
After his legs were blown off, he drew his sword and killed himself, and the last letter to his wife was tearful

"Hundred battles meritorious to the rivers and mountains, double loyalty to the great festival to strengthen the Central Plains."

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, this memory that cannot be forgotten, is a history that every descendant of Yanhuang should remember. The scale of this war is staggering, and this war is also the ordeal of "three thousand years of great changes" in the land of China. In this fourteen-year war, tens of millions of people have been displaced, and as far as the eye can see, the hot soil on which we depend is devastated. But it is also because of this war that the gradually sleeping descendants of Yanhuang have awakened indignantly, so that countless young people with lofty ideals have gone out of their homes and taken to the streets and into the front line to defend their homeland.

After his legs were blown off, he drew his sword and killed himself, and the last letter to his wife was tearful

In this war, countless martyrs have emerged, and their lives are as wonderful and short as the brilliant fireworks that rise suddenly, but they are gorgeous and illuminate the world. Many martyrs even have no name or surname before they die, and there is no way to prove their way after death, and they even rush to the country without even confessing their last words, and their loyal hearts shake the universe and swallow mountains and rivers. And those martyrs who left their last letters were generous and fearless in their writings, and they read them very well.

After his legs were blown off, he drew his sword and killed himself, and the last letter to his wife was tearful

After his legs were blown off, he drew his sword and killed himself, and the letter to his wife was tearful, and the owner of the letter was Qi Qi.

In 1941, the year was the most difficult time in the anti-Japanese turning point, on May 10, the Japanese army and our army met in Wufujian on a narrow road, and at this critical moment, Tang Huaiyuan, commander of the Third Army, announced the final order, that is, "the gun is in the hand, the sword is in the waist, and the order is not to be obeyed by thieves." "After leading the team to hand over to the Japanese army, we began an extremely cruel hand-to-hand combat, because the Japanese army was well equipped, even the guns were equipped with bright and dangling bayonets, and the only thing we could rely on was short swords and short guns.

After his legs were blown off, he drew his sword and killed himself, and the last letter to his wife was tearful

Immediately afterward, the crazy Japanese army continued to attack the Mizutani Dolo Heights, and the division commander Inch Sex Qi led the rest of the army to continue the resistance, at this time due to the fierce fire of the Japanese army, Inch Sex Qi was unfortunately shot in the chest, and he gritted his teeth and fought bloody battle despite the pain. On May 13, the Qi's troops were circling with the enemy army without the advance of Dimi, and the continuous resistance made the soldiers quite tired, but at this moment there was no way back, "Ji is to win glory for the country, and it is not good to die." And the division commander, Inch Sex Qi, dragged his seriously injured body to the end. Due to the loss of the high ground, Cun Sexqi moved to Maojiawan with the rest, but Maojiawan had long been surrounded by treacherous Japanese troops, and if he wanted to defend the highlands, he could only break out of Maojiawan first.

After his legs were blown off, he drew his sword and killed himself, and the last letter to his wife was tearful

At this time, inch sex qi has lost too much blood, coupled with several days of exhaustion, his face is pale and bloodless, but still insist on leading the team and leading the soldiers, in the fierce battle, inch sex qi unfortunately shot in the left leg, below the thigh is blown by the bomb to be blurred with blood and flesh, at this time he is like a piece of paper in the wind, fragile to blow down as soon as the wind blows, but he is as strong and unyielding as steel. After looking around at the wound for a week, he was no longer in pain, and made the fastest decision in the shortest possible time, that is, he ordered the regimental commander to break out of the Huangxian Valley when the enemy was not ready, and left the last letter that made mankind have a purpose: "My leg is broken, don't worry about me; I am determined to martyr the country to preserve the national character." After finishing his words, he drew his sword with the remaining strength and committed suicide.

After his legs were blown off, he drew his sword and killed himself, and the last letter to his wife was tearful

The battle was so fierce that the enemy army was stunned, and the Third Army led by Inch Sexqi was known for its tenacious combat and the strength to never accept defeat. The final result of this battle was that none of the soldiers present retreated, and they all stayed where they were, and they went forward and fought bravely to kill the enemy, and finally died on the battlefield and martyred the country.

The old father of inch sex Qi, Inch Dajin, is also a well-known figure in the local area, his old man is the former Qing Tengyue garrison, the official residence wupin, long-term guard of the border pass, "inch family one door more soldiers", the news of the sacrifice of inch sex Qi spread to Tengchong, this eighty-year-old father listened to it and held back his grief, said three "good" words in a row, the son served the country and died where he deserved, he as a father in addition to heartache, the rest is only gratification.

After his legs were blown off, he drew his sword and killed himself, and the last letter to his wife was tearful

In May of the following year, that is, in 1942, the Japanese army attacked Yunnan and occupied Tengchong, and the 88-year-old Mr. Dajin, knowing that he was too old to serve the country, in order to avoid falling into the hands of the Japanese army, trembled and went out of his house and settled in the landing ping, leaning on a nearby pine tree to hunger strike for seven days and seven nights, and died with hatred. And the other two sons of Inch Dajin, who were also the younger brothers of Inch Sex Qi, Inch Sex Lu and Inch Sex Fu, all died heroically in the battle, and it is true that they are loyal and fierce, and the heavens and the earth can be revealed.

After his legs were blown off, he drew his sword and killed himself, and the last letter to his wife was tearful


Today's land of China has long since dissipated the haze and is full of vitality, but those revolutionary martyrs who died for the country and died for the great righteousness of the nation are still hanging high in the hearts of every descendant like a mirror in the foreground, so that we can always remember the shame and cultivate morality with a straight body. And General Inch Qi, who has been buried in the blood-colored Tengchong who gave birth to him, in the Yingtianbi Tree, the General's mausoleum stands majestically, the side of the town is water and soil Antai, and the statue of his father, Mr. Inch Dajin, is also silent not far away. Future generations will not forget, the things of the predecessors, only by remembering, can we continue to move forward.


Genealogy of Heroes and Martyrs

"Anti-Japanese Famous Generals"

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