
The "Red Butler" relies on the people's worries in the streets and alleys

author:China Jilin Net

"Folks, please minimize going out, pay attention to personal hygiene protection, wear masks, wash your hands frequently, and disinfect more..." In the Shuinan community in Xinzhou District, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, 71-year-old community resident Deng Songping wore a red horse clip with "Party Member Vanguard" written on it, holding a loudspeaker in his left hand, and guiding residents entering the community with his right hand to brush health codes, measure body temperature, fill in personal information, a whole set of processes, fast and efficient, all in one go.

Like Deng Songping, groups of volunteers wearing red horse clips are active in the streets and alleys of Shangrao City every day. Among them are old cadres, building chiefs, party members and cadres, and grid members, all of whom have the characteristics of "red thought, red identity, and red behavior", and community residents affectionately call them "red stewards". From coordinating the handling of neighborhood disputes, maintaining community law and order, and carrying out epidemic prevention and control, to water and electricity maintenance, sanitation cleaning, garbage transfer and small advertising cleaning of community buildings, as long as it involves community residents, these "red housekeepers" will appear at the scene at any time.

"The affairs of the residents of the community are complicated, complicated, and varied, saying that the big is not big, the small is not small, and it needs someone to take care of it at all times, it needs someone to do it, and it needs someone to coordinate and deal with it at any time." Qiu Jianying, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Shuinan Street in Xinzhou District, told the "Rule of Law Daily" reporter that under the leadership of party building, a vanguard team of party members led by community party members came into being, and they took the initiative to assume the role of "red housekeeper", "property team" and "waiter", actively participated in the governance of hot spots, difficulties and blind spots in the community, promoted harmonious coexistence among neighbors, and maintained community harmony and stability.

It is understood that in recent years, due to the lack of funds in some staff communities in Xinzhou District, there has been a phenomenon of "shutdown" without property and management in the community, and it is difficult for the comprehensive management of the community to become a thorny problem.

In order to completely solve the old and difficult problems of the governance of the old community, Xinzhou District adopts the "party building + happy community" model, builds a governance system promoted by the community (street), the participation of the "red housekeeper" of party members, and the self-management and self-care of the community industry committee, and combines multiple parties and strong hands to integrate the community (street), party members, properties, and grid resources from the source, so that the community governance is more warm, and at the same time, it also effectively resolves the difficult pain point problem of community governance "everyone wants to manage, everyone can't manage well".

Qiu Jianying said that the vanguard of "red housekeepers" party members throughout the urban area of Xinzhou has become a "practice station" for old cadres and old party members to participate in volunteer service, a "connection point" for neighborhood harmony, a "gathering station" for social conditions and public opinion, and a "bridge connecting hearts" for cadre-mass relations, which has effectively promoted grass-roots social governance and effectively promoted social harmony and stability.

Rule of Law Daily reporter Huang Hui correspondent Zheng Liang Li Shanming

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