
Salted fish eggplant pot, salty and soft sticky, super rice, delicious home cooking, so eat too fragrant

author:Ann with truffles

I have always liked the salted fish eggplant pot, it is a very special home cooking, the taste is very special, but the taste is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the salty aroma is under the rice.

Finally, I can't stand this foodie's heart, try it myself, it's not very complicated to do, you can try it.

Salted fish eggplant pot, salty and soft sticky, super rice, delicious home cooking, so eat too fragrant


2 long eggplant, 1 piece of plum salted fish, 1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, 150g minced meat, 5 cloves of garlic, a pinch of salt, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, pepper to taste, 1/2 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp starch.


1, cut the eggplant into strips, sprinkle salt and mix evenly, marinate for about half an hour, so that even if you do not need to fry, the water in the eggplant can be squeezed out, and it is healthier to eat;

2, the green and red pepper cut into pieces for later, salted fish chopped, garlic minced, this salted fish eggplant pot is best to use plum salted fish, other salted fish taste is not the same;

3, heat the oil pot, pour the oil of the normal stir-fry into it, like the oil can be appropriately put more;

4, fry the eggplant for a while, do not need to stir-fry especially frequently, fry until the eggplant is colored and soft, you can put it out for later;

Salted fish eggplant pot, salty and soft sticky, super rice, delicious home cooking, so eat too fragrant

5, the remaining oil of the fried eggplant into the casserole, put the chopped salted fish into the casserole and fry the incense, the salted fish smells a little smelly and eats fragrant;

6. Put the minced meat in a casserole to spread the oil, and spread the eggplant evenly in the casserole;

7, the soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, pepper, starch and half a bowl of water mixed evenly into the casserole, because the pickled eggplant let go of salt, so although the taste of their own appropriate amount of addition or not can be added;

7: Cover the casserole lid and simmer for about 5 minutes on medium heat;

8: Pour in the chopped green and red peppers, gently flip, turn the green and red peppers into the middle of the eggplant to taste, cover the lid and simmer for another 1 minute, collect the soup, open the lid and sprinkle some shallots to garnish and eat!

Salted fish eggplant pot, salty and soft sticky, super rice, delicious home cooking, so eat too fragrant

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