
What was the Gun Method of the Japanese Army in World War II? Anti-Japanese War veterans tell the truth behind it: "Three Shots of japanese troops"

History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-respecting. ——Yu Qiuyu

In 1937, when the War of Resistance was in full swing, a Chinese machine gun shooter named Jia Shanming was wounded by a bullet and carried off the battlefield. 80 years later, the veteran resolutely returned to the remnants of the position despite his 98-year-old age, and he wanted to see the battlefield again. The author still remembers a conversation by the elderly Jia Shanming: "Is the Japanese soldier's marksmanship powerful?" "The gun is very accurate, not afraid of death, a strong rush upwards." Jia Lao recalled that at the end of the fight, they used the corpses of the Japanese army as "sandbags" and set up machine guns to strafe.

What was the Gun Method of the Japanese Army in World War II? Anti-Japanese War veterans tell the truth behind it: "Three Shots of japanese troops"

Japanese sniper

"Not afraid of death and fierce", this is the impression of the Chinese army on the Anti-Japanese battlefield on the Japanese soldiers. In fact, the Red Army, which had fought the Japanese once, also commented on it - "it is like fighting a group of crazy people" and "it is like fighting a bunch of madmen." Poisoned and indoctrinated by long periods of militaristic education, the Japanese infantry was trained as combat machines, and in them, madness and cunning were concentrated. By the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Japanese recruits had generally received about 2 years of military training and had excellent stabbing, bomb throwing and shooting skills.

What was the Gun Method of the Japanese Army in World War II? Anti-Japanese War veterans tell the truth behind it: "Three Shots of japanese troops"

Japanese machine gunners

However, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Chinese army also had many veterans who had fought on the battlefield, and their battlefield experience and combat technology level were comparable to those of ordinary soldiers of the Japanese army. In addition, at that time, a large number of young people joined the army and took to the anti-Japanese battlefield, and most of them were trained to become excellent soldiers. Therefore, when the all-out War of Resistance broke out in 1937, the individual combat capabilities of China and Japan were not much different. However, due to the gap in equipment, the combat ability of the Japanese infantry is still better than that of the Chinese infantry.

What was the Gun Method of the Japanese Army in World War II? Anti-Japanese War veterans tell the truth behind it: "Three Shots of japanese troops"

Japanese troops attacking the city

Let's take the 38 rifle as an example, this rifle at the beginning of development, it specifically took into account the relatively short physical conditions of the Japanese infantry, so the use of small-caliber bullets to reduce recoil to improve shooting accuracy; in addition, the 38-type rifle is equipped with a longer bayonet, etc. These are to meet the Japanese Army's tradition of attaching importance to stabbing and accurate shooting. At the same time, the Chinese army drew on the experience of the German army in World War II and adopted a 7.92 mm rifle cartridge, which ensured the power of the gun, but to a certain extent improved the difficulty of accurate shooting by soldiers.

What was the Gun Method of the Japanese Army in World War II? Anti-Japanese War veterans tell the truth behind it: "Three Shots of japanese troops"

The gun raised in the anti-Japanese drama does not consider recoil

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, there was a rumor that the so-called "three-shot Japanese army" was circulated, that is, if the Japanese army was ambushed after the first shot, it would judge the location of the shooter, the second shot would begin to aim at the ambusher, and three shots in a row might be killed by the Japanese army. It can be seen that the reaction of the Japanese army at that time was quite accurate and the marksmanship was quite accurate, not like the number of guns fired by the Japanese army in the current anti-Japanese drama did not hit the protagonist. Now the drama has stupidized the Japanese army.

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