
In 1947, more than 200 wounded and sick people of the People's Liberation Army were transferred across the sea, and the dangers abounded.

In 1947, the Kuomintang army focused on attacking the Shandong Liberated Area

In March 1947, the Kuomintang army focused on attacking the Liberated Areas of Shandong, hundreds of thousands of troops came menacingly, large troops pressed the border, dark clouds were dense, all the counties and towns in Shandong were quickly occupied by the Kuomintang troops, and the situation was grim.

Before the enemy attacked, the chief was concerned about the safety of the wounded and sick, and ordered the field hospital to be quickly transferred, the hospital was not a combat unit, there were more altar jars and cans, there were many wounded and sick, and the transfer task was arduous. In order to preserve the backbone strength, the Shandong Military Region decided to transfer the wounded and sick cadres above the platoon level and retreat to the northeast liberated area.

The superior set up a temporary hospital, the task is to escort the wounded and sick cadres to the northeast, appoint Guo Yang as the director of the temporary hospital, he and the political commissar are veteran comrades with rich experience in struggle, and the young Xiao Liu is the deputy political commissar.

Xiao Liu, a former cadre of the New Fourth Army and later the deputy head of the Propaganda and Education Unit of the Jiaodong Independent Regiment, was hospitalized for recuperation because of illness. The field hospital was set up in Rushan County, and he was good at doing the ideological work of the wounded and sick, and had high prestige among the wounded and sick. This time, as the deputy political commissar of the temporary hospital, the specific matters were handled by Xiao Liu.

In 1947, more than 200 wounded and sick people of the People's Liberation Army were transferred across the sea, and the dangers abounded.

The Kuomintang army was fierce

The Kuomintang pursued the soldiers, and the people carried the wounded and sick to the road

In July 1947, the temporary hospital gathered more than 200 cadres above the platoon level, changed into plain clothes, each carrying a military blanket, a small number of medical personnel and first aid drugs, and set off in the direction of Weihai.

The lightly wounded walk on their own, the seriously injured have to be carried on a stretcher, and along the way, the local grass-roots party organizations are invited to find people, and young and middle-aged men can rarely be seen in the rural areas of Jiaodong, and only the old and weak women and children can help carry the stretcher.

The people were handing over one way at a time, and once, when they encountered trouble, the Kuomintang troops chased after them, and the distance was very close. When the party reached the next village, the people in the village ran away, and no one could be found to replace the people of the previous village.

Some people argue, and some say: The wounded cannot be left here, and they should continue to the next journey. Others say: We can only be sent here, we are going to fight, we have to return home to take care of our families.

Deputy Political Commissar Xiao Liu was extremely anxious and did the ideological work of the people. The minfu was still arguing, and an old man in his 50s stepped forward: "Everyone look at me!" He lifted his clothes and revealed his shoulders, the skin on which was pressed against the stretcher to the point of blurring flesh; he lifted his feet to show everyone, and walked barefoot, the soles of his feet full of blood blisters and blood holes.

Stunned, they continued to listen to him: "I am the oldest, can you have more difficulties than me?" The wounded and sick were left here, and the Kuomintang caught up with them, that is, to make the wounded wait for death. These people are fighting for our poor people, and they are our relatives. ”

The old man took the lead in lifting the stretcher, and everyone did not say a word, and followed him to continue. The old man's words educated the people, and the wounded and sick were also moved. There is a deep affection between the people of Shandong and the people's army.

In 1947, more than 200 wounded and sick people of the People's Liberation Army were transferred across the sea, and the dangers abounded.

Former migrant workers carried the wounded and sick of the People's Liberation Army

The sea journey is full of dangers and difficulties

The temporary hospital arranged for the wounded and sick to board the ship near Weihai, and Liugong Island was close at hand, only to hear the rumbling of guns and gunshots at sea. The scouts reported that the Kuomintang had four large warships and three small warships blocking the sea in this area, and it was difficult for ships to pass.

The hospital leaders made an urgent study and decided to let everyone get off the ship first. Some wounded and sick people have anxiety, thinking that now that they are running northeast by boat, unarmed, what should they do if they encounter danger?

Some of the wounded and sick demanded to return to their original units and go to the front to fight the enemy.

Some people refuse to move to the northeast, believing that they are far away from home and are not satisfied with the water and soil. The hospital sent a report to the superiors to reflect this situation, and the head of the military region issued an order: "If these cadres are not safely transferred to the northeast, the president and political commissar will all be removed from their posts and investigated." ”

Medical staff do ideological work, one by one to persuade. The current war situation in Shandong is grim, the conditions in the northeast are relatively good, and for the sake of safety, to preserve the cadres, it is necessary to move to the northeast and go to the rear area to treat the sick and recuperate. Repeated mobilization, finally the wounded and sick are willing to move with the team.

In 1947, more than 200 wounded and sick people of the People's Liberation Army were transferred across the sea, and the dangers abounded.

Nationalist warships patrolled

In order to ensure the safety of the voyage, the boat is from Vinh Seong Slang Island at night. In order to avoid the enemy's warships, the ship did not go straight to Dalian, but went around in a big circle and drove a long way in the direction of the Yellow Sea before turning around and turning to Dalian.

The ship they were on was originally used to carry cargo, and there was no roof on it, and people were crowded in the cabin. The boat shook badly at sea, and everyone was seasick and vomited. When the waves are strong, the waves splash into the cabin, and the clothes are wet. There were no toilets on the ship, and it was crowded, the defecation was in the pants, and the smell in the cabin was smelly.

After two nights and one day at sea, the wounded and sick persevered by tenacious willpower, did not eat or drink, and finally arrived at the port of Dalian.

At that time, Dalian was occupied by Soviet troops, and the hospital sent people to the shore to contact, and the Soviet army did not allow the wounded and sick to come ashore. The Soviets only gave the wounded and sick some brown bread and told them to leave quickly.

They had to drive to the Zhuang River near Dalian and stop at the Qizi Nest for many days. Here in the liberated areas of the northeast, the conditions are good. Due to the serious seasickness, everyone was like having a serious illness. Went ashore and recovered in a week. He boarded the ship again and continued on his way to Anton (Danton).

A telegram was sent from the superior, asking to escort the wounded and sick cadres to Tonghua. They boarded the boat again, drove from Andong along the Yalu River to Ji'an, and then turned overland to Tonghua, the garrison of the Liaodong Military Region, and went through the handover procedures.

During the war years, the enemy situation was serious, the wounded and sick were transferred, and there were many crises along the way, and the medical staff experienced hardships and hardships and successfully completed the tasks assigned by their superiors.

In 1947, more than 200 wounded and sick people of the People's Liberation Army were transferred across the sea, and the dangers abounded.

The Kuomintang troops set up a blockade line

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