
Demystifying the Yongzheng Dynasty: Nian Qianyao played chess with the shepherd boy before his death, why did he deliberately lose? What is the moral?

Nian Qianyao was a young man with ambitions, relying on the imperial examination, he was a 21-year-old middle soldier, and he served as the chief examiner of the township examination in Guangdong and Sichuan many times, which were difficult for people at that time to achieve, and even a lifetime was difficult to achieve, and he was already a hot figure at a young age.

Demystifying the Yongzheng Dynasty: Nian Qianyao played chess with the shepherd boy before his death, why did he deliberately lose? What is the moral?

In 1709, Nian Qianyao, who was less than thirty years old, was made the governor of Sichuan, ranking in the feudal territory, and became a political star that attracted much attention, which was both a good thing and a bad thing for Nian Qianyao. Saying that it is a good thing, if Nian Qianyao can restrain his own sharp edge and do things for officials and do things modestly and prudently, then this is an extremely rare platform, and he can make meritorious achievements.

Saying that it is a bad thing, Nian Qianyao is too young to be ranked in the feudal territory, which responds to an old saying of the ancients, "A young man has great misfortune in life." Nian Tangyao was a young man, and the spring breeze was proud of the horseshoe disease, and he was a little overwhelmed. Therefore, this young man who grew up in the family of an official eunuch was more ideologically free-spirited and more indulgent in his style, but he had not yet caused any great harm.

On the contrary, after he took office, he did some good things, taking the lead in refusing to accept the festival, so that the atmosphere in the Sichuan officialdom was new. His starting point is high, the momentum is good, and if he continues like this, he may become a good official. But he didn't hold on.

A rebellion broke out in Sichuan, and Nian Qianyao sent guerrillas to suppress it. At the end of the Kangxi Dynasty, Nian Qianyao repeatedly went to war and made great contributions to quelling the Gardan rebellion, gaining the favor of the Kangxi Emperor, receiving many rewards, and his official position was even higher, becoming the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu.

At this time, Nian Qianyao seemed to be more confident, but his self-confidence was to regard power as ability, the power in his hands was given by the Qing Dynasty, and after the combination of his ability and power, he established a meritorious deed, but he mistakenly thought that this was his own merit, and in the position of the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, he began to form a party for personal gain, which brought the disaster of killing himself in the future.

He was a man who grew up in a large feudal bureaucratic family, and from an early age he was pampered and habitual, and he developed a petite and domineering personality, coupled with the early fame of keju, the smooth career, and the young age of the young man, which further contributed to his sloppy style, and he looked down on the people around him.

After Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, he was even more fond of Nian Qianyao, and Nian Qianyao was ordered to quell the Luobuzang Danjin Rebellion in Qinghai, which made Yongzheng very happy, and even went so far as to call Nian Qianyao his "benefactor" in spite of the courtesy law of the emperor, and many things in the imperial court Yongzheng consulted with Nian Qianyao and actively listened to his opinions, so that Nian Qianyao had great influence in many things.

Demystifying the Yongzheng Dynasty: Nian Qianyao played chess with the shepherd boy before his death, why did he deliberately lose? What is the moral?

This further encouraged Nian Qianyao's arrogant style and secretly offended many court ministers. However, Nian Qianyao did not relent, but on the contrary, he was pampered and arrogant, and increased his inclination on bureaucrats at all levels, so as to amass wealth and expand his own clique.

Unconsciously, Nian Qianyao occupied the opposite side of all the ministers of the imperial court, and his authority had already made all the ministers feel threatened, and his great influence in the appointment and dismissal of personnel made the ministers of culture and military affairs of the imperial court hate him. His own behavior was also improper, impeaching others on the one hand, and taking bribes on the other hand. These circumstances must have been in the hands of others, so they became part of his incriminating evidence.

The direct cause of Nian Qianyao and Yongzheng's anti-purpose was some rumors, rumors that the emperor rewarded the counterinsurgency army to listen to Nian Qianyao's opinion, and also said that the disposal of Aling'a was also listening to Nian Qianyao's opinion. Yongzheng was very uncomfortable to be able to spread these rumors to Yongzheng's ears, and these rumors were certainly not spread by ordinary people, but were all the means of the ministers of the DPRK. Eventually, Nian Qianyao's arrogance led to Yongzheng's revenge, and Nian Qianyao was given to die in prison.

Demystifying the Yongzheng Dynasty: Nian Qianyao played chess with the shepherd boy before his death, why did he deliberately lose? What is the moral?

Yongzheng Dynasty middle-aged Tang Yao and children play chess, deliberately lose a game, in order to remind everyone, the arrogant character of Nian Xiang Yao finally understood, life in the world is a game of chess, do not have to worry too much about gains and losses, when you should pretend to be stupid, it has nothing to do with the grand purpose, do not hear "not stupid and deaf when you can't be everyone", Nian Tang Yao is too shrewd, too calculated, so there is no good end, and so it is too late to understand.

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