
The 100,000-strong army served as a dowry and gave birth to five sons to the emperor, and as a result, he lost his throne and fell into the name of the emperor

Liu Xiu was a folk emperor, and he was similar to the identity of the very talented ancestor Liu Bang. However, there is one thing that is different from Liu Bang, that is, there is a woman behind Liu Xiu who loves him deeply and silently dedicates herself to him. But Liu Xiu loved others in his heart and failed the life of the woman that Ming Media was marrying.

The 100,000-strong army served as a dowry and gave birth to five sons to the emperor, and as a result, he lost his throne and fell into the name of the emperor

In marriage, Liu Xiu is a typical phoenix man, and he has achieved later achievements because of marriage. At the height of his career, he abandoned his benefactor-like wife and even falsely accused her. So who is this bitter woman? What kind of fate does she have?

Guo Shengtong of Zhishu Dali

This person was Guo Shengtong, the first empress of Liu Xiu, who was also the first empress of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Guo Shengtong's mother was the daughter of King Zhending Gong, and Liu Yang, the King of Zhending, was Guo Shengtong's uncle. Guo Shengtong's mother, Liu Shi, married Liu Chang and had a son and a daughter after marriage.

The 100,000-strong army served as a dowry and gave birth to five sons to the emperor, and as a result, he lost his throne and fell into the name of the emperor

After Guo Chang's death, Liu raised her children alone, and the history books say that she was "polite and frugal, but her temperament was extraordinary, and she had the virtue of a good life." Under the influence of his mother, Guo Shengzhi Dali was a kind and extraordinary person

The process of establishing a dynasty

Although Liu Xiu was a descendant of Liu Bang, with the change of dynasties, the power of Liu Xiu's family was weakened from generation to generation, and his status also declined rapidly, and finally became a commoner in Liu Xiu's generation. Liu Xiu lost his parents when he was a child and has been living in a relative's house, he is also despised and excluded by his relatives and family, and his life under the fence has left a deep shadow on his childhood.

The 100,000-strong army served as a dowry and gave birth to five sons to the emperor, and as a result, he lost his throne and fell into the name of the emperor

Due to the failure of the reforms, the world fell into chaos after Wang Mang seized the Han Dynasty. Liu Xiu joined the rebel army in order to escape from a miserable life, but his team was rarely less than a thousand people. But he became the first emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, thanks to guo shengtong, the woman who loved him deeply.

Liu Xiu's eyes were on the powerful King Zhending at that time, so he found a lobbyist to persuade the King of Zhending to help him. Under the lobbyist's sugar-coated shells, Liu Yang, the King of Zhending, was willing to help Liu Xiu. But Liu Yang had a condition, that is, to marry his niece Guo Shengtong to him, and he would give 100,000 troops to help him complete his great cause.

In fact, at this time, Liu Xiu was actually married, and his wife was Yin Lihua, the woman he had always loved deeply. However, for the sake of his career and in order to be able to dominate the world, he still resolutely agreed to the conditions of the True King.

The 100,000-strong army served as a dowry and gave birth to five sons to the emperor, and as a result, he lost his throne and fell into the name of the emperor

When he got married, Liu Xiu was thirty years old, and Guo Shengtong, who was twelve years younger than him, could also be regarded as a condescending marriage. After having a powerful army, Liu Xiu went to the north, won many battles, and beat another powerful force to the ground, and no one dared to match it when he was the dominant side. After marrying Guo Shengtong, Liu Xiu not only had power and career, Guo Shengtong also followed him with a dead heart and gave birth to his first son, Liu Jiang.

Liu Xiu who crossed the river and demolished the bridge

Later, Liu Xiu won the final victory and established the Han Dynasty. When it comes to the issue of establishing an empress, according to the system at that time, he bore five sons and has been helping him behind his back, Guo Shengtong should have been made empress. However, Liu Xiu deliberately set up a childless Yin Lihua under his knees at that time, which was undoubtedly a great humiliation for the Guo family, the True Ding King, who had helped him.

The 100,000-strong army served as a dowry and gave birth to five sons to the emperor, and as a result, he lost his throne and fell into the name of the emperor

However, Yin Lihua rejected his proposal, and the ministers at that time firmly opposed it, and finally Liu Xiu was persuaded to make Guo Shengtong the empress of the Han Dynasty. Later, due to changes in the national situation and Liu Xiu's selfishness, Guo Shengtong was deposed. Later, Liu Yang, the King of Zhending, decided to resist, and although Liu Xiu did not harm the rest of the Liu family, he forcibly gave Guo Shengtong a false hat of "Lü Huo's Wind".

For the Guo family, Liu Xiu also used the "crooked door and evil way". He gave the Guo family a date and slapped the Guo family hard. After Liu Xiu killed Liu Yang, he pardoned the rest of the Liu family and gave Liu Yang's son the title of King zhending. These actions of his won the vigorous praise of later generations, so he was called the most tolerant emperor in history.

The 100,000-strong army served as a dowry and gave birth to five sons to the emperor, and as a result, he lost his throne and fell into the name of the emperor

Judging from the situation at that time, Guo Shengtong, who had children and had the style of a mother, was the only choice for Liu Xiu. But the "Wind of Lü Ho" made this innocent woman discredited and scolded by the world. Let Liu Xiu have a "bright and upright" reason for the abolition of the queen, and satisfy his own selfish desires.

Without the help of the Guo Shengtong family, Liu Xiu could not have transformed from a commoner to an emperor in a short period of time, and it was really a sparrow that flew up the branches and successfully became a phoenix. Liu Yang planned his life, but he did not expect to lift a stone and drop it on his feet. He dedicated the life of his niece Guo Shengtong to send troops to help Liu Xiu achieve great things. However, none of his children were reused in the imperial court, and his niece was later deposed.

The 100,000-strong army served as a dowry and gave birth to five sons to the emperor, and as a result, he lost his throne and fell into the name of the emperor

Seeing this, everyone may have a great change in their views on the benevolent and generous Liu Xiu. Now it seems that he crossed the river and demolished the bridge, turned his face and did not recognize anyone.


This bitter Guo Shengtong can also be regarded as sacrificing his own happiness for a lifetime. He did not argue or grab, instead of hating his husband for loving other women, he has been silently helping his husband, and he has not thought about it but wrongly paid for his life.

We should not hurt others for the sake of power and status or our own selfish desires like Liu Xiu, nor should we base our happiness on others. All men are created equal and should respect and help each other. No matter what it is for, in the face of temptation, we will always remember a sentence in our hearts, that is, "Giving people roses has a lingering fragrance in their hands."

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