
One Chinese character a day - bed

Bed chuáng, daily necessities for people to sleep, generally used in bedrooms.

One Chinese character a day - bed

Today we come to know the word chuáng.

【Glyph evolution】

One Chinese character a day - bed

The oracle bone character is like a erection, the ancients did not sleep on the bed, except for the patient, so the oracle bone is written as "", like the shape of the patient lying on the bed. The characters are close to the later pieces of glyphs, and in order to avoid confusion, Jin Wencai gradually added the wooden characters on the side to write "牀". The Warring States script, seal script, and calligraphy are derived from the golden script. The standard writing bed of the Ministry of Letters should be from Guang, Bed. In the six books all belong to the form sound.

【Calligraphy Masters】

One Chinese character a day - bed
One Chinese character a day - bed

【Definition of words】


(Shape sound.) From wood, pán sound. Meaning: sitting apparatus)

The bedside house leaks out of nowhere, and the rain feet are like numbness. ——Du Fu, "The Song of the Hut Broken by the Autumn Wind"

When Amu heard this, the gavel became furious. —— Han Le Fu "Peacock Flying Southeast"

Bed shape

Lai Zhihe harvested, has felt bad bed note. ——Du Fu's "Three Songs of Qiangcun"

A flat or shelf for placing utensils.

Such as: piano bed, printing bed


For quilts, etc.

Such as: two-bed quilt; One bed cover

【The Story of the Word】

East bed belly

One Chinese character a day - bed

Pronunciation: dōng chuáng tǎn fù

Explanation: Refers to the son-in-law

Source: Southern Dynasty Song Liu Yiqing's "World Speaking New Language YaLiang": Smell to find a son-in-law, salty and self-reserved; only Ichiro lies on the east bed, if not smelled.

One Chinese character a day - bed

Allusion: In Jingkou (京口, in present-day Zhenjiang, Jiangsu), Xi Taifu sent a doorman to the palace with his own handwritten letter to Wang Chengxiang to choose a son-in-law. After wang Cheng xiang saw the letter, he said to this doorman, "You go to the East Wing Room and choose at will!" After the doorman went to the East Wing Room to see it, he rushed back to the Mansion and said to Taifu, "All the sons of Wang Cheng xiang are worthy of praise." I heard that I chose a son-in-law for you, and they all pretended to be extraordinary, and there was only one young man, lying on the east bed with his belly exposed, as if he had not heard of such a thing. Taifu said, "This is the best son." Taifu Jianjian inquired and investigated him, and it turned out to be Wang Xizhi, so he married his daughter to him.

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