
5 years of pregnancy was unsuccessful, and 3 months in the reproductive hospital ivy tube harvested good pregnancy

Since the implementation of the comprehensive two-child policy, many families have put the two-child plan on the agenda, and Ms. Zhao is no exception. She had always wanted to add a younger brother or sister to her first son, but due to physical reasons, it took her 5 years to get pregnant.

In the end, in the reproductive hospital, Ms. Zhao successfully obtained a good pregnancy in only 3 months, ushering in the long-awaited "children and daughters".

5 years of pregnancy was unsuccessful, and 3 months in the reproductive hospital ivy tube harvested good pregnancy

Fast forward to 5 years ago.

After giving birth to their eldest son, Ms. Zhao and Mr. Wang have always had the idea of having a second child, but the policy at that time did not allow it. So when the good news of the policy liberalization came out, the couple was very excited and began to prepare for pregnancy without stopping. Unfortunately, after working hard for a long time, Ms. Zhao's stomach has never bulged.

What went wrong? The couple agreed that there was no point in blindly waiting, so they decided to go to the local hospital for examination.

In the past six months, Ms. Zhao conducted 4 cycles of ovulation monitoring in the hospital, all of which were released, but guided the intercourse to not become pregnant. Because Ms. Zhao occasionally has a faint pain in the lower abdomen, she did another hysterosalpingogram on the advice of the doctor, which suggested that the distal end of the bilateral fallopian tubes was not adhesion.

The fallopian tubes are the conjuncts where sperm and egg fertilization combine and can trigger infertility if they do not pass. After further examination, it was confirmed that Ms. Zhao's fallopian tube blockage was more serious, and The quality of Mr. Wang's sperm was not as good as when she was young, and finally the doctor gave advice on doing IVF.

At the end of July 2020, after many inspections, Ms. Zhao and Mr. Wang chose to start their second ivory fertility journey at a well-known fertility hospital. The couple looked for an experienced doctor and hoped that through his help, they would get pregnant as soon as possible and achieve a happy family of four.

After the reception, the doctor first had a detailed understanding of the couple's situation, because the main cause of infertility lies in the fallopian tube factor, so the doctor developed a first-generation IVF technology fertility program for the couple. Since the examinations that the couple can do before coming to the hospital have been done in advance in the local hospital, they only need to do some necessary examinations now, which not only saves a lot of time, but also saves a lot of costs.

Soon, Ms. Zhao entered the induction cycle, and the doctor gave targeted drug treatment for her ovarian condition. Throughout the process of induction, Ms. Zhao is very active in cooperation, and her ovaries are also very powerful, and the response to ovulation drugs is very good.

In early August, Ms. Zhao obtained 15 eggs through egg retrieval surgery. After binding with sperm, multiple embryos are successfully obtained, in view of the large number of embryos, the doctor gave advice on the treatment of sacs, after all, compared to embryos at the cleft stage, blastocysts have better developmental potential, and the probability of successful pregnancy after transfer is also higher. The couple readily agreed, and then 8 blastocysts were successfully developed. However, since the thickness of Ms. Zhao's uterine lining after egg retrieval is not suitable for transplantation, all embryos can only be frozen first, and then elective IVF. After more than a month, Ms. Zhao nursed her body while cooperating with the doctor to prepare the endometrium.

At the beginning of October, the endometrium reached the transplantation standard, and the chief doctor personally transplanted a blastocyst for Ms. Zhao. After 12 days, the blood test hCG showed: 353.10mIU/ml, one test tube, successful pregnancy!

After 5 years, Ms. Zhao once again felt the wonder and beauty of nurturing life!

In June 2021, Ms. Zhao successfully gave birth to a daughter, completed her long-cherished wish for many years, and achieved the happiness and consummation of a family of four!

Looking back on the 3-month IVF process, it is not difficult to find that the reason why Ms. Zhao was able to get a good pregnancy so quickly and so smoothly is inseparable from her own efforts, and it is inseparable from the doctor's comprehensive analysis of the condition and the formulation of targeted plans.

If you are also struggling on the road to the second child and can't find the direction of a good pregnancy, you may wish to talk to the doctor at the reproductive hospital like Ms. Zhao, and maybe here you can also get the favor of a good pregnancy and usher in a cute baby. For more Ukrainian test tube information, please pay attention to Barbie Fruit!

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