
Liu Bei handed over Jingzhou to whoever was safest, but unfortunately this person had to enter Sichuan

The first half of Liu Bei's life was always in a situation of being crushed by Cao Cao, which can be said to be turbulent and displaced, until the "Three Gu Maolu" invited Zhuge Liang out, and his career began to change fundamentally. With Jiangdong in the Battle of Chibi defeated more than 800,000 Cao troops, with lightning speed, quickly took the four southern counties of Jingzhou, under the leadership of Zhang Songfazheng and others, singing a triumphant song all the way to the west, taking Xichuan, becoming a veritable hegemon.

As the saying goes, "things must be reversed", in 219 AD, when Liu Bei's army, which originally sat on the land of two rivers and occupied Hanzhong, sang a triumphant song, it suffered a huge blow. Guan Yu was defeated and killed at the Battle of Xiangfan, and the stronghold of Jingzhou had been occupied by Eastern Wu. This was simply unacceptable to Liu Bei, so he resolutely launched the Battle of Wu despite the opposition of Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun and others.

Liu Bei handed over Jingzhou to whoever was safest, but unfortunately this person had to enter Sichuan

Although the fall of Jingzhou was all Guan Yu's responsibility, who could bear this heavy responsibility? Could Liu Bei's other generals avoid Guan Yu's tragedy and successfully defend Jingzhou? The answer is very simple, except for the military master Zhuge Liang, no one else can.

Guan Yu carelessly lost Jingzhou

After Pang Tong's death, Liu Bei immediately ordered Guan Ping to go to Jingzhou for help, and Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and others also went hand in hand with the land and water, and together they went to Fushui Pass to meet the boss. Before Zhuge Liang entered the river, he pondered Liu Bei's thoughts and ordered Guan Yu to guard Jingzhou. The reason was that the lord ordered Guan Ping to send a letter, which was to let Guan Yu take on this heavy responsibility. Before leaving, Zhuge Liang repeatedly instructed Guan Yu to "east and Sun Quan, north to reject Cao Cao", and Guan Yu promised to keep it in mind. As a result, after Zhuge Liang left, Guan Yu, who had no restraints, exerted his arrogance to the extreme.

Liu Bei handed over Jingzhou to whoever was safest, but unfortunately this person had to enter Sichuan

Not only did he insult Sun Quan that "tiger women can marry dogs", but they also repeatedly bullied Zhuge Jin, Lu Su and other Eastern Wu pigeon factions, successfully dividing themselves from Eastern Wu. This was very dangerous, and in the end, Eastern Wu Sun Quan was humiliated, and cao wei came to a back and forth attack, ordering Lü Meng to cross the river in white clothes, and together with Cao Wei Cao Ren, Xu Huang and others to force Guan Yu into a desperate situation. In the end, Guan Yuning died unyieldingly, and the father and son were killed at the same time.

Guan Yu's defeat was defeated by not understanding politics, ignoring friendly relations, and turning friends into enemies. What about the abilities of the other generals under Liu Bei?

Zhang Fei

Liu Bei handed over Jingzhou to whoever was safest, but unfortunately this person had to enter Sichuan

Zhang Fei and Liu Bei Guanyu are brothers with different surnames. It is recorded in the book that Yu was kind to the pawns and proud of the scholars, and fei loved and respected the gentleman and did not sympathize with the villain. Unlike Guan Yu's "proud and not humiliated", Zhang Fei specializes in "respecting the doctor", willing to associate with celebrities, and never contradicting colleagues. This is exactly the opposite of Guan Yu. Therefore, Guan Yu sympathized with the sergeant, and Zhang Fei was good at communicating with celebrities, and could unite the inside more than Guan Yu.

However, although Zhang Fei had the record of defeating Zhang Gao in the later stage, in the final analysis, he was only a tiger general and did not have much strategy. Therefore, compared with Cao Ren Xu Huang and Lü Meng, it will still fall behind.

