
Do you think oyster fried is just a Taiwanese snack? There are many Fujian immigrants in Malaysia and oyster fried

author:Large order small elephant
Do you think oyster fried is just a Taiwanese snack? There are many Fujian immigrants in Malaysia and oyster fried

Oyster frying is not Taiwanese limited, it is very international! As the settlers followed, the territory expanded, and different regions interpreted oyster frying in different ways — some became "hot girls" due to migration, and some were suspected of being mutated by TV dramas. Oyster frying is the first step to understanding Chinese cross-border snacks.

From oyster frying to see the Taiwanese pulp powder complex

Do you think oyster fried is just a Taiwanese snack? There are many Fujian immigrants in Malaysia and oyster fried

According to a 2007 vision magazine sample survey of 1,000 Taiwanese people, it was found that oyster pan fried won the best representative of Taiwanese cuisine, and as long as there is a night market in Taiwan, there will be oyster pan fried stalls.

There is no doubt that the protagonist of oyster frying is oyster boy, but Taiwan is not necessarily, which is a very incredible thing in the country of oyster frying, oyster boy can be invited to the god of the main card. Some people feel that oysters are fishy, and there are many factors that are fishy, including the cost limits the quality of oysters, the lack of a good preservation mechanism, and the high requirements of Taiwanese for seafood freshness. However, they like oysters fried in powder and sauce, so Taiwanese can accept "don't fry oysters just fry", and occasionally hear someone ordering: "Boss, my oysters fry don't oysters." This has a unique name called "egg frying", because without oysters, only eggs, vegetables and powder pulp are left, and later shrimp frying and flower branches are also derived.

Do you think oyster fried is just a Taiwanese snack? There are many Fujian immigrants in Malaysia and oyster fried

Oyster frying powder to sweet potato powder as the mainstay, too white powder as a supplement, the early years of sweet potato powder sticky foot, the current sweet potato powder is not pure enough, but also mixed with too white powder to increase viscosity. Most Taiwanese people have a powder complex, where the noodles, mochi, powder, sweet potato round, cool round, etc., are made of plant starch, and rather than love to eat powder, it is better to say that they like elastic teeth, soft, slippery taste, more powerful example is pearl (powder circle), bubble tea is not only the king of Taiwanese hand-cranked drinking, but also popular in the world.

Is the oyster fry very flat? When I traveled all over the world, especially in the southern Fujian area to eat with friends, there were invariably oyster fried on the table, but it was not the oyster fry that Taiwanese knew, and the ratio of oysters and pulp was different from that in Taiwan, and these differences represented people's different interpretations of a food, which in turn affected the way it was presented.

By definition, oyster frying can be divided into two main factions: dishes or snacks, and one pie as both a dish and a snack. Chaoshan, Quanzhou, Hui'an, Chongwu, Putian and other places regard oyster frying as a dish; Taiwan, Zhangzhou, Singapore and other places regard oyster frying as a snack; Xiamen is the most special, both as a dish and as a snack.

Do you think oyster fried is just a Taiwanese snack? There are many Fujian immigrants in Malaysia and oyster fried

The emergence of oyster frying, in addition to people's eating habits, also reflects that the local waters can breed a large number of oysters.

Xiamen people eat oysters to see the hour?!

Do you think oyster fried is just a Taiwanese snack? There are many Fujian immigrants in Malaysia and oyster fried

Xiamen oyster frying is not only a snack but also a home-cooked dish, and home cooking means a closer relationship with people. Old Xiamen people will mix in the oysters into the cold porridge of the next meal to make oyster frying, cold porridge instead of too white powder sticky effect, there is a sense of fluffiness, it is best to use Longhai (belonging to the jurisdiction of Zhangzhou, bordering Xiamen) duck eggs, fragrant and not fishy.

Zhu Jialin, former editor-in-chief of Xiamen Evening News, said: "Our family eats oyster frying depends on the hour, the oysters are the fattest from New Year's Day to the lunar calendar, and the local area is also in the harvest period of purple skin garlic and sweet potatoes (made of sweet potato powder), the quality is the freshest, these are the indispensable corners of oyster frying, and it is the best time to eat oyster frying in a year." Oyster frying is still his nostalgia: "When I missed sea oyster frying (i.e., oyster frying) in Japan, I could only fry it with the famous Hiroshima Omi oyster, and I didn't understand the nostalgia at all." The oyster boy is not big, he only recognizes the small but fragrant oyster boy in his hometown.

Do you think oyster fried is just a Taiwanese snack? There are many Fujian immigrants in Malaysia and oyster fried

Traditional old Xiamen oyster frying is not added to the egg, since there is less powder makeup in the middle, then the plain face must come up with real skills, the freshness and quantity of the oyster must be obtained.

Xiamen restaurant practice, will be directly on the oysters sprinkled on the thin sweet potato powder (dry powder) under the pan frying, oysters themselves will come out of the water, do not need to adjust the water will become a powder pulp, encounter oysters and oysters stick to each other, pour some oil to push it apart, sprinkle garlic seedlings before the pot, stir twice and then start the pot, although the appearance is irregular, but to "stick to the pile, scattered". I have eaten oyster fry in restaurants in Xiamen, Hui'an Chongwu, Putian and other places in Fujian Province, with similar appearance and taste, and the oyster frying follows me like a shadow, which shows its popularity and also shows that it is regarded as a dish that can be used on the table in the local area.

