
Fujian's earliest jinshi Ouyang Zhan

Feudal society practiced the practice of opening up science and taking scholars, which was the qingyun road for readers to enter the body, and it was also the most concerned immortal event in society. In the feudal era, Fujian was full of talents, and the earliest and most famous jinshi was in Quanzhou, who was the famous poet Ouyang Zhan of the Tang Dynasty.

As we all know, Fujian's development was relatively late compared with the Central Plains, and the rise of the reading atmosphere was also relatively late, and there were not many people who ascended to Kedi before the Tang Dynasty. In the early tang dynasty (780 AD), when Chang Gong was serving as an observer envoy in Fujian, he opened township schools, encouraged literary style, and vigorously developed education, and the number of reading talents gradually increased. Ouyang Zhan grew up in this environment.

Fujian's earliest jinshi Ouyang Zhan

Ouyang Zhan Zi Xing Zhou, living in Panhu, Jinjiang, studied in the Quanzhou area. Since childhood, he has been bright and studious, and as long as he sees a piece of scenery to see on the rock side of the waterfront, he is too happy to be happy. Slightly older, like to ask chapters and sentences with people, meet the wind and moon, often shout and groan, for a long time can not be released, so soon by Chang Gun's favorite, extended as a guest, often accompanied by him to watch the collection, inseparable, so that the study is growing day by day.

Later, he became friends with Jiang Gongfu, the prime minister who was demoted to Quanquan, and was more determined to learn, and once studied with Lin Zao and Lin Yun in the Guiyan Cave of Qingyuan Mountain. With the encouragement of his elders and the same year, he bid farewell to his hometown, boarded the road of Kodi, entered the high school, and was on the same list as the famous literary scholar Han Yu, known as the "Dragon and Tiger List".

After Ouyang Zhan zhongjinshi, the people of Quanzhou learned from the atmosphere of great prosperity, and the successive generations of Dengkedi continued to travel. In the Tang Dynasty, there were 15 jinshi in Quanzhou, 9 in the five generations, and in the Song Dynasty, it entered its heyday, with a total of 862 jinshi. In this regard, Zhu Xi once wrote a couplet to be prosperous;

Career through the state, Min HaiXian to open the luck;

Article Hua Guo, Wen LingJia broke the sky.

In the Yuan Dynasty, because the Mongol rulers discriminated against the Han Chinese, there were very few Dengkodi. It was not until the Ming and Qing dynasties that a second climax appeared. In the Ming Dynasty, Quanzhou sent 599 soldiers, and from the Qing Dynasty to Qianlong, there were also 175 people, if even after Qianlong was counted, it may be comparable to the Ming Dynasty.

This article is selected from the Quanzhou Historical and Cultural Center series "Talking about Quanzhou"

Fujian's earliest jinshi Ouyang Zhan

Original content of Quanzhou Historical and Cultural Center

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