Ma Chao

After the Battle of Yemeng pass, Ma Chao surrendered to Liu Bei and officially joined the Shu Han clique. As a general who had just surrendered, Liu Bei could only be a deputy at most, and would not give him such an important responsibility. Not to mention that Ma Chao's wisdom is not high, and it is also one of the hard injuries.

Huang Zhong

Huang Zhong is actually more powerful, brave and strategic, but he is too old. In 219 AD, Guan Yudu was 58 years old, and Huang Zhong was already over seventy years old at this time, how could he take on such a heavy responsibility. How to resist the repeated attacks of Xu Huang, Pound and others.

Zhao Yun

Zhao Yun is estimated to be a popular candidate for Zhen Shou Jingzhou, after all, Zhao Yun is excellent in martial arts and thoughtful. Before entering Sichuan, Liu Bei asked Zhao Yun to take care of the young lord and entrusted the family to him. Can Zhao Yun defend Jingzhou? The answer is no.

Liu Bei handed over Jingzhou to whoever was safest, but unfortunately this person had to enter Sichuan

Lack of prestige

Although Zhao Yun was excellent in martial arts, even if a person could fight again, it was impossible to resist the two-sided attack of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu at the same time. Even if Guan Yu is proud, he is also Liu Bei's brother-in-law, and his prestige is worldwide. As the second in command of the Shu Han, Sun Quan could only stay away from him, first salute and then soldier. If he were to change to Zhao Yun, Sun Quan would not pay attention to him at all, and send a bodyguard to guard the city pool, it would definitely not work.

Insufficient strategy

Zhao Yun, although his image is very good, is a famous general who is often victorious. However, when it comes to marching and fighting, most of them obey orders and rarely take the lead alone. For example, during the Northern Expedition, Zhao Yun fought all his life, but was besieged by a yellow-mouthed widow Xiahou Shu, and if it were not for Guan Xing Zhang Bao's timely arrival, Zhao Yun would have died late.

Liu Bei handed over Jingzhou to whoever was safest, but unfortunately this person had to enter Sichuan

So who can guard Jingzhou? It is estimated that zhuge liang is the only one.

Zhuge Liang attached great importance to the safety of Jingzhou, and clearly put forward in the "Longzhong Pair": When the world changes, he will order a general to send the soldiers of Jingzhou to Xiangwan and Luo, and the general to lead the people of Yizhou out of Qinchuan. Therefore, Jingzhou, as one of the roads, must be firmly in its own hands.

Many friends who are familiar with the Three Kingdoms believe that Zhuge Liang is not good at military affairs and will only govern internal affairs. But how did Zhuge Liang, as "one of the famous generals of ancient and modern times", come about? Therefore, Zhuge Liang's military ability must not be ignored, just imagine using a quarter of the population, according to Sima Yi friction, fighting Sima Yi does not dare to fight, this is what ordinary people can do? Zhuge Liang settled in peace on the Fifth Road and foiled Sima Yi's plot, which was also a beautiful stroke.

Liu Bei handed over Jingzhou to whoever was safest, but unfortunately this person had to enter Sichuan

This place in Jingzhou was divided between the Eastern Wu, Cao Wei and Shu Han families, just like the situation of the Three Kingdoms. Zhuge Liang has always advocated "uniting Wu against Cao", and if Sun Quan sent Zhuge Jin to propose to him, Zhuge Liang would certainly agree with his mouth and make Sun Liu's alliance unbreakable. In this way, Cao Wei had no chance to plot against Jingzhou, and the direction of the history of the Three Kingdoms would change.

Unfortunately, after the death of Pang Tong, the fengyan master, Liu Bei was isolated and helpless, so he had to pause the plan to take Chuan and wait until Zhuge Liang came to march. Therefore, Shu Han lost due to the lack of talent, and there were too few generals on the single side!

The above information mainly refers to the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", welcome to leave a message to discuss!

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