Despite this, I still ate in Xiamen close to the Taiwanese version - oyster fry with powder and eggs, and the street famous shop "Lianhuan Sea Oyster Fry" can be used as a representative.

Xiamen descendants, but also Taiwanese celebrity chef Ke Junnian provided an explanation, in 2007 Taiwan TV series "Corner Meets Love" in the Chinese mainland hit, the plot appeared in Taipei Shilin Big Head Dragon Oyster Fry, affecting the impression of people all over China on oyster frying, believing that "sea oyster frying" has to be added powder and eggs to be considered authentic, evolving into the current situation of selling Taiwanese versions of oyster fry on the streets of Xiamen.

Do you think oyster fried is just a Taiwanese snack? There are many Fujian immigrants in Malaysia and oyster fried

Xiamen sea oyster frying may be influenced by Taiwanese drama and the practice may be adjusted.

To Malaysia became a hot girl

Do you think oyster fried is just a Taiwanese snack? There are many Fujian immigrants in Malaysia and oyster fried

As the immigrants from South China took root in Malaysia, especially in places where Fujian immigrants gathered more, it was easy to see the figure of oyster frying, and as a result, oysters became "hot girls" (huh?). ), the local oyster fry has two major characteristics: one is fried, the other is spicy.

Taiwanese fried oysters are usually fried by pouring slurry water on a heated iron plate, adding oysters and eggs to the paste to be formed, sprinkling vegetables before cooking, and pouring sauce on the table after serving. However, the Malaysian frying method is very special - oysters to oysters, fried to fry.

The first time I stood in front of the stall to see, I saw the boss pour a spoonful of white powder on the iron plate and stir-fry, then add eggs and stir-fry, and finally become a lump of egg frying, thinking that it was over? What about oysters? Only to see that the boss took a spoonful of oysters and peppers to fry separately, fried until the flavor, and then fried the eggs just fried on the pan, and then spread on top of the fried spicy oysters, unlike other regions with sweet potato powder as the glue for oysters, Penang is the two are processed separately, and finally combined.

And "spicy" is also a very important identification focus of Malaysian oyster frying, in addition to the chili sauce fried into the oysters, the table will also be served with chili sauce dishes, the older generation of people eat, chili sauce is not dipped, but all poured on the oyster fry, spicy and spicy. Many Chinese snacks in Malaysia have become "hot girls", which is related to the local hot climate, eating spicy to help freak out sweating, or affected by the spicy eating habits of friendly Malays, making oysters very hot. Overall, Malaysian oysters fry with many ingredients, stir-frying skills, and beautiful prices, which can be called restaurant quality and snack prices. This method reflects the local Chinese's earnestness and emphasis on tradition, and is not too affected by commercial factors to change the practice.

Do you think oyster fried is just a Taiwanese snack? There are many Fujian immigrants in Malaysia and oyster fried

In Chaoshan Province, oyster frying is a table dish with some exquisite dishes, known locally as "oyster sauce", and its specialty store dates back to the late Qing Dynasty, and the Zhangchao Guild Hall, which opened in Shantou in 1854, offers oyster sauce. "Oyster" is an oyster, "branding" is similar to frying, and refers to the cake made of water and starch stirred with the technique of frying, the powder pulp can not stick to the pan, to be able to gently shake the bottom of the pan around the circle, the crust is fried golden brown and then turned over, forming a soft outer crispy and soft round cake appearance. In addition to oyster branding, there are also common cucumber branding, tofu fish branding, etc., which can be eaten at the Chaozhou Restaurant in Hong Kong's Drunken Red House in Taipei, and the Tide Products of Shenwang Hotel have water melon pancakes (loofah branding).

Chaoshan oyster frying from the shape and taste are very exquisite, first, to be round enough, the color should be consistent, there can be no scorched white. Second, to control the heat, can not eat oil, eat to eat refreshing. Third, the number of oysters can not be stingy, it is best to eat fresh oysters in every bite. Fourth, the powder pulp should be eaten to achieve the taste of crispy on the outside and elastic teeth on the inside. Before serving, you should also sprinkle coriander, so that the heat of the oyster burn forces out the fragrance of the coriander, which can increase the selling appearance and go greasy. If you really want to classify it as oyster fried, it is a matter of two worlds, and the price difference is five to ten times.

Do you think oyster fried is just a Taiwanese snack? There are many Fujian immigrants in Malaysia and oyster fried

"Spicy" is an important identification point of Malaysian oyster frying, not only stir-fried into the oysters, but also served with chili sauce dishes. The picture shows the oyster frying in the Mei Yuan Tea Room in Penang.

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Do you think oyster fried is just a Taiwanese snack? There are many Fujian immigrants in Malaysia and oyster fried
Do you think oyster fried is just a Taiwanese snack? There are many Fujian immigrants in Malaysia and oyster fried

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Editor-in-Charge - Rita | Editor-In-Chief- Phoebe | Editor-In-Chief- Big E

※ Some of the pictures and videos come from the Internet, and the copyright of the pictures and texts belongs to the original author

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