
Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)


Record the life of the city with light and shadow Tell the story of the people with pictures————

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

One red and one yellow are bright colors

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

A nostalgic restaurant on a small street

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

Attracted a lot of customers

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

A red brick house in the past

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

Community health centers

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

A girl walked out of the shop with the words "Enter the store to take the initiative to scan the code to measure body temperature and wear a mask"

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

On the balcony of the residential building

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

Although the sun was shining on this day, the temperature was very low

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

Moms always relish talking about their dogs

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

"Zebra Crossing Civilization Line The most beautiful is courtesy"

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

Sewing stalls in residential areas

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

Riverside tea shop

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

Street food shop

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

A big mom who shops on a tricycle in winter

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

Nowadays, many small streets and alleys have such characteristic facades

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

A man lies in the sun on a dingping car

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

Old mailboxes and fire hydrants from the past and chargers now coexist at the same time

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

In front of the repair shop

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

Into the alley, a dog came up and stopped staring at me, and its owner was idly by

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

The old two are busy with each other

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

The old woman who guards the paving

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

Residents eating in front of the courtyard

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

"How Foodies Are Made" by the Wall Women

Yumuda | walking in the streets and alleys of Chengdu(2021.12.1—12.31)

A dwelling for a resident

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