
Red pepper stuffed lean meat

author:Live yourself with everything

(1) Raw materials

Pork fat lean 300 g

Golden hook shrimp 15 g

Large bright red root 500 g (12 pieces)

1 egg

Cooked lard 75 g

Wet starch 75 g

Sesame oil 1.5 g

15 g soy sauce

MSG 0.5 g

Fine salt 2 g

15 g of shiitake mushrooms in water

(2) The system law

(1) Fat and lean meat chopped into fine mushrooms, golden hooks, shiitake mushrooms cut into small grains, all put in the bowl,

1 egg, add fine salt (2 grams), soy sauce (5 grams), wet starch (35) and mix well to form the filling

(2) Wash the big red pepper, remove the seeds in the pedicle incision, pour the trap from the incision, cut into a 3 cm long tube, coat the incision with wet starch (25 grams), burn the cooked lard 750 grams (50 grams of actual consumption) to 70% heat, put the sealed red pepper into the oil, about eight ripe and fished out, buckle it with a bowl, and steam it in the basket.

(3) Put the wok on a high heat, add 25 grams of cooked lard, add broth (100 grams), soy sauce (10 grams), sesame oil (2.5 grams), monosodium glutamate, wet starch (15 grams) and boil to form a juice, cover the steamed red pepper stuffed meat on the plate (incision pointing upwards), and the juice is drizzled on top.

(3) Characteristics

Fresh and slightly spicy, it is suitable for the next meal.

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