
During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese army carried an old photo of the old lady on its back, why was it scolded?

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese army carried an old photo of the old lady on its back, why was it scolded?

Introduction: In August 1938, a photo appeared in the area occupied by the Japanese army in China. In the photo, a young Japanese soldier is carrying a Chinese woman on his back. The Japanese claimed that this was evidence of Sino-Japanese goodwill. They slandered the National Government as an ugly force that did not care whether the people lived or died, and at the same time glorified themselves as a righteous force to save lives and help the wounded. This photo was everywhere at that time, but all the Chinese people angrily scolded and shameless. It turned out that this photo was full of flaws, and it was a mask of japanese hypocrisy.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese army carried an old photo of the old lady on its back, why was it scolded?

You know, most of the old ladies in China at that time had the habit of foot binding. In the photo, the old lady has thick legs and deformed feet. Apparently, the old lady was brutally tortured by the Japanese army. Everyone speculated that the old lady's feet should have been discounted. After carefully observing the face of the old lady, she showed pain and affection, and her hands were unwilling to carry the shoulders of the Japanese soldiers. The old lady was so afraid, which was obviously afraid of the Japanese army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese army carried an old photo of the old lady on its back, why was it scolded?

Therefore, this photo is a pose taken by the Japanese army under duress and inducements. The Japanese army has always been well prepared, they beautify themselves as a division of justice, but they regard the Anglo-American countries as colonial powers. The Japanese top brass believe that the chinese people at the bottom are ignorant and ignorant, and they exaggerate the facts, which can cover up their acts of aggression. The Japanese underestimated the wisdom of Chinese, and we hundreds of millions of people will not be deceived. We dare to be angry and dare to speak out, walking in the streets and alleys, everyone will scold this hypocritical photo.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese army carried an old photo of the old lady on its back, why was it scolded?

On the other hand, China's anti-Japanese army has always been dealing with the enemy. The anti-Japanese generals brought this photo to the soldiers, and thousands of children and soldiers burst into tears. The old lady in the photo is the same age as their mother, and these Japanese soldiers are cruel and cunning, and presumably their families have not had a good life. This inspired the morale of the warriors, and everyone became more courageous when they encountered the enemy. As soon as the Japanese appeared, the various units rushed to fight. Although our army's weapons are relatively backward, the Chinese soldiers have the courage of an invincible team. The warriors all looked dead, and we managed to defeat our opponents. In August 1945, the Chinese army launched a full-scale counterattack. On August 15, the Japanese Emperor announced his surrender, and millions of Japanese troops were captured by us.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese army carried an old photo of the old lady on its back, why was it scolded?

Conclusion: There are clouds in the art of war, and there must be a name when going to war. From this point of view, the Japanese have indeed learned this set. However, the eyes of the broad masses of the people are shining. No matter how much the Japanese army beautified its aggressive behavior, they would not get a good end. People joined the army enthusiastically, and they fought bloody battles on the battlefield. Hundreds of millions of Chinese sons and daughters are united in their will. We work together. This created a brilliant victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan. These years deserve to be remembered forever.

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