
The ancient sweat and blood BMW was not produced in China? Can it really bleed and sweat when it runs?

War horses have played an important role in ancient Chinese history, especially in the era of cold weapons, if a general has a good horse, then he must be brave and fierce when he charges into battle. Speaking of high-class good horses, it is impossible not to mention the sweat blood BMW, sweat blood BMW is the most expensive horse breed in ancient times, the speed and endurance of this horse are superior, and there will be red sweat when running, so it is named "sweat blood BMW", many ancient horse lovers in order to get a purebred sweat blood BMW, even at the expense of the family, enough to see the prestige of the sweat blood BMW, but do you know, sweat blood BMW is actually not produced in China, and is a national treasure of a certain country! Which country is it? Please listen to the editor slowly!

The ancient sweat and blood BMW was not produced in China? Can it really bleed and sweat when it runs?

Sweat blood BMW is actually not produced in China, its original name is called Akhal Tejin Horse, native to Turkmenistan, is the national treasure of Turkmenistan, was introduced to China during the Han Dynasty, when Zhang Qian went to the Western Regions, found a good horse in the Country of Dawan, this horse speed and endurance are very amazing, far beyond the general horse breed, this horse jujube red mostly, when running violently, the neck will flow red sweat, so named "Sweat Blood BMW", Zhang Qian dedicated this horse to Emperor Wu of Han, Emperor Wu of Han very much like this horse.

The ancient sweat and blood BMW was not produced in China? Can it really bleed and sweat when it runs?

Ancient books often use "a day to travel thousands of miles, night travel eight hundred" to describe the sweat and blood BMW, although the books and books describe too exaggerated, but it does show the strength of the sweat blood BMW, according to historical records, the sweat blood BMW can run 150-200 kilometers a day, 1000 meters sprint only takes about 1 minute, such a speed can only be described as horror.

The ancient sweat and blood BMW was not produced in China? Can it really bleed and sweat when it runs?

It is said that BMW is equipped with heroes, and many famous horses in history who galloped on the battlefield were the heroes behind them. For example, the WuQi horse, the Wuxiao is the BMW of the Western Chu King Xiang Yu, the speed is extremely fast, like a lightning bolt on the battlefield, and it is very humane, when Xiang Yu Wujiang killed himself, the Wuxiao also sensed that the master's general trend had gone, leaving tears. Another example is Lu Ma, Lu is the war horse of Shu Han Liu Bei, Liu Bei liked this batch of horses at a glance when he first saw Lu, so Zhao Yun helped Liu Bei capture this horse and dedicated it to Liu Bei, and the story of Lu Savior is also passed down as a good story, "Lu made of horses is fast, and the bow is like a thunderbolt" is the best interpretation of Lu Ma.

The ancient sweat and blood BMW was not produced in China? Can it really bleed and sweat when it runs?

Although the Lu horse is extremely fast, but the bearing capacity is not good, once it is loaded with heavy objects, it is difficult to run fast, and the ancient charging warhorses will generally be draped in heavy armor, so the advantages of the sweat and blood BMW are difficult to reflect, so the sweat and blood BMW is only suitable as the general's mount, and the number of sweat and blood BMWs is extremely rare, and the blood is more and more impure, so it gradually withdraws from the historical stage.

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