
Dawan Network Food Column - Teach you to make a Cantonese-style salted fish eggplant stew for eating

author:Great Bay Network

Eggplant in the home is almost used to make eggplant pot this delicacy every time, eggplant is not easy to absorb oil, and there is no taste, today Xiaocheng for everyone to share a few delicious methods of eggplant, vegetarian dishes are actually more delicious than meat dishes!

Dawan Network Food Column - Teach you to make a Cantonese-style salted fish eggplant stew for eating

Eggplant contains a variety of vitamins (A, B, C and P), of which vitamin P can enhance the adhesion between human cells, improve the resistance of microparticles to disease, and can prevent bleeding, which has a protective effect on tiny blood vessels. Therefore, eating more eggplant is very beneficial for patients with high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and so on. Chinese medicine believes that eggplant tastes sweet and cool, has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, activating blood diuresis, and reducing swelling. Eating eggplant often helps to enhance brain and nervous system function, promote wound healing, and prevent diseases such as hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

Dawan Network Food Column - Teach you to make a Cantonese-style salted fish eggplant stew for eating

『Vegetarian roasted eggplant』

Ingredients: 400 grams of eggplant, 5 grams of fungus, 25 grams of winter shoots, 25 grams of cucumber, 25 ml of soy sauce, 2 grams of salt, 15 ml of cooking wine, 5 ml of rice vinegar, 50 ml of soup, 25 g of starch, 500 ml of oil (about 75 ml), 10 g of minced garlic, 5 ml of sesame oil, a little bit of coriander.

Cooking Process:

1, wash the eggplant, change the knife to cut into slices for later; the fungus is soaked in warm water to soften, washed and torn into small pieces; winter shoots, cucumbers washed, also cut into small pieces.

Dawan Network Food Column - Teach you to make a Cantonese-style salted fish eggplant stew for eating

2: Take a small bowl and add cucumber slices, winter shoot slices, fungus pieces, soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, rice vinegar, soup and water starch to make a sauce.

3: Heat the oil on the pan until it is 70% hot, fry the eggplant slices until cooked through, and drain the oil.

4: Leave a little bottom oil in the pot, heat it on the fire, add the fried eggplant slices, cook the mixture and stir-fry evenly, add the minced garlic, drizzle with sesame oil, sprinkle with coriander segments, and put the pot on the plate and serve.

Dawan Network Food Column - Teach you to make a Cantonese-style salted fish eggplant stew for eating

『Ten Mile Fragrant Eggplant』


3 eggplant, 1 tbsp of bean paste, light soy sauce, salt, ginger and garlic, green pepper, chicken essence,

1, green and red pepper shredded, ginger garlic millet spicy minced, eggplant washed and changed to knife long strip;

Dawan Network Food Column - Teach you to make a Cantonese-style salted fish eggplant stew for eating

2, put a little more oil in the pot, put the eggplant on high heat after heating, add ginger and garlic after breaking the birth, continue to fry the eggplant soft, add a large spoonful of raw soy sauce, a large spoonful of watercress sauce and fry well, add a little salt (you can also not add according to your own taste to put chili pepper shreds on high heat to fry until the flavor, and finally add a little chicken powder, start the pot.

3. Start the pot and decorate the plate to enjoy the delicious food.

Dawan Network Food Column - Teach you to make a Cantonese-style salted fish eggplant stew for eating

『Fish eggplant stew』

Delicious ingredients for salted fish and eggplant pot: eggplant, salted fish, pork belly, Taoyuan Jianmin watermelon sauce, garlic, ginger, chives, starch, broth, soy sauce, soy sauce, aged vinegar, sugar, chicken essence.

1, we need to rinse the salted fish first, soak it in warm water, and then take it out, remove the big fish bones and large bones, and cut into small pieces;

Dawan Network Food Column - Teach you to make a Cantonese-style salted fish eggplant stew for eating

2, then we wash the eggplant, cut into slender pieces; wash the pork belly, and then cut into cubes; garlic after washing and cut into minced garlic, ginger into ginger, green onion washed and cut into chopped green onion and green onion;

Dawan Network Food Column - Teach you to make a Cantonese-style salted fish eggplant stew for eating

3, then pour the appropriate amount of starch into the small basin, and then put the eggplant strips into the starch, so that the eggplant strips are wrapped with starch;

4: Heat the oil in a hot pan, then put in the eggplant strips wrapped in starch, fry until the eggplant strips become slightly yellow, and then fish out the fried eggplant strips, drain the oil, and set aside;

5, take a clean soup bowl, add soy sauce, soy sauce, aged vinegar, sugar, chicken essence, stir well, make a sauce;

6: Heat the pan and heat the oil, add ginger, minced garlic and green onion to stir-fry; then add the chopped pork belly and salted fish pieces to the pot, stir-fry until even, then add the fried eggplant strips;

Dawan Network Food Column - Teach you to make a Cantonese-style salted fish eggplant stew for eating

7, and then pour the appropriate amount of broth, pour in the sauce that was previously adjusted, boil it on high heat, then turn to low heat, simmer until the soup becomes thick, you can; then pour the prepared salted fish and eggplant with the soup into the casserole, cover the lid, boil over medium heat, stir-fry evenly, hook the powder, wrap the tail oil out of the pot;

8: Plate and sprinkle some green onions to enjoy the delicious food.

Dawan Network Food Column - Teach you to make a Cantonese-style salted fish eggplant stew for eating


Eggplant after autumn has a certain toxin, it is best to eat less, especially diabetics should eat less before surgery and try not to eat eggplant.

The article is reproduced from The Great Bay Network, for more information, pay attention to the Great Bay Network:

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