
Liu Siqi remarried and gave birth to 4 children, in honor of Mao Anying, named the eldest son "Yang Xiaoying"

On October 14, 1949, Zhongnanhai was bustling with lights. With the approval of his superiors, Mao Anying and Liu Siqi were successfully married. In the elegant and atmospheric auditorium, the guests were full of joy and gathered around the two newcomers. As the eldest son, Chairman Mao had high expectations for Shore Ying. After years of grassroots experience, he has also become more mature. At the wedding, Mao Anying, dressed in a tweed coat (the old clothes of a great man), constantly toasted to the guests. Liu Siqi followed closely, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

Liu Siqi remarried and gave birth to 4 children, in honor of Mao Anying, named the eldest son "Yang Xiaoying"

For his daughter-in-law Liu Siqi, Chairman Mao was familiar with him. She is the daughter of Comrade Zhang Wenqiu and has experienced the education of working people since she was a child. Liu Siqi can endure hardships and work. During the years of the War of Resistance and Liberation, she was not squeamish, not picky, and had the spirit of taking on the responsibility of revolutionary sons and daughters. Therefore, Chairman Mao raised a glass to Zhang Wenqiu and said: "Thank you for raising a good daughter, and only then do we have a good daughter-in-law in the Mao family." ”

Lovers eventually become dependents

Liu Siqi and Mao Anying have been in love for many years, and along the way, the two have experienced many difficulties. In 1946, Mao Anying secretly returned to Yan'an. Under the arrangement of the great man, he went to the countryside to participate in labor. This high-caliber student who stayed in Su, he did not have any grievances. Concealing his identity, Mao Anying threw himself into the toiling masses. On weekdays, he specializes in picking dirty and tiring work to do, and reports his summary and thinking to Chairman Mao.

Liu Siqi remarried and gave birth to 4 children, in honor of Mao Anying, named the eldest son "Yang Xiaoying"

On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Mao Anying came to beijing machinery factory again. On the assembly line, he fumbled for a file, busy day and night. As the deputy director of the workshop, Mao Anying worked tirelessly and worked hard. He sweats, contributes his talents, and exercises himself. Every weekend, Mao Anying would write a letter to Liu Siqi. Although the two places were separated, his hot words still touched the girl. So, even the longest wait is sweet.

Once a woman is in love, she is the happiest. On October 15, 1949, Liu Siqi finally became Mao Anying's wife. On the first day, she appeared in front of everyone in a red coat. But she didn't know that this beautiful time was only one year.

Liu Siqi remarried and gave birth to 4 children, in honor of Mao Anying, named the eldest son "Yang Xiaoying"

In July 1950, war broke out in Korea. With the invasion of US imperialism, it was difficult for North Korea and China to have peace on the northeast border of China. Under these circumstances, Mao Anying was willing to rush to Korea and become a member of the volunteer army. On October 15, after lunch, Mao Anying solemnly told Liu Siqi: "This afternoon I am going to a far place, where communication is inconvenient, if you do not receive my letter, do not worry." ”。

Parting turned out to be a farewell

"Where are you going, and for how long?" Liu Siqi asked rhetorically, her eyes eager and uneasy, and there was a faint hint of worry. Mao Anying put his arm around her, comforted Liu Siqi with his broad shoulders, and continued: "It's okay, I will definitely come back as soon as possible." Before leaving, he also put forward three requirements: no matter what situation he encountered, he must complete his studies and not be in a hurry to work first; he had to go to Zhongnanhai every week to visit his father; and take good care of his younger brother Mao Anqing for him.

Liu Siqi remarried and gave birth to 4 children, in honor of Mao Anying, named the eldest son "Yang Xiaoying"

On November 25, 1950, a telegram arrived from the Korean front. Under the bombardment of the enemy, the Volunteer Command suffered heavy losses. In order to rescue confidential documents and maps, Staff Sergeant Liu (Mao Anying) unfortunately died at the age of 28. At that time, only Mr. Peng, Deng Hua, Hong Xuezhi and others in Zhisi knew his identity. Suddenly, everyone was grieving. When he saw the telegram, Chairman Mao's body trembled, he was stunned for a long time, and he could not even hold the cigarette butt in his hand.

