
Salted fish eggplant pot to do this, delicious next rice making steps:

author:Mother and baby sharers
Salted fish eggplant pot to do this, delicious next rice making steps:

In the hot summer, do you feel that you have no appetite for anything? Today I will introduce you to the next meal: salted fish eggplant stew.

Ingredients: eggplant, salted fish, minced meat, minced garlic, ginger slices, red peppercorns, green onions

Seasoning: salt, sugar, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, seafood sauce, water starch

Salted fish eggplant pot to do this, delicious next rice making steps:
Salted fish eggplant pot to do this, delicious next rice making steps:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > production steps:</h1>

1: Cut the eggplant into small strips and soak in light salt water to prevent discoloration.

2: Remove the bones of the washed salted fish and cut the fish into cubes.

3, the pot of oil to burn to 60% hot, put the eggplant, low heat frying for 2 minutes, fried eggplant will be more oily, you need to fish out the control oil, so as not to be too greasy.

Salted fish eggplant pot to do this, delicious next rice making steps:

4: Heat the oil in a wok, add salted fish, minced meat, minced garlic, sliced ginger, white green onion, red pepper grains, pour in a little cooking wine, and stir-fry well.

5: Add water, seafood sauce, bring to a boil over medium heat and add eggplant.

6: Add salt, sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce, stir-fry until flavorful, then add water starch and stir-fry evenly.

7: Put the sautéed ingredients in the pot into a casserole, put it on high heat, cook until boiling, sprinkle with green onions and you can get out of the pot.

Salted fish eggplant pot to do this, delicious next rice making steps:

Well, today's salted fish eggplant pot sharing is here. Do you have any other tips for how to cook salted fish and eggplant casserole? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area. We'll see you next time!

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