
search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste

author:Chun An released
search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste

This weekend, Li Dong

The weather is getting colder

chafing dish

Did you arrange it?

search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste

In Chun'an

I believe that many people will choose

We feature it

Linqi warm pot

search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste
Fat and lean local pork, cooked soft rotten flavor! Taking advantage of the heat, pinch a piece into the mouth, soft rotten pork wrapped in delicious soup, fine rubbing between the teeth, and then softening into the throat, full of meat aroma still hovering between the mouth and teeth, the aftertaste is endless~ ~
search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste
search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste

Except for the warm pot

There are many more in Linqi

Food hidden in the streets

Let's take a look.~

Rice dumplings

search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste

"Jade dumplings attack fragrant thousands of boats, mugwort yellow wine can drive away evil spirits", dragon boat racing, mugwort leaves, drinking yellow wine, eating rice dumplings, are all traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. Among them, eating zongzi is a common must-have project for the people of the north and south, zongzi is not only eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival, but also more suitable for eating zongzi in winter, "colorful biyun dumplings, fragrant japonica white jade balls", happy gathering, eating dumplings, reminiscences.


search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste

Every morning, fireworks rise early, and a bowl of hot wontons always greets guests from their hometowns. Peel away the tiredness of a moment, then you can relax and talk about the taste of life. The finishing touch of a bowl of wontons is blessed with green onions, and you can smell a delicious taste just from the diffuse water vapor.

Qingming Ai Kun

search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste

If there is a kind of food that can retain spring and make the tip of the tooth full of fragrance, it must be none other than Qingming Mugwort. It is the smell of rice that never fades away on the tip of the tongue, the taste of spring that can be put in the mouth and chewed. The wisdom of the people makes the food that should only belong to spring satisfy people's taste buds throughout the year.


search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste

Baked cake stalls can be seen everywhere in Linqi Town, and in front of the stalls is always placed a cake oven tied with fir wood in the shape of a round table, and the charcoal fire in the stove is burned from morning to night. Freshly baked baked cake, the skin is crisp, the meat is delicious, wheat, meat, green onion, sesame, oil, after high temperature baking into one, the layer is extremely rich, a bite down, you can feel its burst of taste buds.

Corn kway

search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste

Corn kway is one of the most popular coarse grains in the local area, and many places have the custom of making corn kway to eat after autumn. In the cold winter, the corn is roasted on a charcoal fire, which will produce a rich aroma, and if it is combined with some curd milk to apply to the surface, it is the greatest satisfaction in one bite.

search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste

Human fireworks

The most soothing to the hearts of mortals

Come and enjoy

This coveted "fireworks" bar

search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste

Source: Linqi Town

Photo: Ye Yuyu Hu Guocheng

Editor: Lei Wang

Editor-in-charge: Jiang Zhirong

Review: Yu Qingmei

Compiled and distributed by Chun'an County Rong Media Center

search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste
search! These delicious snacks hidden in the streets and alleys are waiting for you to taste

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