called a saint? In addition to the "Yang Ming Mind Study", there is also his wisdom in dealing with the world

"There is nothing outside the heart, there is no reason outside the heart" I believe everyone has heard of it, which is a typical idealism. I believe that speaking of this, everyone understands who the Ming Dynasty figures we are talking about in this issue are. Yes, he is Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming), and we also call his idealistic ideas Yangming Mind.

Why is Wang Yangming called a saint? In addition to the "Yang Ming Mind Study", there is also his wisdom in dealing with the world

Wang Yangming

Wang Shouren, born in 1472, left in 1529 in a crane. He was a famous minister of the Ming Dynasty and a great philosopher. Because he built a room in his hometown of Yangmingdong in his early years, he was then called Mr. Yangming, a native of Yuyao, Zhejiang.

Wang Yangming, a rare sage in Chinese history, who made a statement and made meritorious deeds, his life was a legend, young rebel but became a great instrument, a scholar can use soldiers, but he can create a mind study, and his influence will not be until five hundred years later. Wang Yangming is not only quite accomplished in philosophy, but also a model for posterity in terms of merit. He not only did not fear the persecution of traitors, but also used a short time to quell the rebellion of the Ming Dynasty's King Ning, and his merits were remarkable to future generations.

Why is Wang Yangming called a saint? In addition to the "Yang Ming Mind Study", there is also his wisdom in dealing with the world

Former residence of Wang Yangming

Wang Yangming was born from the Shuxiang family, and he also entered the academy early. One day, a child who was shaking his head and reciting it asked the teacher, "What is the first thing in the world?" The teacher saw that the little child had such an understanding, and replied with a smile: "Of course, the first thing is to study well and get a meritorious name." Only to see the four-foot child retort, "In my opinion, the first thing in the world is to be a sage!" This sentence is the road he will take in the future. This also laid the foundation for his future sage path.

Throughout the ages, there are not a few sages who have perished in the long river of history. As a sage, Wang Yangming can be passed down to this day, in addition to his high learning and sages, his wisdom is also not easy.

Why is Wang Yangming called a saint? In addition to the "Yang Ming Mind Study", there is also his wisdom in dealing with the world

In 1505, the Zhengde Emperor succeeded to the throne. This emperor can be said to be idle all day, not asking about political affairs, mixing with a group of eunuchs every day, paying no attention to state affairs, and indulging in alcohol and absurdity. As a result, the great politics of the DPRK were almost controlled by the grand eunuch Liu Jin, and he also allowed Liu Jin to let him come.

Liu Jin fox fake tiger power, the government is very bad, all officials with conscience are distressed, but most of the officials choose to inflame and follow the trend. In the winter of the first year of Zhengde (1506), more than 20 people, including the upright officials Dai Qiao and Bo Yanhui, wrote to the Zhengde Emperor demanding that Liu Jin and his gang be severely punished, but they were put on death row.

Wang Yangming was the head of the military department at that time, and he was even angrier when he saw Liu Jin's behavior. So he also made a bold decision to risk his life to defend the officials with others, hoping to free them. After the Zhengde Emperor saw it, he only felt that this was some trivial matter, so he handed it over to Liu Jin to deal with. When Liu Jin saw that these people actually wanted to fight with him, he couldn't help but resent Wang Yangming and others. He immediately ordered Wang Yangming to be beaten to the forty boards and moved to Longchang, Guizhou, as a post with no grade. Despite this, Liu Jin still did not want to spare Wang Yangming, and he secretly sent people to follow Wang Yangming and prepare to kill him on the way.

Why is Wang Yangming called a saint? In addition to the "Yang Ming Mind Study", there is also his wisdom in dealing with the world

Liu Jin

When Wang Yangming traveled to the Qiantang River, he encountered a killer sent by Liu Jin. Faced with this dangerous situation, he was in a hurry, and he jumped into the water at night and left his clothes on the shore to create the illusion that he had committed suicide by throwing himself into the river. Perhaps too realistic, the government and his family believed it, looking for his body in the Qiantang River, and for a long time, they still wept about him by the river. Unbeknownst to everyone, Wang Yangming absconded to Fujian, wanted to hide his name, and after this life, he was worried about affecting the safety of his family, so he had to find a way to avoid being pursued and killed, and went to Guizhou to take up his post. Later, Liu Jin fell, and Wang Yangming was revived.

Wang Yangming is not only brilliant in wisdom, but also has no concessions in military ability. In 1519, Zhu Chenhao, the King of Ning, who lived in Nanchang, raised an army to rebel. The long-planned King of Ning organized an army of 100,000 people, down the river, ready to take Nanjing in one fell swoop and establish himself emperor. Due to the urgency of the situation, Wang Yangming, who was then the governor of Gannan Province, was ordered to block the attack.

Why is Wang Yangming called a saint? In addition to the "Yang Ming Mind Study", there is also his wisdom in dealing with the world

Wang Yangming stabilized the rebels

Wang Yangming thought about it for a long time and felt that the method of encircling Wei and saving Zhao could have a miraculous effect. Therefore, he led his troops directly to attack Nanchang, the old lair of King Ning, which really gave King Ning a problem. King Ning could not take care of both the head and tail, for the sake of the overall situation, he still chose to lead a large army to aid Nanchang, and the two sides fought a big battle on Poyang Lake.

During this period, Wang Yangming ordered that the death card with the words "Chenhao rebelled, the crime cannot be blamed; the assistants, etc., who held this board, abandoned the dark and cast the light, did not blame the past" were thrown into Poyang Lake. Later, the rebels were almost all in one piece, and the military mutinied. Zhu Chenhao looked up at the sky and sighed: "Good Wang Shouren, with my family affairs, Why bother with this!" In this way, in just over 30 days, a rebellion that endangered Jiangshan Sheji was almost extinguished between Wang Yangming's conversations and laughter.

But what Wanwan did not expect was that Wang Yangming quelled the rebellion that might change the dynasty, and not only did not receive a reward, but instead caused himself a disaster. The Zhengde Emperor felt that the palace was too boring, and happened to encounter the rebellion of king Ning, and wanted to ride the royal conquest, feel the war, and experience the feeling of fighting. However, he did not expect that Wang Yangming would put down the rebellion so quickly, believing that Wang Yangming had destroyed his plan, and could not help but be angry. More officials took the opportunity to fan the flames and framed Wang Yangming, so that Wang Yangming had to let go of King Ning and then let the emperor capture King Ning, and this farce was over.

Why is Wang Yangming called a saint? In addition to the "Yang Ming Mind Study", there is also his wisdom in dealing with the world


When Wang Yangming saw this situation, he no longer had the luxury of asking for any rewards, it was already very good to be able to save his life, and his career had also fallen into a trough once and for all. Since then, Wang Yangming's career has also been tepid.

In 1529, Wang Yangming died of illness in Qinglongpu Wharf, Dayu County, Nan'an Province, Jiangxi. A generation of sages has also come to the end of their lives, but his Yangming Mind Science has brought ideological enlightenment to the world and paved the way for the ideological development of future generations!

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