
To prepare the sour and spicy belly soup

author:Pure between teeth

Ingredients: tripe, wood ear, shallot, ginger, coriander, ham, pepper, cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, vinegar starch

Preparation steps:

1. Slice the cooked tripe you bought first

2. Then blanch the water in a pot for about 5 minutes

3. Cut the ginger into strips to a suitable amount and set aside

4. Cut the green onion into strips and set aside

5. Cut the fungus into strips to spare

6. Cut the ham into strips to a suitable amount and set aside

7. Finely chop the parsley and set aside

8. Bring an appropriate amount of water to a boil in a pot

9. Pour in the tripe, fungus, ham, ginger and green onion in turn

10. Then add salt, pepper, chicken essence and cooking wine to taste

11. Stir well in a small bowl with an appropriate amount of starch and vinegar

12. Cook all the spices for about 5 minutes and let them taste

13. Then pour in the prepared water starch and stir well

14. After boiling, pour a little sesame oil and chopped coriander and turn off the heat and pour out

To prepare the sour and spicy belly soup

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