The white-haired man sends the black-haired man, which is the greatest sorrow in eternity. When dealing with the aftermath, he wrote a poem: "Qingshan buries loyal bones everywhere, why should Ma Ge wrap the body back?" ”。 In this way, Comrade Mao Anying remained in the DPRK forever, and he also became a witness to the friendship between the Chinese and DPRK peoples. On the other hand, Chairman Mao did not tell Liu Siqi the truth about Kishi's death. He survived the painful nights alone, not wanting his daughter-in-law to suffer the same.

Liu Siqi remarried and gave birth to 4 children, in honor of Mao Anying, named the eldest son "Yang Xiaoying"

But after not receiving a letter from Mao Anying for a long time, Liu Siqi became more and more anxious in his heart. Every weekend, she would come to visit Chairman Mao, and finally she couldn't help but say, "Daddy, when will Kishi-young come back?" Upon hearing this, the great man was stunned again.

After a long time, he said slowly, "Si Qi'er, Kishi Ying has been sacrificed." In an instant, Liu Siqi felt that the world was falling apart. Her husband, whom she misses the most, has passed away, and how can she live alone?

Remarriage and have children will never be missed

The more Liu Siqi thought about it, the more painful it became, and finally he burst into tears. Under the persuasion of everyone, she held back her tears. Before leaving, Chairman Mao took out 3 sleeping pills from the medicine bottle and told her: "If you really can't sleep at night, take one." "This 20-year-old girl, the first time she experienced such a blow, the grief in her heart can be imagined. Half a year later, under the arrangement of the great man, Liu Siqi went to Moscow to study.

Liu Siqi remarried and gave birth to 4 children, in honor of Mao Anying, named the eldest son "Yang Xiaoying"

At Moscow University, Liu Siqi studied diligently and achieved remarkable results. In 1957, she returned to China and officially joined the workforce. Every weekend, she still came to Zhongnanhai to visit great people and perform the duties of a daughter-in-law. At this time, Chairman Mao began to open Liu Siqi's next marriage. In a conversation, he said tentatively: "Si Qi'er, you are still very young, the future is very far away, you can't live like this for the rest of your life." As the saying goes, young couples come and go. In the future, when I am old, I will also have a companion. Old and unaccompanied, so miserable! ”

Liu Siqi remarried and gave birth to 4 children, in honor of Mao Anying, named the eldest son "Yang Xiaoying"

Upon hearing this, Liu Siqi did not agree. But unable to withstand the persuasion of the people around her, she had to say her last request, that is, to go to North Korea to visit Mao Anying's grave.

In February 1959, just after the Spring Festival, Liu Siqi went to North Korea accompanied by his sister Shaohua. Without alarming the North Korean government, all expenses were spent from Chairman Mao's writing fees, and Liu Siqi fulfilled his wish for many years.

In 1961, through the introduction of Liu Zhen, deputy commander of the Air Force, Liu Siqi became acquainted with Comrade Yang Maozhi. The following year, the two completed their wedding and later had 4 children. The eldest son's name is Yang Xiaoying, and the "Ying" in it is to miss Mao Anying.

Liu Siqi got married, and Chairman Mao also put aside a piece of his mind. At the wedding, he sent Ye Zilong to send 300 yuan dowry money. Shore Ying is gone, and Liu Siqi is his daughter. As an elder, the great man also gave her more love.

Liu Siqi remarried and gave birth to 4 children, in honor of Mao Anying, named the eldest son "Yang Xiaoying"

Pension after 40 years

Fast forward 22 years. In 1990, Liu Siqi and others were invited to North Korea to participate in the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Korean War. After meeting the relevant leaders, Liu Siqi inquired about Comrade Mao Anying's "Certificate of Revolutionary Martyrs."

After returning to China, after organizational investigation, the relevant departments did indeed leak Mao Anying's "Certificate of Revolutionary Martyrs" and pension. Not long after, Liu Siqi finally received Mao Anying's "Certificate of Revolutionary Martyrs". According to Mao Anying's position in the Volunteer Army that year, he also paid a supplementary pension of 320 yuan.

Liu Siqi remarried and gave birth to 4 children, in honor of Mao Anying, named the eldest son "Yang Xiaoying"

In the 1990s, 320 yuan was equivalent to half a year's salary of ordinary workers, which was indeed a lot of money. However, Liu Siqi is obviously not the picture of this. In her eyes, the Certificate of Revolutionary Martyrs represents the glory of military families. As Mao Anqing's wife, she had a reason to find it. It's nothing else, it's just satisfying your own thoughts.

After decades of time, Liu Siqi's feelings for Mao Anying have never changed, which is touching.

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