
Salted fish eggplant pot, Hainan specialty dried red fish, eggplant absorbs the aroma of salted dried fish, the taste is soft and sticky

author:White Food Notes

Salted fish eggplant stew is a simple and home-cooked dish on the tip of the tongue. The main ingredients are dried red fish, eggplant, ginger garlic, millet pepper, and shallots. Teach the video oh by hand Click to open the teaching video

The pan-fried dried salted fish is full of aroma, and the eggplant absorbs the aroma of the dried salted fish, and the taste is soft and sticky, which is very delicious.

Eggplant nutrition is very rich Oh, (1) eggplant fiber contains vitamin C and saponin, has the effect of lowering cholesterol; (2) eggplant contains B vitamins on dysmenorrhea, chronic gastritis and nephritis edema also has a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect; (3) eggplant in vitamin P content is very high, every 100 grams of vitamin P 750 mg. It can enhance the adhesion between human cells, enhance the elasticity of capillaries, reduce brittleness and permeability, and prevent microvessel rupture and bleeding.

【Operation steps】

1. Salted fish soaked in clean water for half an hour and then washed and set aside

2. Wash and cut the eggplant, slice the ginger, mince the garlic, and cut the millet pepper into thin strips

Salted fish eggplant pot, Hainan specialty dried red fish, eggplant absorbs the aroma of salted dried fish, the taste is soft and sticky

3. Prepare the sauce and add oyster sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce and sugar to the bowl

Salted fish eggplant pot, Hainan specialty dried red fish, eggplant absorbs the aroma of salted dried fish, the taste is soft and sticky

#4. Stir-fry the ginger slices in oil and minced garlic, millet pepper, add the dried salted fish, stir-fry until the surface of the fish is slightly yellow, then add the eggplant strips, stir-fry for a while, pour in the prepared sauce, stir-fry evenly

Salted fish eggplant pot, Hainan specialty dried red fish, eggplant absorbs the aroma of salted dried fish, the taste is soft and sticky

5. Change the casserole to continue simmering, pour the salted fish eggplant into the casserole, then pour in the appropriate amount of boiling water, simmer on medium heat for about 20 minutes

6. Simmer until the eggplant is soft, and finally a little water starch is thinly coated, sprinkled with green onions and eaten


1. Salted dried fish contains salt, whether the sauce is salted, everyone try to eat as appropriate to add Oh

2. Salted fish must be fried and slightly yellowed will be more fragrant, and eggplant strips must be burned soft to make it more flavorful

3. Salted fish must be soaked in water to soften, can wash off the excess salt on the surface layer, to avoid salty salty fish eggplant

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